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Nice Pics.....


Burnouts are fun :D




Thanks man. I hope I got you. There were so many Mauraders (love those cars)I didnt know who was who. I didnt see you guys run them a whole lot.




Barry handed me his camera and asked me to shoot his car when he brought it around. He said well at least you got a picture of it. I got his burn out and a launch. That was it. He he wouldnt have had his mishap I was going to pan him the next time around.


Do you know if he got his pictures up and where they might be viewed at if he did?

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Do you know if he got his pictures up and where they might be viewed at if he did?



I will give him a call and see if he has them up yet.


BTW - You better feel DAMN SPECIAL about using his camera....he won't even let me :( Granted, I have NO CLUE how to use it...but still :D


I think most ALL of the Burnout pics are mine and B's. Barry has a Spoiler, and the three other guys were running stock tires. Smoke is fun :thumbup:



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I would appreciate it. Dont go out of your way though.


I think it was a mutual thing. Guys that shoot have the feeling of other guys. He's got a $1200 camera. So do I. I had 3grand in glass in the truck, and another camera. He said here I dont really know you but I trust you. Can you get some shots of my car? Sure I said. Im not going anywhere. Its not like anyone else was walking around with two pro-cameras around their neck. He was a good guy.


Smoke is fun. I wish I could have had my car there. Broke a wrist pin. :(

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Very nice pics, Kev.


I kinda feel for Buck, though. My MS3 actually made it in one photo, my bro's SRT4 made 3 pics. Although they're not as exciting as Ant's Formula or the '07 Z06 or the SC Viper, is it really necessary to have those 3 vehicles to account for 25% of the pics? Even Turborust's 'Stang made quite an appearance. I'm not mad or bitter in the least as those cars doing burnouts and running faster times are obviously the larger attraction, but a few more of the little people wouldn't hurt :). Even the Evo's and WRX's were semi-scarce comparatively.



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Thanks man.


I could have swore I caught some of buck but I guess I didnt. Some of those guys moved to fast for me to frame up. Or I was at the wrong angle or wrong lense. You see in some of those shots I was shooting with a dep piece of glass and I cut the cars out. There really isnt any rhyme of reason to what I shot. To tell you the truth the only person I "really" knew there was Anthony. And two other guys but they didnt even have there cars there. As for corvettes and vipers. I friend of mine has an 07 Z06, and the neighbor across the street has a viper. No big deal to me. I did notice turborust was in "alot" of pictures. I guess I was looking for appealing shots. You have to take in to consideration, when I shoot Im shooting for my portfolios. Not necessarily a group or event. If my services are requested I will take multiple pictures of every car.


You had the black car correct?


I would like to state that Im sorry if I have offended anyone for not getting their car.

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Yeah, but like I said i'm not mad or disappointed or anything along those lines. Like you post suggests, I'm sure there's a lot of things that go into photography that a lot of people don't know about and therefore you can always get those picture-perfect shots and you don't really have time nor desire to worry about how many decent pictures you take of each vehicle and all that.


Besides, when taking pictures of cars at a track, there's not a whole lot of eventful stuff to catch in film. Even if you took pictures of the times, you wouldn't be able to tell what cars they were for. So all you really have to deal with are burnouts and launches, which a lot of the slower cars don't do.


I do really like those on-the-move photos. I'd love to see more of those at the Fall event. Again, very nice job and I can't wait to see more of 'em from future events.



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Thanks a lot man. I have to say it seems like you have a pretty good understanding of what goes on.


The pan shots are what I really enjoy doing. Like I said I had the wrong lens at the wrong time in a few places. I would have like to get many more. Pans are hit and miss more then any other shot. I will definitely be taking shots in the fall. Hopefully someone like Barry will be there so I can get some pictures of my car going down the track.

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Thanks a lot man. I have to say it seems like you have a pretty good understanding of what goes on.


The pan shots are what I really enjoy doing. Like I said I had the wrong lens at the wrong time in a few places. I would have like to get many more. Pans are hit and miss more then any other shot. I will definitely be taking shots in the fall. Hopefully someone like Barry will be there so I can get some pictures of my car going down the track.


Were you driving the red truck down the track?

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There's nothing wrong with adding another 20 pics of my car to my collection already numbering in the hundreds :D


Seriously, it takes a lot to be there trackside snapping pics the entire day. Kevin took a lot of time during and after the event to get these done, and fall will be that much better :)

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Were you driving the red truck down the track?


Yeah that was me. What a trip. The first pass I made I forgot the thing was in first gear, after doing the one wheelie peelie. The second was to retry. 17.1 in a 6300lb truck I didnt think was too bad. Just did it to screw off. Now that I wish someone got a picture of.

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I spoke w/ Barry. He said he has about 60 Pics or so. He said he SHOULD have them resized and up tomorrow. I believe the originals are good enough to be a 24" x 36" High Res Poster :thumbup:




I dont know how to do multiple quotes in one response.


Nice, sounds like he went through and picked them. When we were shooting together it seemed like he was taking just as many as I was. He was shooting at 10.2 mp so yeah. 24x36 would be a standard print.


I hoped over to the mauraderboard. Found it with luck and saw the pics he posted of the wrecker towing it away. Poor guy.

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Yeah I saw you in that thread. I was going to join but then I decided I wasnt worthy.


HAHA!!!! Nah...that community is the weirdest I have EVER seen. Folks help others...ALL THE TIME. You pop your motor...a fund begins to help you. You have issues, out of the woorwork come friends to help. Almost like a Family.




THIS community will eventually get there!!!!


JOIN UP! Let them know who you are are, and why you are there. You'll see....



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I have video of you, but ican't figure out how to save it on my hard drive from a dvd so I can edit out the commentary its not internet safe


It's cool. I brought my video camera but told my wife it wasn't worth it because I wasn't running nearly as good as I thought I would.. kind of a dissappointment. However, it was hot as fuck and I Just got my power tuner today so I get to play with that :).

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