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Atheist Billboards To Debut During Holidays


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I would throw out the challenge for you to read the books of Genesis and Exodus then we can really talk about this issue properly. If you have not read either of those books recently, then you are going to be hurting for the facts on the recorded situation. The God of Moses is the "I am". He will make the final say in the end. It's only for a time that this earth will remain on the path it's headed. I will gladly defend the true, living God. God is not a child/baby killer. Read Jeremiah. He hates when people distort the truth and serve idols. In Jeremiah they were sacrificing their children to idols, and burning them. God hates distortion of truth, but he has given us a choice in this world. He will be the man to face at the end. Take it or leave it.

With Respect,


Mandi...God has taken the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Debating in a thread like this is not going to change anyone's mind. Just pray for them. The prayers of the righteous availeth much.


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Mandi...God has taken the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Debating in a thread like this is not going to change anyone's mind. Just pray for them. The prayers of the righteous availeth much.


That's true.

thanks for the hug. :)

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the last time christianity went unchecked, we got the dark ages...

I'm not about to let that happen again...

:rant:Are you sure about that?

World History 101 When Rome fell the libraries were burned non-christian invaders and that was the start of the dark ages The enlightentment (started by christian intellectuals) got the world back on track. In between we did have the crusades and the spanish inquisition, not the brightest moments.

Let's examine just a few Christians in Science - Galileo, Copernicus, Alessandro Volta (yeah the battery guy), no small names in history, more if you care to dig. There's been hot debate whether Charles Darwin was a Christian or not, but we'll leave that to the historians.

It's a shame that some believe that Truth and Science can't coexist.

It would be very easy to hijack this thread onto the greatest destruction of mankind religious zealots vs godless serial killers, but that's not my intention here.

Edited by magifesq
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:rant:Are you sure about that?

World History 101 When Rome fell the libraries were burned non-christian invaders and that was the start of the dark ages The enlightentment (started by christian intellectuals) got the world back on track. In between we did have the crusades and the spanish inquisition, not the brightest moments.

Let's examine just a few Christians in Science - Galileo, Copernicus, Alessandro Volta (yeah the battery guy), no small names in history, more if you care to dig. There's been hot debate whether Charles Darwin was a Christian or not, but we'll leave that to the historians.

It's a shame that some believe that Truth and Science can't coexist.

It would be very easy to hijack this thread onto the greatest destruction of mankind religious zealots vs godless serial killers, but that's not my intention here.

Wow there's some revisionist history.

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Yes, talking snakes exist, a drunken old man who falls asleep naked and his sons take a peek(Noah) is actual history, along with the fact that Noah somehow managed to gather the 10 billion or so species of animals and put them in a giant wooden boat. It's called mythology. Almost everyone that I know who actually believes in the literal truth of the Bible, has a screw loose somewhere. There is no arguing against faith though. If you have faith that gnomes live in your garden, more power to you. As far an Intelligent Design goes, our universe would be alot different if it was indeed created. Our own planet can only support life on a small portion of it's surface, some of the time. Evolution is not something that scientists just talk about, it is accepted as fact due to the overwhelming evidence that supports it. Angry, jealous, vindictive gods on the other hand, well, we only have the Bible to go back on, written by many different authors over a long period of time.

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Yes, talking snakes exist, a drunken old man who falls asleep naked and his sons take a peek(Noah) is actual history, along with the fact that Noah somehow managed to gather the 10 billion or so species of animals and put them in a giant wooden boat. It's called mythology. Almost everyone that I know who actually believes in the literal truth of the Bible, has a screw loose somewhere. There is no arguing against faith though. If you have faith that gnomes live in your garden, more power to you. As far an Intelligent Design goes, our universe would be alot different if it was indeed created. Our own planet can only support life on a small portion of it's surface, some of the time. Evolution is not something that scientists just talk about, it is accepted as fact due to the overwhelming evidence that supports it. Angry, jealous, vindictive gods on the other hand, well, we only have the Bible to go back on, written by many different authors over a long period of time.

Well I believe in the literal truth of the Bible (I actually do study the Greek and Hebrew to get the actual meaning) AND I believe science and the written Word go hand in hand. I am also well aware that I am an extremely intelligent, compassionate, successful....oh and did I mention beautiful young lady. Geez us Christian women got it going on. :D

You know I didn't come on here calling you "names" and it would be nice if you could not do that to the other Christians that are on the board b/c there are many of us.

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Sunspots as it turns out may have had more to do with global warming than cow farts.

I heard we're back into global cooling. The 70's the scientific consensus was global cooling, 90's global warming, I read a post here that the consensus again is cooling. So much for CO2 emissions, sunspots - http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0927/p13s03-sten.html - have been observed as the root for about the last 200 years.

