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Atheist Billboards To Debut During Holidays


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How many do you want? We have the Crusades, the Spanish inquisition, Hitler and the Jews, there are MANY more. Hell, click on the link that jeremygsxr posted - not only do you get to hear a good tune, it's got an interesting slideshow with quotes taken directly from the Holy book.

Unless you were just being a smartass...

Edited by JRMMiii
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A couch to lie on? Nah, accepting something based on faith without evidence seems to be more along the lines of needing therapy. I love how the old argument comes up about how atheists really don't "get" the message of the Bible. Since there are multiple churches that interpret everything a little differently, it's a tossup as to what everything really means. Hence the division and not the unity that religion should be encouraging. Every culture that has ever existed has had beliefs concerning god, immortality, and the like. They are not the same. See, I'm a Catholic and I'm going to Heaven and not you because you don't belong to my church. Sorry, there is just no excuse to cause the deaths of babies, especially if you're God and know ahead of time, being all-knowing, that Pharaoh would tell Moses to take a hike. Plus God hardened the heart of Pharaoh BEFORE Moses asked him to let his people go. Perhaps the outcome might have been different if Yahweh stayed out of it...

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A couch to lie on? Nah, accepting something based on faith without evidence seems to be more along the lines of needing therapy. I love how the old argument comes up about how atheists really don't "get" the message of the Bible. Since there are multiple churches that interpret everything a little differently, it's a tossup as to what everything really means. Hence the division and not the unity that religion should be encouraging. Every culture that has ever existed has had beliefs concerning god, immortality, and the like. They are not the same. See, I'm a Catholic and I'm going to Heaven and not you because you don't belong to my church. Sorry, there is just no excuse to cause the deaths of babies, especially if you're God and know ahead of time, being all-knowing, that Pharaoh would tell Moses to take a hike. Plus God hardened the heart of Pharaoh BEFORE Moses asked him to let his people go. Perhaps the outcome might have been different if Yahweh stayed out of it...

I would throw out the challenge for you to read the books of Genesis and Exodus then we can really talk about this issue properly. If you have not read either of those books recently, then you are going to be hurting for the facts on the recorded situation. The God of Moses is the "I am". He will make the final say in the end. It's only for a time that this earth will remain on the path it's headed. I will gladly defend the true, living God. God is not a child/baby killer. Read Jeremiah. He hates when people distort the truth and serve idols. In Jeremiah they were sacrificing their children to idols, and burning them. God hates distortion of truth, but he has given us a choice in this world. He will be the man to face at the end. Take it or leave it.

With Respect,


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I have a question>>>> Why do we ask others to pray for our friends when they are sick in the hospital, or they have just lost a baby? Who are you praying to if you don't believe in God? How is a god you don't even know going to hear your prayers?

I am puzzeled by reading about this here on the board. I have prayed for both of the situations w/ true sorrow. They need our prayers.

I am sick w/ the flu and have a burning fever. I am going to sleep till I am well enough to stomach more conversation. Peace

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pray - (prā)

v. prayed, pray·ing, prays

v. intr.

1. To utter or address a prayer or prayers to God, a god, or another object of worship.

2. To make a fervent request or entreaty.

v. tr.

1. To utter or say a prayer or prayers to; address by prayer.

2. To ask (someone) imploringly; beseech. Now often used elliptically for I pray you to introduce a request or entreaty: Pray be careful.

3. To make a devout or earnest request for: I pray your permission to speak.

4. To move or bring by prayer or entreaty.

[Middle English preien, from Old French preier, from Latin precārī, from precē, pl. of *prex, prayer; see prek- in Indo-European roots.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

So I will say "I pray that you get stary feeling better."

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There are opinions about things and there's someones faith. Completely different.

It's quite rare for most atheists to discuss religion (or lack thereof) -- why would you talk about something that doesn't exist (in their minds)? Usually, it's the Christians that want to tout their "opinions". So, I think the reality is much more the other-way-around than your hypothetical, magifesq.

Justin, I won't judge your life experiences, didn't want to go back play by play and give you my life history, so I'll just illustrate the point with this example that occurred in my HS:

Theory - Evolution - Charles Darwin and other scientists have a theory, a guess, a hypothesis supported by other theories about observations in nature.

Theory - intelligent design - theory of intelligent design - supported by other scientists christian, muslim, atheists and others as well.

Evolution was taught as fact in the curriculum @ Madison High School in Mansfield during normal classroom hours, intelligent design discussion had to be scheduled after school but not on the classroom time.

Before this whole thread goes down in flames - I'm just illustrating a point that all I ask for is parity and more often than not many voices get heard over the Christian that's all, no hate for anyone, just expressing my life experience not simply some bitterness or hypothetical.

Edited by magifesq
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Justin, I won't judge your life experiences, didn't want to go back play by play and give you my life history, so I'll just illustrate the point with this example that occurred in my HS:

Theory - Evolution - Charles Darwin and other scientists have a theory, a guess, a hypothesis supported by other theories about observations in nature.

Theory - intelligent design - theory of intelligent design - supported by other scientists christian, muslim, atheists and others as well.

Evolution was taught as fact in the curriculum @ Madison High School in Mansfield during normal classroom hours, intelligent design discussion had to be scheduled after school but not on the classroom time.

Before this whole thread goes down in flames - I'm just illustrating a point that all I ask for is parity and more often than not many voices get heard over the Christian that's all, no hate for anyone, just expressing my life experience not simply some bitterness or hypothetical.

Intelligent design isn't a theory and isn't supported by any scientific community. You should really learn what it takes for something to be considered a real theory. You're not helping your self here.

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Intelligent design isn't a theory and isn't supported by any scientific community. You should really learn what it takes for something to be considered a real theory. You're not helping your self here.

+1 intelligent design is based in religion...evolution based in science. Science is not infallible and it is probably impossible to ever prove or disprove the existence of god. Evolution is the most likely scenario and until proven otherwise I'm going to believe that.

While in school I went to a debate between intelligent design and evolution and it was almost comical the arguments for intelligent design. I think the best one was, "look how complicated this organism is...it must have been the touch of god." LOL Right...just be cause my shit lands in a spiral in the toilet doesn't me it was the touch of god.

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I don't know any scientific community of merit that backs intelligent design.

@ Ontario... I really don't know what they taught, I was never forced to take biology. My g/f says she was only taught evolution. So, in that context, I suppose you're right - but since biology is based on science, why should it pay any heed to intelligent design? And, it's hardly akin to the hypothetical situation you professed.

If you want a class on intelligent design, go to St. Petes or some other Christian private school and take a class on theology.

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The designer can't possibly have a designer, that'd be circular reasoning. I mean if the designers designer had one then who designed him...and so on and so on and so on................to infinity and beyond!!!!!

It's just as hard a stretch to imagine 1 single brave cell coming to life amidst all the primordial chaos, but in the end its pretty simple - French mathematical genius (Blaise Pascal) put it like this - either A. The Bible is telling the truth and Heaven and Hell will be real, or B. Its not. If A not B then it would be a good idea to inform people and give them a choice. If B then A then just go do what you want.

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