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Ticking after timing belt job on Ford Ranger


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Just did the timing belt on my ranger put everything together and now its ticking, and its RPM dependent.


I checked all of the marks and all 3 line up perfectly. Also the truck starts up and idles fine.


any suggestions?

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How is the tension on the timing belt? What all did you replace?


-The tension was dictated by the tensioner. if anything its tighter than necessary. I just replaced the timing belt.



did it sit for a long while torn down? if so may have some collapsed lifters that dont wanna pump up, maybe try some auto parts store oil cleaner or some lucas and see if it doesnt free em up.


-Didn't sit for long at all I drove it into the garage and had the belt off in 2 hrs.


-I'll check the covers again.

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sometimes even after a shor teardown the lifters take a while to pump back up


the 2.3 in the mustang ticked for almost a whole day before it shut up

I think this was the case. First couple of start ups I freaked out. Then out of the blue it clicked then went away and never came back. Everything runs fine and I'm not asking any questions!!!

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