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Atheist Billboards To Debut During Holidays


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It has taken almost an entire hour to read this thread.

I was born and raised as a Christian, however, there are certain things that I disagree with in the bible. I also believe that it is human nature, a trait given to us by God, to contort, twist and change things how we see fit. Do I believe in a higher power, yes. Do I believe that I need to pray to this god, and worship him with every breath, no. If the book is accurate in it's tales, then he knows what I beleive. Why do I need to tell anyone? Why do I need to debate this topic? Why should I shake my finger in disgust at somone else that doesn't believe the way I do? I don't, plain and simple. You believe what you want to believe, it's not for me to tell you. The book teaches acceptance, and forgiveness. These are the two biggest things that I take from it. I am not higher on the totem pole than anyone else, nor do I think that way. Nor will I tell them, they are going to burn for all eternity for not reading something, and not conforming to it.

I'm human, it's in the way I was created to make my own decisions.

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Believers/Non-Believers should both watch this video:


Skip to 9:30 for the meat of it...the beginning is just an intro w/pictures and music.

Skip to about 7:30 or so if you want to hear George Carlin's take on religion. Pretty funny but maybe not if you are religious.

This video is basically a history of religion... It's about 25 mins long, but it should be required watching for all humans. Seriously.

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I have seen it already....Zeitgeist part 1-2-3-4-5 how ever many of them? It's a theory, like any other.

I am able to agree that religion is used to control people. It has been in place with government since the begining of time. Jesus didn't teach any religion, not even Judaism. Not to write off the old test. law, b/c it is very relevant and important in that Jesus fulfilled the words written by the prophets. The old test. proves many facts to be true. It's also history.

Like I have said, I am not about religion. I am about a personal relationship with God thru the work of Jesus. I don't care how you piece it all together, that's the bottom line. You could take every church out of this country and the living God will still exist and thrive. Unlike every religion, God is not about a temple or a building anymore.

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You could take every church out of this country and the living God will still exist and thrive. Unlike every religion, God is not about a temple or a building anymore.

Interesting, but I would suspect that after a few generations passed, once churches were long and forget about because they weren't staples of peoples lives growing up, that God would have much less of an effect on people - and most of the religious people would be considered cultist.

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Interesting, but I would suspect that after a few generations passed, once churches were long and forget about because they weren't staples of peoples lives growing up, that God would have much less of an effect on people - and most of the religious people would be considered cultist.

Very true. Take a look at China and the persecution in India. It's very likely. You know that people would still find a way to pass the truth of the Bible onto the next generation somehow. Meeting in homes and small groups would take place, even if government forbid it. I have a sister and brother-in-law with 3 little kids getting ready to head to India as missionaries. Missionaries are illegal in India, unless you are a native. They will work under a native helping him with his programs.

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Very true. Take a look at China and the persecution in India. It's very likely. You know that people would still find a way to pass the truth of the Bible onto the next generation somehow. Meeting in homes and small groups would take place, even if government forbid it. I have a sister and brother-in-law with 3 little kids getting ready to head to India as missionaries. Missionaries are illegal in India, unless you are a native. They will work under a native helping him with his programs.

Wow recruiters for Jesus going to India huh? I find it funny your God(s) need sales people.

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Very true. Take a look at China and the persecution in India. It's very likely. You know that people would still find a way to pass the truth of the Bible onto the next generation somehow. Meeting in homes and small groups would take place, even if government forbid it. I have a sister and brother-in-law with 3 little kids getting ready to head to India as missionaries. Missionaries are illegal in India, unless you are a native. They will work under a native helping him with his programs.

Wow! your saying their gods are not real and no good and yours is better and the only real one then, and they should learn of him? Is that it? Just making sure I'm clear.

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Where the fuck did you come up with that?

dont "Missionaries" convert other religions to theirs? thats the idea right? or spread the word sorry, another way of saying convert or my word is better. Why not just let them have their word and you keep yours, I think in this day and age people know about religion and how to find it if THEY WANT TO CHANGE, it doesnt need to be brought to them.

