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Go CAV"S!!!


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The Pistons are a far better team than Lebron James, if they can get their act together then Lebron James don't stand a chance.


I say Lebron James instead of the Cavs because he IS the Cavs. I don't like him at all, everytime I watch him play he never passes the ball and takes too many forced shots. Him and Kobe are horrible team players and teams playing together is what will win a Championship, ask Kobe how many he has won since Shaq left.


Pistons > Lebron


Who are they gonna pass too? I agree they take alot of forced shots but who is on their roster that they can trust. Both Cavs and Lakers have shit for rosters. Its 2 superstars with lackluster talent around them. Their supporting cast is so streaky its almost amazing. Odem on the lakers and Gibson on the cavs (who I think is going to be really good given a few years) are the only people RIGHT NOW that are pretty good.


The pistons are def the better team their is no doubt. Billups is just automatic almost every night. Someone always is stepping up on their roster it makes me so mad lol.I think their age is showing and lack of Ben Wallace doesnt help either. Webber is good but not the center presence that Wallace was. All in all last night was a great game and I hope the Cavs can win. Who honestly would want to see Pistons vs Spurs again? that series would be so boring!

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Who are they gonna pass too? I agree they take alot of forced shots but who is on their roster that they can trust. Both Cavs and Lakers have shit for rosters. Its 2 superstars with lackluster talent around them. Their supporting cast is so streaky its almost amazing. Odem on the lakers and Gibson on the cavs (who I think is going to be really good given a few years) are the only people RIGHT NOW that are pretty good.


The pistons are def the better team their is no doubt. Billups is just automatic almost every night. Someone always is stepping up on their roster it makes me so mad lol.I think their age is showing and lack of Ben Wallace doesnt help either. Webber is good but not the center presence that Wallace was. All in all last night was a great game and I hope the Cavs can win. Who honestly would want to see Pistons vs Spurs again? that series would be so boring!


Everything you said is why I hate watching basketball right now, owners pay too much money to 1 player and then they can't get anyone else that is good so they rely on them all the time. Pistons have a good system going, if more teams were like they are them I may watch more basketball. Don't get me wrong I hate the Pistons, but I am a fan of the type of basketball they play.

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The Pistons are a far better team than Lebron James, if they can get their act together then Lebron James don't stand a chance.


I say Lebron James instead of the Cavs because he IS the Cavs. I don't like him at all, everytime I watch him play he never passes the ball and takes too many forced shots. Him and Kobe are horrible team players and teams playing together is what will win a Championship, ask Kobe how many he has won since Shaq left.


Pistons > Lebron


You know that commercial where the guy is talking sports out of his ass? I never knew that guy was you. :rolleyes:

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Everything you said is why I hate watching basketball right now, owners pay too much money to 1 player and then they can't get anyone else that is good so they rely on them all the time. Pistons have a good system going, if more teams were like they are them I may watch more basketball. Don't get me wrong I hate the Pistons, but I am a fan of the type of basketball they play.


Hughes, Ilgauskas, Snow, and Drew Gooden are all being paid a higher salary than Lebron James this season. Donyell Marshall is even within a couple hundred thousand of LBJ. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to discuss something which you know very little about.

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Hughes, Ilgauskas, Snow, and Drew Gooden are all being paid a higher salary than Lebron James this season. Donyell Marshall is even within a couple hundred thousand of LBJ. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to discuss something which you know very little about.


Maybe not now but when contract talks start up you think that Lebron will still be paid less than these guys? Nope he is going to demand a high salary for Cleveland to keep him and then what? More than likely those guys will want more money and then Cleveland won't beable to keep them so then all they have is their high paid A-list player surrounded by a bunch of C-list players.


Your right I am probably talking out of my ass because I don't care enough about it to research what I am talking about, I am talking based on my opinion and to me thats all that matters. Opinions = assholes don't like it than just deal with it, or don't read my post, I don't really give a fuck.

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Lebron makes an unselfish pass in game one, to an open player, and he's called too scared to take the big shot. He carries the team on his shoulders in a legendary performance (with 9 assists BTW), and now he shoots too much?

I have the feeling that if he does not win at least 6 rings, idiots will call his career a failure.


For the record: I think he might have blown his wad to help us get that win last night. I hope I've never been more wrong.





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Jeff don't be upset. You still have the WORLD CHAMPION INDIANAPOLIS COLTS! Just because your team is now, uhhh hmmmm, sub par, that doesnt give you the right to bash our CAV'S!. GO CAV's!
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As a former Cleveland native, I'm happy as hell to see the Cavs in the Finals. After winning both games against the Spurs in the regular season they may have a chance in the Finals albeit a harder chance. I also don't think this series will be as close in points per game. I think if a team wins (either Cavs or Spurs) it will be around 10-15 points instead of the 1, 2 or three points against Detroit.


Anyway, great job Cavs! Hopefully Boobie will play just a well this coming series.

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well no shit. there were 50,000 people down there attending sporting events alone.



And that didnt included the 128975689 that were either at gateway plaza watching the game, down there for the usually W. 6th action, or there just to partake in the senanigans. :cool:

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