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Proper Meet Etiquette

V8 Beast

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I thought it was about time that this was revisited for the newer members and the complete idiots out there. I've noticed that QS&L is starting to have the same atmoshere that forced IPS to stop being a meeting spot last year...


When we go out on the weekends its to have fun. Sometimes we race sometimes we eat/drink, sometimes we just lean against our cars and act cool.. or atleast try to. ;) The issue as it has always been are those stupid ass ricers showing up and messing it up for everyone. Here are a few things to consider


1. An engine rev or two is ok... but we dont want to hear you revving your damn engine for 3 straight minutes.


2. Its ok to gun it while driving off... just make sure you are on the street and there is not a car in front of you. :mad:


3. Try not to play loud music. Be aware that you may be annoying someone. If you want to display your "booming system" do it quick and move on.


4. Once your car is parked there is no reason to move it to 10 different parking spots to show off your amazing new ricer wing!




6. If we get a good meeting spot stop telling all of your ricer friends about it! If you have not noticed, they have a proven track record of fucking it up for everyone!!


7. There is no need to do burnouts unless you are about to run from a dig!


8. There is no need to try to park your car at 100mph.


9. Do not drive fast in an area full of people... you could hit someone. (duh)


10. Dont walk around acting like you are some kind of thug... It's a car meet... idiot!


11. Having a cell phone does not make you cool... 99.9% of the people there have them too. Talking on your phone for 3 hours at a 3 hour meet just shows that you are a DEE DEE DEEE!!!!


12. Get away from the damn bikes!!! If you knock them over you will probably get your ass beat!


13. When you see a friend backing up close to someones ride try telling them there is a car behind them... or better yet "WATCH WHERE THE HELL YOU ARE GOING!!!"


14. When drinking you have to scream "BALLZ" and say giggity giggity at least 10 times. :D (CR Rule Book Chapter 9 Section 7)


15. When meeting someone introduce yourself with your real name as well as your CR name. This way we actually know who you are.


16. And last but not least....Do not litter!!!!! Respect the property that the owners are gracious enough to let us use.

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I think these are really good rules, and I couldn't think of anything you didn't talk about. I own a ricer and hate all of the other ricers that are dumbasses and mess these things up (not to mention the reputation they give to cars with airplane size wings on them). :lurk:
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my car got a "little" loose the other night, but I was on the street leaving with no one near me. these 315's look good but sheesh traction is a pipe dream


I got loose too. Its all good as long as its on the street. None of us really have traction on the street anymore LOL!!


Getting loose in the parking lot = ghey

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I'm going to make a check list and break all of them. :p


LOL! We should do that one day. Go to a meet with a bunch of ricers and beat them at their own game.


First we do few revs with open cutouts.... then we attempt to do wheel stands in the lot. After that we play musical parking spots and end it with drag racing from one end of the lot to the other...... in reverse ;)


The entire time we will have empty beer bottles in our hands with our systems turned all the way up playing show tunes!!!

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Guest LSWON333
LOL! We should do that one day. Go to a meet with a bunch of ricers and beat them at their own game.


First we do few revs with open cutouts.... then we attempt to do wheel stands in the lot. After that we play musical parking spots and end it with drag racing from one end of the lot to the other...... in reverse ;)


The entire time we will have empty beer bottles in our hands with our systems turned all the way up playing show tunes!!!



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Good post Brian even though I have only been out once to meet up with some of you I have been to many many car shows and meets and seen some crazy shit out there.# 5 I am paranoid about maybe its just me when I was out last time a mustang pulled in beside me and it attracted a bunch and it looked like my car was going to be a leaning bench for them and I did move that time and ask one of them not to lean on my car he said he was not but dam it sure looked like it.# 13 all us trans am owners could use these cars are a real pain to back up.I can back my work truck and trailer better then my car.
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Guest hotrodmama024

I have actually driven out there a couple of times, and usually i only see ricers, so i leave.


Those are great rules!! Now lets see if they can follow them.

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I have actually driven out there a couple of times, and usually i only see ricers, so i leave.


Those are great rules!! Now lets see if they can follow them.




Last week right before I left.. some guy in a F150 (White) decided to be cool and back up into the parking space as fast as he could .. We were all like.. umm yeah thats cool.. NOT.


What is wrong with people?

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The entire time we will have empty beer bottles in our hands with our systems turned all the way up playing show tunes!!!


Hmm I'm torn, I think opera would be better, but show tunes would be funny too. LOL

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