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Extremely close call....leave plenty of room on the road


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I was coming back from dropping my kids off at school and saw the life of my GXP flash before my eyes. I really, really thought I was going to buy it from the rear end today.


Driving about 50mph in a 45mph zone as usual and the guy about 5 car lengths up in a truck lost a large box from the bed of his truck. Slid right out like butter. tale gate must not have been shut and going up a moderate hill on so so smooth road must have made it shift and slide.


Traffic was moderate and there was no way I was going to jerk the car to the right lane as much as instinct told me to do so. Glad I didn't as I found later from a witness that there was a guy right next to me.


It took a second to remember that I was in my GXP, not the company car that I care less about and that I wasn't going to be able to run over the object. SLAM!!!! on the breaks and I swear she stopped so fast that I would have gone through the windshield if I wasn't belted in. Breaks work brother!!!! No doubt there. This is like the second time I've hit over 1.15G's on the Driver Information Center (DIC). :eek:


Now comes the scarey part....I heard the most God Aweful squealing from behind......Oh Shit!!! I didn't even look up, I just litterally cringed and grabbed the wheel to brace myself. I think I ruined my shorts too. :(


6", that's six inches.....yes 1/2 of a foot. is the distance between the back of my GXP and the front of a Minivan that came to a screeching halt. Thankfully only a driver on board the van. Every item they had in the van was in the front seat. Every kleenex, toy and sippy cup was up in the front of the van.


The lady was so incredibly shaken her husband had to come get her. I don't know how much room she was leaving behind me, but thankfully it was just enough.


I felt/feel bad for what happened, but I had to hit the brakes. I didn't miss the box by much either. Slow motion effect when it all happened that's all I can say. Cars in both lanes on my side slammed on their breaks. The guy who evidently was next to me made it past me without even a touch on his brakes, but the guy behind him stopped thinking it was something running across the road that I stopped for. Not sure how he didn't see the 5' x 3' x 2 box (Sauder Woodwork Dresser of some type) in the road.


The truck never stopped nor came back. :thumbdown The cops came only because traffic crawled and backed up and someone likely thought there was an accident and called them.


In the end, I actually took the dresser with me. Cops didn't care, they simply said that if the owner contacted them, I would have to return it. He put it on the report as such and I agreed to hold it for 1-2 weeks.


Not sure what I'm going to do with it, but thankfully I have a car to put it in!! I'm going to hang onto it for about two weeks. After that I'll sell/return it somewhere. I bet the guy in the truck thinks he left it at the store or they didn't load it up. :wtf:


Moral of the story, definitely leave room ahead of you. I don't talegate anyone and while five car lengths seems like plenty it's not at all a spacious distance when something like this happens.

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Guest thekingofcrunk17
Close call dude, and 1.15g's, thats a nice braking system right there. I would agree on you there, I bumped into a motorcycle (non-injury and the big didn't fall over), I gave him atleast 3-4 car lengths but my car couldn't stop as fast as that bike. I've learned my lesson and I hope this changes some peoples views on tailgating. Well, goodluck with the dresser/box thing. :thumbup:
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Only problem with leaving 5 car lengths, is there is always someone who will jump in between you and the car ahead of you, ultimately fucking up that car length rule. It's inevitable.




Especially when you are doing even more than the speed limit, people behind you see space, floor it to pass you, get in front, then go as fast as they were. If you slow down to make more space, the cycle continues.

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Guest thekingofcrunk17


Especially when you are doing even more than the speed limit, people behind you see space, floor it to pass you, get in front, then go as fast as they were. If you slow down to make more space, the cycle continues.


That's why when people try to pass me, I floor it too and don't let them. ;)

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sure....I'll sell it to you for the $298 I've found it for online :D that should about cover the next brake job I need ;)


is there any chance i can come get my dresser tonight, thanks for posting, i never thought I would get it back.


jk...nice save.

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That's why when people try to pass me, I floor it too and don't let them. ;)


Your age show's in your post's. Driving on the highway isn't a competition. If someone wants to get over, why not let them? As long as it's safe for you, him and the person behind you (braking wise) whats all the competition for?

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not sure....20-25 minutes? cops showed up within 5-10 minutes. can't say, I work from a home office so I have no one to check in with anytime during the day.


I stopped and had to get help moving the box off the road. it weighs a lot and was so bidg I couldn't but barely drag it off the road. besides, I didn't want to get nailed by a car as traffic did start at least moving.


The lady behind me was freaked....she couldn't drive....seriously, she was shaking like she hit and killed someone. I didn't get the whole scoop on her, but I do sense she was not 100% focused on the road and that's what freaked her out. She just dropped her kids off at school too.


There was no accident, but the cops had to fill out some minor paperwork...my guess is because there was something of value there and I was taking it.....and also the fact they had been sent out on "a call" I'm sure had some paperwork associated with it.


how long were you there for?
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The lady behind me was freaked....she couldn't drive....seriously, she was shaking like she hit and killed someone. I didn't get the whole scoop on her, but I do sense she was not 100% focused on the road and that's what freaked her out. She just dropped her kids off at school too.


women drivers, LOL


thats cool they let you keep the dresser though.

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