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can anyone tell me 100% that if im good that i am going to heaven..100%.... or if im bad that im going to hell.... does anyone know the truth on whether the bible is true or made up... im going to take a shot in the dark and say no you cant... because religion is the BELIEF that a higher power/creator exist.. youve been raised to believe the bible... how does this make you feel.. im raising my son to beileve that harry potter is god and that he will one day walk with us.i will buy him all the books all the movies and make him study them....... why... cuz i can... and its no different then what your parents did for you... told you to believe cuz they did and their g*parent did and their g*parents.... if HE ever walks with us i want to see it cuz then and only then will i believe... for now ill stick with I am strong enough to make it through any hard times and that my friends and family will help me and encourage ME to be strong enough to make it through life... my friends family me and anyone that is willing to help is what i believe in not something that nobody can prove

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Sunspots as it turns out may have had more to do with global warming than cow farts.

I heard we're back into global cooling. The 70's the scientific consensus was global cooling, 90's global warming, I read a post here that the consensus again is cooling. So much for CO2 emissions, sunspots - http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0927/p13s03-sten.html - have been observed as the root for about the last 200 years.

That's not what the article says at all. It basically says there might be a correlation, but there needs to be more data based on experiments and what not. That's a far cry from definitely stating, 'sunspots - ... - have been observed as the root for about the last 200 years.'

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Straight from NASA... [http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/]


Temps are rising... why? We can debate. Of course, the argument is that temp data only goes back to 1880, so anything prior can only be projected at with educated estimations. Is this just a century phenomena, or is it 'our fault'?

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The sun is growing. That is why the Earthis getting hotter. The sun is eventually going to get so big that it's going to implode/explode(? can't remember). When that happens I hope all Christians/muslims/athiests/whatevars have a nice flame retardant suit and a expensive pair of Oakleys to wear!

Oh, the first part of that is why we have global warming.

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I'll post 3-4 little things and then I'm gone.

We're all going to hell. Period. End of story. I'll be sure to grab a beer with you all when we're there.

Now here's why.

There is more than one religion that states 'if you do not belong to this religion, your going to hell'. So therefore, since a person cannot belong to more than one religion, by logical reasoning, everyone is going to hell. Fin.

Secondly, life isn't all that complex. All organisms with an internal skeletal structure have, for basic purposes, the same skeleton. A skull that contains the brain, eyes, and sinuses/breathing mechinisims. A rib cage to protect the vital organs. A spinal cord/back bone for support, and to house the CNS. and 4 appendages of very similar, yet greatly varying design. If this is the work of 'intelligent design' the Intelligent part was using 'off the shelf' parts to keep costs/mfg problems down, not making everything unique and different.

Evoloution is allot easier to accept if you realize there is no such thing as time. Time is a man made measurement. Nature only knows generations. Every generation there is a change in the species, taller, shorter, whatever. This is also why it takes 2 people to make another, half the genetic code from one, half from the other, mix well and viola! New Human! :D

If you take time out of the equsion, and only look at generations, Humans haven't really been around that long. Having a long time between sexual/reproductive maturity (figure a bare minimum of 13 years) also makes for slow changes in the species, where as some animals such as fish are mature in 2 years and have thousands of offspring every year, would tend to show evoloution much faster.

Now onto global warming...

If you think the planet is stable, and things arn't changing, your a fucking moron. Plain and simple. pull out your gun, put it to your head and pull the trigger. While the planet is more stable than it has been, it's by no means done changine. Of course it's getting warmer. Notice the glaciers are gone? Wonder why? do you believe that there was an Ice Age? and that the planet was frozen? wonder how that happened? Notice the 3 ft dragon flys are gone (from millions of years ago)? ever wonder how they came to be? Because at one point in time the world was a hot, humid, overly oxygenated planet that allowed such small, inefficient animals access to large quantitys of oxygen to grow larger. The planet has since cooled (without the help of humans) and the oxygen content of the air has fallen (again with no human intervention). The planet is ever changing, it hasn't just stopped because Humans have become 'smart' (and I use that term loosley) enough to measure things and study them. You seriously think that studying a 100 year chunk of time on a planet that is BILLIONS of years old is going to give you a realistic view on whats really going on? Thats like me logging onto OR for one half of a second, seeing someone named Satan and assuming that he's a devil worshiping SOB who makes Marilyn Manson look like an alter boy. It's just stupid. of couse the planet is getting warmer, it's eventually going to get cooler too. quit worrying about it, in the grand scheme of things we are but a pimple on the ass of this planet. Now I also don't condone the needless poloution of the enviroment, but I don't think we need to go as far as we're going to with this.

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