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Something to think about


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It still amazes me that they think anything not-Earth like in comparison cannot support life. You'd think everything in the universe had to revolve around our carbon-based livelihoods :rolleyes:


very true, its simply arrogant to think that we are the only intelligent life forms out there. or that life cant be supported on a planet very different from ours. life found a way here, whats to say some strange form of life couldnt find a way in ANY situation?

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life found a way here, whats to say some strange form of life couldnt find a way in ANY situation?



Strange is only a perception. Different is what we fear. And if it's population it larger than the world that we know, and organized, we might want to re think our whole separate nations and beliefs, and try working together.


Just a thought.

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Strange is only a perception. Different is what we fear. And if it's population it larger than the world that we know, and organized, we might want to re think our whole separate nations and beliefs, and try working together.


Just a thought.


It will NEVER HAPPEN... In our lifetime anyway.


Too much hatred and dissention.

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Strange is only a perception. Different is what we fear. And if it's population it larger than the world that we know, and organized, we might want to re think our whole separate nations and beliefs, and try working together.


Just a thought.


but of course. strange to us, wouldnt be strange to them. i was more using it as a figure of speech. i do have to agree with you though, theres certainly no guarantee that we are the be all end all of civilization in the universe.

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Yes, I neuralized you.



This is called a neuralyzer. It's a gift from some friends from out of town. This red eye, here, will isolate the electronic impulses in your brain, more specifically the ones for memory.

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I'm more interested to see how we are able to make ships travel faster in order to reach these planets.


as far as saying that we will never see peace is only because everyone believes that we won't and would rather push it off as a problem for our children or our great grand children to fix. If we don't find peace within our lifetimes then I seriously doubt that any of us will die of natural causes.. I predict within the next 50 years, the U.S. will either be no more, or no longer a super power the way that we are today :-(

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I predict within the next 50 years, the U.S. will either be no more, or no longer a super power the way that we are today :-(


That's some scary shit right there, I'd be in my seventies, but still, no way I'd wish that on my children/grandchildren/etc

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Back on topic, it was once theorized that there were some 10,000ish planets in our galaxie that were able to support life. This number was generated by statistics based on:

-The average number of planets in a given sector of start (stars:planet by area)

-That spread out over the whole area of our galaxy.

Now, that was over 10 years ago. Having studied the same are more throughly, we've found many more planets. Basically, it's mathematically improbable that there isn't life elsewhere.


Now, look at our own worlds history. The Earth formed, cooled, water condensed, and life began. In that order, almost as fast. In geologic time, life appeared in almost the same instant as liquid water. It's been theorized that life is a byproduct of liquid water.


It's there.



Oh wait, all this, fossils, other planets, etc. It's all made up by God to test our faith. Almost forgot!


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Oh wait, all this, fossils, other planets, etc. It's all made up by God to test our faith. Almost forgot!






Uhhh yeah!! the Earth is only 6,000 years old and dinosaurs and humans were around at the same time. Or at least thats what i learned at the creation museum in ky!!!

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