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That John Dever guy was full of S#$T!


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I'm off to DeNver, CO for work. lack O sleep and little caffinee = the no sleep gheybies. My flight leaves @ 6:20 and all I want to do is crawl back into bed. I should be alright tho I have been there several times, We just opened a base there and partnered with Frontier Airlines. "Sigh" off to work. (sorry for misspelled words)
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I thought this was interesting.... this is in regards to a "average flier"


The odds of being killed in any single flight are about 1 in 52.6 million. The odds of being killed in a traffic accident driving to the airport are 1 in 7.6 million, or about 700% more likely.


Even if you are unlucky enough to be on board a commercial airliner that does crash, you have about a 32% chance of survival.

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Easy...you take the percentage of risk for a single flight, times however many flights you have been / will be on.




Ummm... I flew allot...5-6 days a week, 4-6 flights a day (I flew mainly east coast NYC, DC, Boston, ect) average week was 30 flights. Average year 1560.


The only incident I had involving "everybody’s" safety was when we were on the runway to take off from JFK. We started to take off and about 30 secs in to the starting we pulled off the runway really fast. Air traffic forgot we were on the runway and has a HUGE Jet (international flight) landing on the same runway. So, yeah we would have all died.


Yes I could have figured it out I guess, I really wanted to know though if they bold face told the employee's.


Yes, they tell you. I had to watch different video's of plane crashes. I was not afraid. I am probably the only person who LIKES turbulence. It was like going to work on a roller coaster every day and getting paid for it. I always thought it was funny when the passengers would "white knuckle" the arm rest.


I have personally hit the ceiling and the floor twice during thunder storms and hurricanes. Both times I was flying into Orlando.



I have a million stories of crazy stuff/people I had to deal with at work. That is part of the job. I even had a guy grab my butt every time I walked past him for a three hour flight. He was disabled (mentally) so I could not really yell at him.

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Ummm... I flew allot...5-6 days a week, 4-6 flights a day (I flew mainly east coast NYC, DC, Boston, ect) average week was 30 flights. Average year 1560.


The only incident I had involving "everybody’s" safety was when we were on the runway to take off from JFK. We started to take off and about 30 secs in to the starting we pulled off the runway really fast. Air traffic forgot we were on the runway and has a HUGE Jet (international flight) landing on the same runway. So, yeah we would have all died.




Yes, they tell you. I had to watch different video's of plane crashes. I was not afraid. I am probably the only person who LIKES turbulence. It was like going to work on a roller coaster every day and getting paid for it. I always thought it was funny when the passengers would "white knuckle" the arm rest.


I have personally hit the ceiling and the floor twice during thunder storms and hurricanes. Both times I was flying into Orlando.



I have a million stories of crazy stuff/people I had to deal with at work. That is part of the job. I even had a guy grab my butt every time I walked past him for a three hour flight. He was disabled (mentally) so I could not really yell at him.



Lol, I hit the ceiling in the bathroom on my flight to London. I can't remember the technical name for the type of turbulence we hit, but it was unexpected and we dropped a shit ton in altitude from it.

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I'm off to DeNver, CO for work. lack O sleep and little caffinee = the no sleep gheybies. My flight leaves @ 6:20 and all I want to do is crawl back into bed. I should be alright tho I have been there several times, We just opened a base there and partnered with Frontier Airlines. "Sigh" off to work. (sorry for misspelled words)

Dude...er, girl, seriously, noooo caffeine. Trust me, you don't want that in your system if you're going to make the leap from 900ft to 5000ft overnight. I stay off caffeine, booze, asprin, basically all blood thinners and diuretics. Theres an herbal kijigger called Cordyceps you can get at ...ermm...herbal drug places. I know there's one next to Potbelly on polaris that has it. Pop one a day, alot of climbers swear by it.


Drink water or Gatorade, avoid caffeine like the plague. I know a thing or two on the subject. :)


As for flying, I like turbulence because it lets you know that yes, air is still moving around the plane, which is a good thing. It also seems pointless to be in/on vehicle that does feel like it's moving.

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Have you joined the Mile High club yet? What are those odds?



YUCKKKKKK NO!!!! Having sex in the Port-O-John of the sky will never be on my list of places to do it. Seriously tho I have seen a head or two pop up from the back of the plane with a very sweaty satisfied man's face looking at me. People are more likely to give head or a hand job on the plane instead of trying to squeeze two adults into a very small, very dirty space to try to have sex.



Dude...er, girl, seriously, noooo caffeine. Trust me, you don't want that in your system if you're going to make the leap from 900ft to 5000ft overnight. I stay off caffeine, booze, asprin, basically all blood thinners and diuretics. Theres an herbal kijigger called Cordyceps you can get at ...ermm...herbal drug places. I know there's one next to Potbelly on polaris that has it. Pop one a day, alot of climbers swear by it.


Drink water or Gatorade, avoid caffeine like the plague. I know a thing or two on the subject. :)


As for flying, I like turbulence because it lets you know that yes, air is still moving around the plane, which is a good thing. It also seems pointless to be in/on vehicle that does feel like it's moving.



Blastfame!@!@!@!@! I <3 Coffee


I am extra evil with out three things. Sleep, Food, Caffeine



Edit--- Oops forgot to log Dave out b-4 posting- Lack O sleep yet again_ Meg

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