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Apartment Lease is up soon, need Help with not getting Screwed


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Well, I'm leaving my apartment and I'm worried about getting screwed over about the condition of my apartment being falsified, and get charged for things that aren't true. Do you guys have any reccommendations for what my roommate and I can do to prevent getting ass-raped when my lease is up. What do you guys think?
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How would the condition of the apartment be falsified in any way? Some examples would be good, carpet stained? holes in the walls, etc..? I would think you best bet is to have some sort of proof that the condition of the apartment was perfect when you left it. Maybe Picture's or better yet video proof. If they tell you that you have to pay xxx.xx$ amount just tell them to fuck off. If they want to take it to court you'd be glad to show proof of the apartment's condition. When you left it.


Why do you think this will be a problem? has it happened to other people in the same complex?

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How would the condition of the apartment be falsified in any way? Some examples would be good, carpet stained? holes in the walls, etc..? I would think you best bet is to have some sort of proof that the condition of the apartment was perfect when you left it. Maybe Picture's or better yet video proof. If they tell you that you have to pay xxx.xx$ amount just tell them to fuck off. If they want to take it to court you'd be glad to show proof of the apartment's condition. When you left it.


Why do you think this will be a problem? has it happened to other people in the same complex?

I think a lot of apartment complexes review conditions and create written documents of said condition before a new occupant moves in. Either way, it should be cheaper to repair anything on your own or you can hire someone.

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I think a lot of apartment complexes review conditions and create written documents of said condition before a new occupant moves in. Either way, it should be cheaper to repair anything on your own or you can hire someone.


Exactly and if their trying to say the damage occured while he was a tennet then all he has to prove is that the property was in the same conditon when they moved out.

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Well, did you fuck anything up while you were there and have a reason to be scared you might be raped?


If not, just ask the apt people to do a walkthrough with you. I've done that at my two previous complex's, and never had an issue. We did the walk through after everything was out/I had cleaned and both signed the paperwork stating the place was left as agreed, I got my copy and a promise of my rent deposit refund check within 2 weeks, which I always recieved.


If they won't do a walkthrough, and you live in a shitty complex/area, get an unbiased, 3rd party to walk through with you and take pictures. That way if it ever goes to court you have a witness and documented proof.

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Fix anything you broke, then take pictures of the place showing the condition before you leave.


Unless you have some shady management you should be fine, I left my last apartment pretty dirty and they still even game me back my deposit.

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Well, I'm leaving my apartment and I'm worried about getting screwed over about the condition of my apartment being falsified, and get charged for things that aren't true. Do you guys have any reccommendations for what my roommate and I can do to prevent getting ass-raped when my lease is up. What do you guys think?



you request maint walk through with you.


fuck when i left my apartment I had planned on replacing the carpet where my puppy at the time had chewed it and painting adns tuff. Well they jerked me around so i waslike i dont care keep my deposite then. whats 800$ vs my time and effort.


They sent me a letter saying we only charged you for the trash bags we took out (The dumpster was fool so we bagged up the trash and sat it in the livningroom). I got almost all of my deposit back for 0 work.. I would call them


mine said because I had lived there 3 yaers they did not expect me to paint or anything else really.

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to echo bills post, after 2-3 years, I forget the standard, by ohio renters law, they must replace the carpet and paint/redo the interior for a new tenant. I'm coming up on my 2 years here and know that my place does replace all carpet, window trims and paints, so that's another thing to consider...
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to echo bills post, after 2-3 years, I forget the standard, by ohio renters law, they must replace the carpet and paint/redo the interior for a new tenant. I'm coming up on my 2 years here and know that my place does replace all carpet, window trims and paints, so that's another thing to consider...


No law on replacing carpet or painting... it must just be in liveable condition

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To start it, the apartment is in great shape. No holes in any walls, nothing broken-- just worried that after reading reviews for the apartment complex-- many had been complaining of random charges for things that there wasn't anything wrong with it. They actually had to change the carpets the day we were moving in, due to the fact that the apartment smelled of cat piss-- so we demanded the carpets to be changed. I live in Fieldstone Trace.
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Fieldstone Trace stole our security deposit. They charged us for the last month we were there, then also took it out of our security deposit. They charged us for shit that was absolutely not true. They will NOT let you walk through with them, they have no office that you can go to if you need to complain, you must do it with a letter to a PO box. They rarely return your calls.