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I am astonished at your naivete. Other parts of the world don't get to hear any other message other than the message their government allows them to hear. That is the purpose for mission trips. To give people the opportunity to hear another religious option for themselves. I don't understand why the hostility towards Christians. They aren't the ones blowing up school buses filled with Jewish children or blowing up buildings with American mothers and fathers. You don't see Christians strapping bomb vests to 14 year old girls and sending them across the Israeli border' date=' do you?[/quote']

Might want to look into the problems that abotion clinics have had with christians. Juuust saying.

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I am astonished at your naivete. Other parts of the world don't get to hear any other message other than the message their government allows them to hear. That is the purpose for mission trips. To give people the opportunity to hear another religious option for themselves. I don't understand why the hostility towards Christians. They aren't the ones blowing up school buses filled with Jewish children or blowing up buildings with American mothers and fathers. You don't see Christians strapping bomb vests to 14 year old girls and sending them across the Israeli border' date=' do you?[/quote']

Then dont send christians, send all faiths, not just what you think is right.

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Yeah' date=' bombings that have been denounced by the Christian community and leaders. [/quote']

Of course they denounce it. They denounce everything bad before they do it. All groups do that whether it's religious or not. If you can judge a select few on the whole of the group then you have to do it across the board.

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What if the person is kind in nature, but faithless?

Why is that just as bad as being faithful, but with an unethical moral compass?

Or, which one is worse, and why?

Just because the apple doesn't fall from the Christian tree doesn't make it a bad apple. In fact, I thought we weren't supposed to eat any apples off the Christian tree? :p

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Yeah' date=' bombings that have been denounced by the Christian community and leaders.

Why would someone that believes their faith is the correct faith send a person of a different faith? You aren't making sense. Sounds like you subscribe to this 'fairness' bullshit I keep hearing about.[/quote']

Then my question is how are you to say yours is correct, or anyone for that matter.

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speaker.gif  /ˈnɒlthinsp.pngɪdʒ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif [nol-ij] Show IPA Pronunciation dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif

–noun 1. acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition: knowledge of many things. 2. familiarity or conversance, as with a particular subject or branch of learning: A knowledge of accounting was necessary for the job. 3. acquaintance or familiarity gained by sight, experience, or report: a knowledge of human nature. 4. the fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact or truth; clear and certain mental apprehension. 5. awareness, as of a fact or circumstance: He had knowledge of her good fortune. 6. something that is or may be known; information: He sought knowledge of her activities. 7. the body of truths or facts accumulated in the course of time. 8. the sum of what is known: Knowledge of the true situation is limited. 9. Archaic. sexual intercourse. Compare carnal knowledge. –adjective 10. creating, involving, using, or disseminating special knowledge or information: A computer expert can always find a good job in the knowledge industry. —Idiom 11. to one's knowledge, according to the information available to one: To my knowledge he hasn't been here before.



speaker.gif  /ˈwɪzthinsp.pngdəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif [wiz-duhthinsp.pngm] Show IPA Pronunciation dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif

–noun 1. the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. 2. scholarly knowledge or learning: the wisdom of the schools. 3. wise sayings or teachings; precepts. 4. a wise act or saying. 5. (initial capital letterthinsp.png) Douay Bible. Wisdom of Solomon.

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See, right there you have your problem. Humans are not to partake from the TREE of KNOWLEDGE. Why?

Because knowledge makes religion irrelevant. Yes/No?

Those who manipulate never want you to know the truth.

ding ding ding. we have some winners here.

IMO, the church cuts you, just to sell you a band aid.

who tells you that you're a sinner, and there is nothing you can do about it because you were born with it(which is bs by its own accord)? the church? but its ok, do what they tell you and they have the cure.

about the original sin part, that does not sit well with me at all. you have to have an understanding of right and wrong, as well as willful intentions to do whats wrong, in order to determine immorality. a baby doesnt have either of those, so how can it be immoral?

this is not to say the bible doesnt have good points. it does. treat others as you would like to be treated. dont steal, dont lie, dont kill people. all good stuff. but you can not take it literally word for word, or else you cant see the forest for the trees.

that and the implementation of it. organized religion has been used to control people for thousands of years. the pope used to be more powerful than any king... but its just a way of keeping the masses down, and retaining those that are in power... why am i the king? because god decreed it. and that means i can tell you what to do...

Edited by John
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