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The sun is growing. That is why the Earthis getting hotter. The sun is eventually going to get so big that it's going to implode/explode(? can't remember). When that happens I hope all Christians/muslims/athiests/whatevars have a nice flame retardant suit and a expensive pair of Oakleys to wear!

Oh, the first part of that is why we have global warming.

True story!...sort of. The sun will steadily grow larger until it becomes a red giant (most likely swallowing the earth). It won't actually implode/explode but instead it will expel its outer layers until a small, extremely dense core remains (white dwarf).

In the meantime, the temperature of the sun will steadily increase and in about a billion years there will be no liquid water on the surface of the earth... Once that happens all life will die...of course this is assuming our core hasn't already cooled to a point where the earth's protective magnetic field is gone. Once that happens the solar winds (radiation) from the sun will carry away all our water and atmosphere.

Most likely we won't have to worry about the sun dying in 5 billion years, because we will have already been killed when our water and atmosphere boil off, or killed by an asteroid...or the most likely scenario to me, killed by our own stupidity.

Edited by wolfman
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I'm dissapointed nobody answered my question. It's to be expected.

The Bible was written over a long stretch of time, yes. The Bible was written by many men, yes. The Bible is 99.5% in accuracy with those variables, yes ( meaning it doesn't contradict ). The remaining .5% is lost in translation from the original 3 different languages, which is to be expected. It's still an amazing fact, even if you don't take it for truth as I do.

Carry on w/ global warming...........the sun is not going to end the earth. God's going to do that. God made the sun. The moon will turn to blood one day too, but I hope I am not here when that happens. I will rather be dead than face those times. Revelation may seem wacked-out, but if you read it for what it is, understanding some of the sybolism, it's really a clear picture of some things that aren't far off from happening, even scientifically.

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Ya know, when most adults have imaginary friends, they get locked in a padded room, but hide it in the guise of a 'higher power' and it's cool all of the sudden. Religion is all thats wrong with world. it's the biggest reason people kill, and die. all in the name of a god.

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I'm dissapointed nobody answered my question. It's to be expected.

The Bible was written over a long stretch of time, yes. The Bible was written by many men, yes. The Bible is 99.5% in accuracy with those variables, yes ( meaning it doesn't contradict ). The remaining .5% is lost in translation from the original 3 different languages, which is to be expected. It's still an amazing fact, even if you don't take it for truth as I do.

Carry on w/ global warming...........the sun is not going to end the earth. God's going to do that. God made the sun. The moon will turn to blood one day too, but I hope I am not here when that happens. I will rather be dead than face those times. Revelation may seem wacked-out, but if you read it for what it is, understanding some of the sybolism, it's really a clear picture of some things that aren't far off from happening, even scientifically.


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I have a question>>>> Why do we ask others to pray for our friends when they are sick in the hospital, or they have just lost a baby? Who are you praying to if you don't believe in God? How is a god you don't even know going to hear your prayers?

This is the questioned I had in mind. I doubt anyone had much of an answer.

What's wrong with the book of Revelation? You either believe it or ya don't.? It is written using sybolism and that's what many people struggle to grasp. It also has many ties to the old test. prophetic books. Everything lines-up. It's not really that hard to understand. I've done a detailed study of the book. Some things are not crystal clear, but the main points are vividly explained.

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what the heck? It's a question you don't like, so you call it not much of a question?

You're the one who said,"I doubt anyone had much of an answer." If that's true why'd you bother to ask.

Anyway it's just a question based on a false premise. Read to me like you were asking why do non-christians ask for prayer or pray. They don't and therefore not much of a question.

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Carry on w/ global warming...........the sun is not going to end the earth. God's going to do that. God made the sun. The moon will turn to blood one day too, but I hope I am not here when that happens.


There is a small chance that when our sun turns into a red giant its gravitational pull will be reduced enough to keep the earth from being consumed....I mean its still going to be a barren rock of a planet. Oh, but this has nothing to do with god...it's how stars work. Our sun is powered by hydrogen undergoing nuclear fusion and turning into helium. Once the core temperature of the sun reaches around 100 million kelvin the helium will begin to undergo fusion...this is when the sun begins to turn into a red giant. So....that's physics....not god.

Edit: And I didn't even address the moon turning into blood because that's just comical.

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That's fine, whatever makes you feel good about yourself. I think it is a respectful thing to do, but it's like asking your Dad for something when all you've ever done to him is curse his name, deny that he's your father, and make fun of him infront of other people. Does your Dad still love you as his son? Yes, of course, but it stings a little. Ya know what I mean.

You have every right to decide if God is real to you or not. Just b/c you think that the something is real, doesn't make it real. It's a personal experience. We all have to weigh the cost. If you think that crashing your bike at 70mph isn't going to happen to you, just b/c you don't believe it can, does that make it hurt any less when it happens? My point is that we can all deny that Gods really there, but if He is, don't you think it would be nice to have fair warning? I am trying to give fair warning.

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That's fine, whatever makes you feel good about yourself. I think it is a respectful thing to do, but it's like asking your Dad for something when all you've ever done to him is curse his name, deny that he's your father, and make fun of him infront of other people. Does your Dad still love you as his son? Yes, of course, but it stings a little. Ya know what I mean.

You have every right to decide if God is real to you or not. Just b/c you think that the something is real, doesn't make it real. It's a personal experience. We all have to weigh the cost. If you think that crashing your bike at 70mph isn't going to happen to you, just b/c you don't believe it can, does that make it hurt any less when it happens? My point is that we can all deny that Gods really there, but if He is, don't you think it would be nice to have fair warning? I am trying to give fair warning.

What is the respectful thing to do?

You invoked Pascal's Wager there at the end. That's cute. Too bad you're worshipping the wrong god ....and mine's pretty pissed about it.


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What if He's there and Islam was supposed to be the religion you were supposed to practice?

They pray numerous times a day, much more discipline people than those of the Christian faith. What if you're not doing enough for your God as a Christian? Maybe you should sacrifice something to the blood moon?

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