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on my way to see transformers!

V8 Beast

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best movie i've ever seen. saw it twice in 2 days, still may go see it again. unbelievable cgi. loved it as a kid now its even better. no girl will ever have the look of the Fox chick(too drunk to remember her first name) dare i say it makes me want a yellow camaro with black stripes?
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Guest baseciv
best movie i've ever seen. saw it twice in 2 days, still may go see it again. unbelievable cgi. loved it as a kid now its even better. no girl will ever have the look of the Fox chick(too drunk to remember her first name) dare i say it makes me want a yellow camaro with black stripes?


The good news is that she has sex with Brian Austin Green, which means ANYONE has a chance at giving her the salami.

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I can do better and I will do better. Bay makes a lot of senseless, over the top action movies with poor dialogue and poor acting. That's all fine and dandy if you just like watching explosions and cars racing around, but I place quality acting higher on the totem pole than special effects unlike most Americans. With that being said, go watch some Episode III and STFU. Oh, wait, Episode III was a blockbuster, that must mean it was a good movie....


You can't and you won't.


And just because you don't like Bay's movies doesn't mean they suck. The $100+ million they all make disagree with you. You probably dream of being one of those retarded Entertainment Weekly movie critics who gives all the hit movies shitty ratings and the foreign indy film that opened in 7 theaters worldwide an A.


Fuck you and your coherent sentence, douchebag.



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Guest baseciv
You can't and you won't.


And just because you don't like Bay's movies doesn't mean they suck. The $100+ million they all make disagree with you. You probably dream of being one of those retarded Entertainment Weekly movie critics who gives all the hit movies shitty ratings and the foreign indy film that opened in 7 theaters worldwide an A.


Fuck you and your coherent sentence, douchebag.




Wow, you really are a fucking retard. Here is how your argument breaks down.


A movie that makes a lot of money is a good movie.

A movie that DOESN'T make a lot of money is inferior.


Anything Michael Bay has done is inferior to Titanic then, because it has grossed over 1.5 billion dollars in theaters.


You are also saying that Armageddon, which grossed $554,600,000 is a better film than The Matrix, which grossed $456,300,000.


Clerks, which had a budget of around $35,000 was a better movie than Armageddon.


Do you drive around looking for the most expensive gas you can find when you need to fill up? By your reasoning, it would be better gas.....


How does it feel to know that a "douchebag" just made you look like an idiot?

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Wow, you really are a fucking retard. Here is how your argument breaks down.


A movie that makes a lot of money is a good movie.

A movie that DOESN'T make a lot of money is inferior.


Anything Michael Bay has done is inferior to Titanic then, because it has grossed over 1.5 billion dollars in theaters.


You are also saying that Armageddon, which grossed $554,600,000 is a better film than The Matrix, which grossed $456,300,000.


Clerks, which had a budget of around $35,000 was a better movie than Armageddon.


Do you drive around looking for the most expensive gas you can find when you need to fill up? By your reasoning, it would be better gas.....


How does it feel to know that a "douchebag" just made you look like an idiot?


1. Congratulations on knowing how to look up things on the internet.


2. You INFERED that my point was that higher grossing films = better movies. My point was actually "Just because you don't like Bay's movies doesn't mean they suck". Congratulations again on poor language arts skills.


3. I actually did prefer Armageddon to The Matrix, but I liked both quite a bit. Again, not my point.


4. YOU feel Clerks is better than Armageddon. I'm actually a big fan of all Kevin Smith's films, and I'm sure a number of people would agree with your sentiment. However, you'd be in the minority.


5. I see what you did there. Wait, no I didn't. My mom makes some pretty dumb arguments, but that just topped them. That was a completely retarded analogy. There is absolutely no correlation between the price of gas and the decision to purchase it versus a film's monetary gross and the opinion of its quality. Who's the idiot again?


