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Xbox Modder Busted


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I find this story really funny. Anyone doing Piracy for Profit should be beat. I've seen people do this on craigslist in columbus. People still have not got it threw there thick skulls that this is a crime.


Weather or not we agree with the crime does not change the facts. I bet everyone on here thinks speed limits are stupid. But breaking them is a crime.



If I posted I got crack for sale in the for sale section or craigslist someone would say something.


But a modded xbox with games no one even blinks at it.. I know thats a bit extreme as CR is a sorta private community. But do you know as a seller who is on here?


I remeber when modding your playstation was something you did yourself or you find someone threw someone who did it. Now dumb asses posts online about it.


ok enough rant here's the story




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pirating games = no no. but modding consoles? how can that be illegal? i understand it aggrevates anyone who is playing when they cheat by modding their system but how can someone get in trouble for modifying it? anyone remember game genie? isn't it the same concept except you can save games onto your system?
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I believe the DMCA expressly forbids the use of any device/software that circumvents copy protection of any type. Not sure though...In my book F#$# the rules when it comes to modding, etc.


Actually selling and profiting from pirated stuff, yes, but overall, I think just about everyone has a song, cd, game, software, something in their possession that could be seen as copyright infringement.


Hell, back when I was a kid, if it wasn't for the fact that we were able to pirate software, I wouldn't have had my computer and subsequently contributed so much to the world of hardware and other software packages. I'm sure the same is here today. How many fewer ipods would be out there if there was a 100% bullet proof means to protect songs.


pirating games = no no. but modding consoles? how can that be illegal? i understand it aggrevates anyone who is playing when they cheat by modding their system but how can someone get in trouble for modifying it? anyone remember game genie? isn't it the same concept except you can save games onto your system?
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If you cannot modify it, you do not own it.


Modding an xbox isn't really illegal unless you reverse engineer something that is protected. If you copy a game, that is illegal.



Well, If you take the cats off your car it is illegal to run on the street. So not much of a differance.



Fuck the DMCA just wanted to put that one out there.

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video games don't pollute the air..


Other than the greenhouse gasses emited by the electricity that runs the gaming system and TVs, the polution from the manufacture and distrbution of the games, and the odor emited by the kids that get fat and do not bother to bathe while playing for hours on end.



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The mighty DMCA says that any device that removes or blocks copywrite protection is illegal to sell. That is what a modchip does.


Removing the cat on your car, or adding any mods period does not remove copywrite protection on the car to my knowledge...


I can understand selling modchips, that is if you are large company that is not in the USA... but not selling illegal copies of games

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