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MyV6IsFast3r's Introduction with PICS and a question.....

Guest MyV6IsFast3r

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Guest MyV6IsFast3r

Thanks, guys. The suspension was the 1st and foremost. Still not done seeing as how I need some better shocks and some fine tuning. I haven't had the 17" with the NT01's on yet, but im getting that will make a HUGE difference.


I'll keep up on meets and events, try and make it to some, but feel free to IM me if you know of anything going on so I don't have to look around so much. Im lazy, but i just worked 10 hours so it's rest time. Damn i need an office job.


As for the racing, im not too into that, if im feeling spunky I might give her a lil gas through a couple gears, but I try not to race on the streets most of the time. At the track i'll run a few at Trails or something, so let me know whenever everyone will be there. I'll be the 1st to admit, my car isn't fast and im a horrible 1/4 mile driver... Guess in not so fast, not so furious. But I can hold my own in the twisties very well.

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Guest MyV6IsFast3r
  casey02ws6 said:
Welcome - looks good. I love the sound of those cars too. Nissan did its homework on that one.


Oh boy, not to brag, but you should hear it with the Borla exhaust, so deep and throaty and so freaking nice. Then around 4k or so the intake and plenum just screams.

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Guest MyV6IsFast3r
  pdqgp said:
x2 on that one. Show respect, get respect...


Welcome. Looks nice. The wheels set it off as does the color.



I know, I was going to sell them, but just can't bring myself to do it. I'll post some updated pics later on once the lip kit goes on and I get some new tires (different size) Wider is better.


I can't believe no one has said anything about the Cavalier yet lol.

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Guest MyV6IsFast3r
  Kevin R. said:
If I win...i get the money...and the respect. To some people that is more important.



Never again say that.

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  MyV6IsFast3r said:
I know, I was going to sell them, but just can't bring myself to do it. I'll post some updated pics later on once the lip kit goes on and I get some new tires (different size) Wider is better.


I can't believe no one has said anything about the Cavalier yet lol.


the j-body is smokin hawt!

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  MyV6IsFast3r said:
I know, I was going to sell them, but just can't bring myself to do it. I'll post some updated pics later on once the lip kit goes on and I get some new tires (different size) Wider is better.


I can't believe no one has said anything about the Cavalier yet lol.



Thats because we don't bother people who drive such a car as a daily, and claim it to be as such.


When you start claiming your cavalier with APC accesories is ready to ROCK it with the big boys, when you will regret joining.



Welcome BTW :)

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  True Blue said:
Wassup & welcome. Wanna roll!! No worries it is a mid 14 sec goat :D


i'd drive it off a cliff if it were that slow.. :)







welcome to CR.. Nice Z by the way..

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  MyV6IsFast3r said:
Oh boy, not to brag, but you should hear it with the Borla exhaust, so deep and throaty and so freaking nice. Then around 4k or so the intake and plenum just screams.



So, were you in New Albany last night? There was a 350 that drove by us like 2 or 3 times while we were at Eagles pizza waiting for a seat.


PS. Nice looking car and Welcome to the board.

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Guest MyV6IsFast3r
  Eric2112 said:
So, were you in New Albany last night? There was a 350 that drove by us like 2 or 3 times while we were at Eagles pizza waiting for a seat.


PS. Nice looking car and Welcome to the board.



HAHAHa, yeah that was me, at first I couldnt find the place then I got a phone call and had to deal with some business that I knew wasn't going to be a short call so I just ended up sitting in some parking lot for over an hour on the phone. The shit never got settled either, that's what really pissed me off. Looked like a lot of nice cars there and im mad I didn't stop in, but my mind was other places and I wasn't in such a great mood so it was better I didn't. So don't think im crazy for driving by and never stopping lol.


turbospec - I'll be at National Trails sometime this summer. I wouldn't mind lining up at all, but you can't go bragging when you walk me cause I SUCK giganticly when it comes to straight line racing. Just let me know when there's an open track night.

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It needs a big wing, a funky paint job, a JC Whitney exhaust and some k-mart wheels....and in some smack talk and you'll get all kinds of comments on it ;)


  MyV6IsFast3r said:

I can't believe no one has said anything about the Cavalier yet lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  MyV6IsFast3r said:
Oh boy, not to brag, but you should hear it with the Borla exhaust, so deep and throaty and so freaking nice. Then around 4k or so the intake and plenum just screams.


Any chance of a sound clip? I love the stock 350z/g35 exhaust sounds, don't think I've heard a borla one though.


For the record, your V6 is faster. :D

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