Case in point, "good movies" are a matter of opinion. I'm sure there are people that think Syriana or A New World or The Pledge were "good movies" but I personally found them all rather boring (especially The Pledge - easily the worst film in history). I watch movies for their entertainment value. No matter the genre of the film, did the movie accomplish its task? If so, then it was worth the price of a ticket.


Try again. But make sure you try harder, douchebag.




P.S. It's rather unwise for your first posts to be argumentative. There are better ways to be "accepted". Take this as me being cordial.

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Guest baseciv

1. You just keep digging, don't you?


2. I made no inference whatsoever, you said "And just because you don't like Bay's movies doesn't mean they suck. The $100+ million they all make disagree with you." Basically, you said that if a movie makes over $100 million, it does not suck. It is right there for you to see.


3. The gas analogy was relevant. See above.


4. Other people look for more out of movies than just a cheap sensory experience.











1. Congratulations on knowing how to look up things on the internet.


2. You INFERED that my point was that higher grossing films = better movies. My point was actually "Just because you don't like Bay's movies doesn't mean they suck". Congratulations again on poor language arts skills.


3. I actually did prefer Armageddon to The Matrix, but I liked both quite a bit. Again, not my point.


4. YOU feel Clerks is better than Armageddon. I'm actually a big fan of all Kevin Smith's films, and I'm sure a number of people would agree with your sentiment. However, you'd be in the minority.


5. I see what you did there. Wait, no I didn't. My mom makes some pretty dumb arguments, but that just topped them. That was a completely retarded analogy. There is absolutely no correlation between the price of gas and the decision to purchase it versus a film's monetary gross and the opinion of its quality. Who's the idiot again?


Case in point, "good movies" are a matter of opinion. I'm sure there are people that think Syriana or A New World or The Pledge were "good movies" but I personally found them all rather boring (especially The Pledge - easily the worst film in history). I watch movies for their entertainment value. No matter the genre of the film, did the movie accomplish its task? If so, then it was worth the price of a ticket.


Try again. But make sure you try harder, douchebag.




P.S. It's rather unwise for your first posts to be argumentative. There are better ways to be "accepted". Take this as me being cordial.

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Saw the movie last night, and it was amazingly good. It was better than the hype, and I had lot of people hype that movie up.


As for the Honda homo who thinks he is some sort of film maker, Bay has made a number of great films.


Bad Boys 1 and 2, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor (alright, some people hate the story line, but the film itself is well done), The Rock (my god, one of the classic action movies of all time), and now Transformers! This guy has his shit together and then some.

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1. You just keep digging, don't you?


2. I made no inference whatsoever, you said "And just because you don't like Bay's movies doesn't mean they suck. The $100+ million they all make disagree with you." Basically, you said that if a movie makes over $100 million, it does not suck. It is right there for you to see.


3. The gas analogy was relevant. See above.


4. Other people look for more out of movies than just a cheap sensory experience.


1. Umm....sure...?


2. Maybe it's just because I got out of a statistics class, but the "guess" fits. I can guarantee you will find more exciting, entertaining, and just plan awesome films in the $100+ million range than you will in the <$100 million range. If two movies open on the same weekend on the same number of screens, and movie A makes $150 million over the course of three weeks while movie B only brings in $27 million over those three weeks, its pretty safe to say that audiences enjoyed movie A more.


3. Nope. Still not relevant.


4. You'll always get a "sensory experience" at any movie. Some you may not be conscious, others you might be pissed you just wasted $7.50. I prefer to leave with a smile on my face. What do you look for in movies?


I'm not sure if you were foreshadowing with your "I can and will do better" statement like you just won On The Lot or something, but if that's the case, I wish you the best making "good", but low grossing films.




P.S. If I had to pick three movies off the top of my head to claim as the three "best" movies, I would choose:


A Few Good Men - $243,240,178 Worldwide

Good Will Hunting - $225,900,000 Worldwide

Live Free or Die Hard - $119,374,537 Worldwide (so far)


Just curious to see an off-the-top list of your favorites.

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