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80 rolls...........Dont be skeeeeeeeerd


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what's done to the GTI?


I'm not taking sides, but 80 isn't exactly in the power band for a superhawk


Not only that, but a superhawk aint' nearly the fastest bike out there either. Oh, he's only got $5-8k+ in a big turbo setup, built motor, etc etc,


Compared to my lowly $3k bike which is chump change.

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prolly 'cause it's a good way to endanger everyone on the road or off the road you're on and if you get caught, your explanation in front of a magistrate in court would make it on the next video of America's dumbest criminals collection for sure. :rolleyes::(


"You're Honor, I have a 1.8 liter engine with a large snail thrown on it to make it a fun roll car, By all means its not a full out race car or anything to be scared about. I know it was wrong to go that fast, but it's a roll car. I tell people this all the time and they ask why and I tell them its fun. I"m really sorry those kids died after I cut them but please don't send me to jail, or take my license....I'll lose my job and my life will suck forever........."


So why do people flip out, discuss.

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This thread delivers.


My car just wanted to dance with a bike and superhawk got all upset about me calling him out.


If its not a 600 i dont want none. If it is the a 600 by all means lets put 20 down on it.


If its a liter bike I'll race for free, I'm a mildly built 1.8t VW lookin for a good race thats all i wanted.


If I was asking to get my ass handed to me i'd go down on campus ask Sam to run me on his Busa. But no I just was lookin for a tough race against a 600cc bike and you got all bent outta shape.


I';ll race you from a 40 and 80 this weekend for free, You know the place, I'll be out fri and sat.

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I'm a mildly built 1.8t VW lookin for a good race thats all i wanted.


Let me get my Trans installed, and I will play in my Pa Paw car. You can pick the race... Why race for money.... beer tastes better!






PS - I am in Galloway

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If I was asking to get my ass handed to me i'd go down on campus ask Sam to run me on his Busa. But no I just was lookin for a tough race against a 600cc bike and you got all bent outta shape.



80 roll to whatever you want for 50$?????






















I kidd I kidd, Shanton, you my dude..

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My take-from a car owner that was in the same boat-


Roll racing is fine and dandy, but there are a few things you need to realize.


1) The unofficial national staring roll speed is 40mph. Anything else, and you will have to compromise


2) The unofficial MPH span of a roll race should be at least 100mph.


If you asking for an 80 roll, you should be going to 180. If you car can even do 180 without the tow assistance of Sam’s Z06 (which I doubt) and the bike you are asking to race may not even make it to 150mph, so the race you are asking for is in fact retarded.


IF you want to go from 80, expect to compromise from a slower speed as well.


I don’t know how much power you actually make, but I would be willing to bet you are quite far off my ex’s power to weight ratio. I would also suspect you are on a regular ass street tire. Get some BFG’s, or build a more capable car.

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i will race you from a 80 on my bike oh wait i already have i didn't bitch about it either lets do it again this weekend.


Nothin makes me happier than seein your yellow headlights in my rearview mirror. We will have to try that 45 roll again.



BTW Colt I like my tires, GoodYear Eagle F1's


A race is a race as long as both parties agree on the starting speed.


He didnt like my speed so I guess were not gonna race, Offer stands.

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Nothin makes me happier than seein your yellow headlights in my rearview mirror. We will have to try that 45 roll again.



BTW Colt I like my tires, GoodYear Eagle F1's


A race is a race as long as both parties agree on the starting speed.


He didnt like my speed so I guess were not gonna race, Offer stands.



Told you you'd love the F1's :)


Best tires I've ever 0wned peri0d!

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The purpose of a roll race is to avoid tire spin, you can not tell me you have to go 80mph to keep from spinning your tires. It would take way more power than you make... A 40 or even a 50 roll at the most should eliminate most of it. Why not just downshift if its a spooling issue? What rpm do you have to reach to hit full boost? 6k? lol
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The purpose of a roll race is to avoid tire spin, you can not tell me you have to go 80mph to keep from spinning your tires. It would take way more power than you make... A 40 or even a 50 roll at the most should eliminate most of it. Why not just downshift if its a spooling issue? What rpm do you have to reach to hit full boost? 6k? lol


Pretty close, about 4800/5k.


And shanton, it is a 996cc, but its a vtwin, which in comparision, is SLOWER than the sportbike 600cc you know of, for example, a gsxr or r6 or zx6r, etc. This is a sport touring, not a supersport/racebike, while sporty its still a cruiser moreso.


i'll go from a 40/80 tomrorow night, but I go out of town saturday to florida.


btw, i raced a couple friends tonight, and one traps 109 and I barely eeked him out, like we're talking a car, from a 55/60 roll. just an fyi.

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Pretty close, about 4800/5k.


And shanton, it is a 996cc, but its a vtwin, which in comparision, is SLOWER than the sportbike 600cc you know of, for example, a gsxr or r6 or zx6r, etc. This is a sport touring, not a supersport/racebike, while sporty its still a cruiser moreso.


i'll go from a 40/80 tomrorow night, but I go out of town saturday to florida.


btw, i raced a couple friends tonight, and one traps 109 and I barely eeked him out, like we're talking a car, from a 55/60 roll. just an fyi.


We should have a good race on our hands then, I'll be out later up north Tonight. See you there.

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In no way do I want to be part of this argument...but curiosity has the best of me.


When you roll race from 80 what's the ending speed?


I've never raced anyone on this board nor do I have a car that could keep up with the majority of you here so I may be uneducated on the topic, but my impression was similar to what Colt stated...in that roll races usually span a speed interval of 80-100 mph.


So are you racing from 80 to 160-180?



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In no way do I want to be part of this argument...but curiosity has the best of me.


When you roll race from 80 what's the ending speed?


I've never raced anyone on this board nor do I have a car that could keep up with the majority of you here so I may be uneducated on the topic, but my impression was similar to what Colt stated...in that roll races usually span a speed interval of 80-100 mph.


So are you racing from 80 to 160-180?




I ussually shut it down around 140 to 145 I give it my all till then, I have a 35r so I do not make power till way up top. Thus racing from a higher roll and longer gears rather than 1st or 2nd. My power is up top, Bikes have power everywhere so I am just trying to hand in and I stress just "one" part of there powerband.

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