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Maryland wants to outlaw sportbikes


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two things you need to know about Maryland....

1)liberal as all hell

2) would get sued by every motorcycle corporation and their mom if they thought about really doing this


im no cop, but there is a point where police call off chases d/t it being too dangerous and risky for the public. why didnt that happen here?


on the other hand none of use where there and we know how "responsible" the media is about getting the facts and portraying them in an unbiased opinion


finally dont forget the biker in this situation is at fault, even though a proposal to ban sport bikes is an obvious over reaction. This is yet another reason not to act like an asshole when there are other motorists around. this is how bikers get bad wraps and even worse people die.

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here is an update:




looks like there may have not been a chase at all... a cop may have lied to save his ass? surprise surprise...


at least those two guys kids and grandkids are going to be financially set after the lawsuit thats sure to follow...

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1) there are too many laws, & state & federal authorities getting all tangled into issues they shouldn't.

2) Outlaw sport bikes? whats next? they've already pushed smokers over the edge. Maybe next they'll look into outlawing sports cars, fast cars. We'd all be driving electric cars if it weren't for politics surrounding the planets oil?

3) Cops? I'm old school, I try to remember that there has to be a few ethical, real police officers left -

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