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Anybody following Chris Benoit Story??


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yep.. pretty crazy. I watched 2 hours of raw last night. Sucks. If he did kill his family. Fuck him. If it was someone else than I feel for him/his family.


I haven't watched wrestling in a few years, but every now and then I'll watch it.

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  mikehaze said:
I haven't watched wrestling for a long, long time but I like to tune in every once in a while. I saw this and was pretty shocked. Anyone see Vince McMahon's "death" recently?


That's a story line and completely fictional. If he really did die Im sure it would be on major news networks by now. What happened to Benoit was real, his family was murdered and he commited suicide. cnn.com said Benoit and his current wife met/married after her previous husband wrote a storyline in which they were lovers. Maybe she was being unfaithful, went back to her ex or another wrestler and he went crazy? Roid Rage? It's pretty sad that he left 2 other children from a previous marriage aswell.

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Double Murder/Suicide is the latest! I used to watch wrasslin all the time. Kinda crazy to think that 2 of his best friends Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero died within the last 10 years and now hes dead himself. If you go back and read you'll see that a lot of pro wrestlers do not live to see 50 years old, either thier bodies break down or they commit suicide.
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  bottlefedfcus said:
o great....here we go theres going to be and even bigger crack down on steriods.I can see it now, steriods may cause murder and suicide.


Than quit using them. Not all of us can be a huge, hulking Puerto Rican of a man naturally. ;)


Back on topic, this quote sticks out to me the most from one of the articles.


"The WWE canceled its live "Monday Night RAW" card in Corpus Christi, Texas, and USA Network aired a three-hour tribute to Benoit in place of the scheduled wrestling telecast."


Who fuckin cares! The man murdered his family and then committed suicide. He murdered an innocent child! Hello! This man deserves a 3hr tribute?! What the fuck... I spent 2weeks in jail for (unknowlingly) driving on a suspended license I got for forgetting to pay a $10 change of address ticket and he gets a damn tribute. :nono: (No, I'm not exaggerating or leaving anything out.)

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I never liked Benoit. I used to watch wrestling back in the day and I was a big Scott Hall and Kevin Nash fan. nWo 4-life


I read the story and it shocked me, thats pretty fuckin crazy. The fact that he killed his wife, them killed his son a day later, then hung himself another day later. Also pretty odd that he left bibles by their bodies. I wonder what the fuck he was trying to accomplish by all this, but I don't feel bad for him. Suicide is for cold-hearted pussies. I do feel bad for his wife though and especially the kid.

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Anyone who thought Vince really died is an idiot (I don't watch the show anymore, haven't in years).


Bubba was talking about this situation a lot today. This could be big trouble for the WWE, and last nights talking good about him was just another way to cover their ass (they basically had a 3 hour tribute to a MURDER). They are trying to make this look like a non-preventable tragedy; who knows what pills the WWE was pushing him (pain, mental, etc.). They are regulated like sports are, it's no wonder there have been a number of suicides/OD's from wrestlers.

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I was just flipping through the channels and caught the opening to tonites WWE event. McMahon had a speach before they aired the wrestling part. Said he is extremely regretful for this tragic event, and that neither Benoit, nor his story will be mentioned any further after hearing about the true details of what happened. Then said they were going to do what they do best, entertain.


...or something like that.


Fucking sick people.

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