If you live in a Triangle property you will NOT get your deposit back.

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Fieldstone Trace stole our security deposit. They charged us for the last month we were there, then also took it out of our security deposit. They charged us for shit that was absolutely not true. They will NOT let you walk through with them, they have no office that you can go to if you need to complain, you must do it with a letter to a PO box. They rarely return your calls.


If you live in a Triangle property you will NOT get your deposit back.


We did. And they did a walkthrough w/ me. They had ZERO issues, other than the oven. We did NOT want to clean it. It cost us $20.





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We did. And they did a walkthrough w/ me. They had ZERO issues, other than the oven. We did NOT want to clean it. It cost us $20.






Then I guess it depends on the manager at the time. We went through 4 or 5 managers in the year we held a lease. The first one, when we moved in, was wonderful. She didn't last.

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Then I guess it depends on the manager at the time. We went through 4 or 5 managers in the year we held a lease. The first one, when we moved in, was wonderful. She didn't last.


We moved out Sept '03.


I am sure a lot may have changed.



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yeah, i got a bunch of this crap at college. the paint peeled off where i had posters hanging up (tape ruined the paint) and there was no doorstop, so everytime the door opened it hit a corner of the wall and dented it badly. my friend got charged $60 for random touchup paint, so i got a $4 tub of spackle and did it myself!
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I guess it depends on how much the deposit was vs. time and effort.


When Dave and I moved out of our last apartment I cleaned everything top to bottom. I cleaned all of the vents and ceiling fans also. Our apartment complex was nutty... (exm. they yelled at you if you walked on the grass.) so I took the extra time to make it spotless and took pictures of everything. We got back everything but $80 for them to clean the spotless carpet due to the fact that we had a cat.

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I live in Fieldstone Trace.


Hey I live there too. I have heard good and bad things about the complex. You would have had to fill out a condition of the apartment form when you first moved in. I normally never fill these out untill after the move is finished just in case you damage anything during the move. Anyway, they should have gave you a copy of those forms a few weeks after you filled them out. Just get them and check it againist the apartment. You should be ok if there is no damage.


But if it does come down to going to the main office, Ardent's office is right off Polaris Parkway on the East side of 71, behind the Steak N' Shake.

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No law on replacing carpet or painting... it must just be in liveable condition


Thought I would quote myself to add more...


Also, even if the complex IS going to replace the carpet or paint after you leave, you may still get charged damages over normal wear and tear. So say your carpet is already worn down and needs replaced anyways, well if you have a giant bleach stain on the middle of the floor, expect to get charged anyways, because you caused damage outside of normal wear and tear.


Also, always spackle your nail holes. If you do that, and have big spackle spots rather than holes, you wont get charged. We charged $5/hole that wasn't spackled

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Also, always spackle your nail holes. If you do that, and have big spackle spots rather than holes, you wont get charged. We charged $5/hole that wasn't spackled


damn 5$?!? What about thumbtac holes? that's what I usually use for poster's and such.

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Yeah I can assure you my wife and I didn't mess up anything in our apartment and they claimed all kinds of stuff was broken when we left and didn't give us our deposit. I figure its just normal procedure for them to do so and didn't worry about it. Not enough money to even care anyway.



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I'm waiting for just this sort of thing. We just moved out, and our apartment was spottless after 2 years. No smoking, no stains, no water spillage. They may hit us up for paint, but who cares.


When you move in, they give you a sheet that asks you to list anything that is amiss when you move in. I didn't f'k around, mine was 2 pages long, I noted everything.

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damn 5$?!? What about thumbtac holes? that's what I usually use for poster's and such.



We charged $5/any hole to spackle. It just takes that much more time to do when the painter is already making $25/hour

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