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pet insurance


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I made a thread about this about 6-8 months ago.


My mother bought a Chihuahua about a year ago. Well, the thing was broken from the factory and had all kinds of problems. Since then, she's sank about $8,000 into it to make it 'right.'


Sure would have been nice to have insurance on the thing. Sheesh.

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When I looked into it, it was over $30 a month. A friend at work has the Petsmart insurance thing and it doesnt cover a lot of things. Didnt take me long at all to figure out it wouldn't be worth it.

My brother had insurance (not sure from where) on his dog and it was recently hit by a car. Of course the place they took him to wasnt covered and he's out $1,500.

I think you'd be better off sticking the money aside in case something like that came up. Course that's easier said than done. If anyone does have any good companies/experience I'd like to look into it again.

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Having a freaking great vet helps alot.


Our orange cat Bitz was still a kitten when she wandered in to our neighbors backyard last year. Anyway the neighbor has two dogs that tried to play tug with her. It took two or three skin graphs and lots of visits and medicine to keep her alive. I think total it cost us $400-500 dollars. Our vet is a much older man 70-ish and he said that she was one of the most mangled animals that he had ever treated.

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I cant believe people.... treating the pet like humans. :nono: My rule of thumb, if it cost more than $300 put them down. All they are going to be is a drain on you.





Lets do the math on this... 30/mo for 9 years= $3240. Seems like a lot to me to sink into a pet.

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When I looked into it, it was over $30 a month. A friend at work has the Petsmart insurance thing and it doesnt cover a lot of things. Didnt take me long at all to figure out it wouldn't be worth it.

My brother had insurance (not sure from where) on his dog and it was recently hit by a car. Of course the place they took him to wasnt covered and he's out $1,500.

I think you'd be better off sticking the money aside in case something like that came up. Course that's easier said than done. If anyone does have any good companies/experience I'd like to look into it again.



I have it from Banfield, it isn't "Insurance". You pay a fee every month for a year straight (if animal dies you still pay till the end). What it does is give you discounts on major surgeries and other things. Also depending on the plan you get some shots and/or teeth cleaning for free.


I pay 27$ a month for my cat. This gives me all his required shots year round for free. Also twice a year teeth cleanings are free. The anaesthesia is at a discounted rate (half off). Also I don't have to ever pay a doctors office visit fee ($30) if I feel like taking him in for anything.


I sat down and figured it out the price difference. If banfield is the only place I take him then paying $27 a month for 12 months is cheaper then paying the full amount everytime I go there for his preventive maintenance stuff. BUT if I went to another vet it would probably be cheaper... BUT banfield is open on the weekends when I have free time to take him in. They are also very nice to all the animals I have seen in there. Other vets that I have been to don't seem to be as nice as banfield, but that is just my opinion.

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I cant believe people.... treating the pet like humans. :nono: My rule of thumb, if it cost more than $300 put them down. All they are going to be is a drain on you.





Some people that do that don't have kids. Their pets are their kids. It makes sense to get insurance for them?

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I really wish there was a way to mix it in with your normal family health insurance. I have two multi champion bloodline AKC Corgi's that I plan to have a long time.


My job offers pet insurance through met life. Maybe they offer it for people who don't work for the company in question.



XXX post.

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I cant believe people.... treating the pet like humans. :nono: My rule of thumb, if it cost more than $300 put them down. All they are going to be is a drain on you.




:nono: Dam you a tough papa. I guess someone has to be. :)


I guess I look at it this way, I adopt an animal and I become responsible for it and it's health.


Hell my wife and I stopped today on a non busy road in Westerville after going to the doctor to take a turtle out of the road and send him on his way.

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Don't get me wrong, I love dogs (hate cats). I have returned 6 to their owners in the past 4 years living in Mt. Vernon, people let them run like they are a cat. I would not spend that much on a dog.
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I've spent around $2k on my dog in the past 2 months. He is family, not just some animal. Pet insurance, I think, is a bad idea because many things aren't covered due to heretic problems. In my case, my dog's problems run in his breed, therefore aren't covered.
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Ive only checked into a few companies that have, but the cost saving's wasnt much. the vet bills for 5 cats was cheaper for the year, then the policy would have costed me for the year.
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Anyone here use pet insurance? Recommended insurance vendors?



I a have 3 monh old boxer mix and considering picking ins. up on her.





yea cause the tumors that they get can be expensive to remove. my boxer has one in his neck. doesn't seem to bother him much though.

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likely just a non threatening lump. we've had like 8-9 taken off our old girl in the past 10 years. so long as you can feel it within the skin layer...moves around like a BB Pellet in your fingers, she should be okay, just watch the size. If it grows or becomes/is attached to the lower layers of muscle or mass tissue, seek a Dr. out quickly.


In our case, I believe it's a hormone thing as our Male has hardly ever gone into the vet. All in all, money is just money.......these guys were our first kids and money can't buy what they've given us and even today what they have given to our kids.


Being the Pic Whore I am:






yea cause the tumors that they get can be expensive to remove. my boxer has one in his neck. doesn't seem to bother him much though.
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He is family, not just some animal.


I totally agree. I love my dogs.




Those two cost me over $3300 purchase price.

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