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Family of girl, 12, sues after 'Brokeback' shown in class



WTF I would wonder why more people anit bitchen. The girl says she felt like she was confined to her seat.



If I was a student in that class I would have raised 10 kinds of hell. I have no fucking desire to watch a movie about gay cowboys.



Wow. Fuck all that noise.



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I'd be angry as hell. Showing a 12 year old an R-rated movie, especially one like this, is way out of line for a teacher. I've never seen the movie, but can anyone figure out what educational purpose it would serve? Damn substitute teacher like that should not be allowed to teach.
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fuckkkkkkkkkkk thatttttttt. i would have walked out if they had tried to show that when i was in school. +1 on the R rated movie and 12 yr olds. inappropriat no matter what the movie is about unless parents approved it and it was for educational purposes. i would be pissed if someone showed my 12 yr old ANY R rated movie without my permission.
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We watched R-rated movies in high school too, usually war movies or something with value, and we had to get permission slips signed too. But the article said it happened at an elementary school. Just can't understand what the hell that teacher was thinking...
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^^^ hahaha



I have nothing against the movie. It was an ok movie, but seriously, no R-rated movie should be shown in an elementary school. You wouldn't show Midnight Cowboy for the sake of showing it, its not like it was homosexual education class... Like people have been saying, I don't care if its gay buttsex or if its Samuel L Jackson saying "motherfucker" 20 times a minute, if they showed an R-rated movie to a 12 year old they better fucking get fired.

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If I was a student in that class I would have raised 10 kinds of hell. I have no fucking desire to watch a movie about gay cowboys.


when i was in high school i had no fucking desire to do ANYTHING, but that doesnt mean i didnt have to do it.



that being said, i dont think 12 year olds should be seeing R rated movies without their parents permission.

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Someone bought my brother that movie for his birthday and he got so pissed off that for 7 months now it still lays on a shelf in its plastic wrapping.



I say singe the teachers nipples, publicly; administered by fabio.

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Someone bought my brother that movie for his birthday and he got so pissed off that for 7 months now it still lays on a shelf in its plastic wrapping.



I say singe the teachers nipples, publicly; administered by fabio.

Fabio?! That's a little harsh.

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^^^ hahaha



I have nothing against the movie. It was an ok movie, but seriously, no R-rated movie should be shown in an elementary school. You wouldn't show Midnight Cowboy for the sake of showing it, its not like it was homosexual education class... Like people have been saying, I don't care if its gay buttsex or if its Samuel L Jackson saying "motherfucker" 20 times a minute, if they showed an R-rated movie to a 12 year old they better fucking get fired.

A lot of PG movies should not be shown. I had HBO Family and at first I thought that it would be good to have some family movies on HBO until I heard the language that was on a "Familly" channel. Even Ice Age 2 has a scene with bad language.

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On topix: That teacher had to be smoking crack, srsly.



Look I watched roots 8 million times. There was like 1 R movie that they showed us that I cant remeber right now but we had to get Permission slips. Maybe it was dances with wolves or something I don't remeber

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The movie itself, was not any good. The plot... not exactly all that exciting. The acting though, was VERY good. That was the whole point of the movie... to see people so awkard, awkard to play in, and awkward to watch, but still have a fanastic piece of theatrical art. I would never watch it again, but i cant say im sorry that i did.
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The pledge of allegence isn't aloud in schools but this crap is? WTF is wrong with this country.


That isnt allowed because of the words, "Under God"... seperation of church and state. Noware does the law state that you cant be gay, it just says you cant get married.

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We watched R movie a few times in high school. But damn this is a movie that most guys in the room should be opposed to. Teen years and shit bunch guys watching Gay sex scenes.


they never actully show ANY gay sex... you used your imagination to see what was next... a 12 year old with very litte if any knowledge of strait sex, wouldnt even grasp the consept let alone be able to imagine gay sex.

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I'd be angry as hell. Showing a 12 year old an R-rated movie' date=' especially one like this, is way out of line for a teacher. I've never seen the movie, but can anyone figure out what educational purpose it would serve? Damn substitute teacher like that should not be allowed to teach.[/quote']



Its about the artwork. We wathced Paton and Glory in 8th grade... Paton kicked ass... and had quite a bit of profanity, but it was a great movie about the war and the intelligence end of it... all the recorded battles shown. Very educational. Glory was more of a movie about racism during the civil war, not the last 10min where thousands got blasted to bits trying to take a fort on a beach. It was a very controversal subject being the "n-word" was used SEVERAL times. But you learn something from it.


As you "can" from Brokback Mountain. Its not really about homosexuality, its about two best friends who find themselves with feelings for eachother that are new to them and exploring them, and how it effects each of thier worlds. How homosexuality is treated in small rural towns in the western communities. If you think about it, its the same way small southern towns still treat racism and the civil war... its the same message, different context.. rather brilliant.

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