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Baby Momma Drama

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Guest Removed

Have any of you have too deal with this? This week has been full of it for me. Lets start with monday. I had mediation with my youngest sons mother in franklin county. Of course she wouldnt agree too any normal terms. :rolleyes: She decided too take off too NC, and not tell anyone.of course taking my son with her and her new husband too the marine cor. :( But in light of all that tuesday she did stay in town too let me see him (for the first time in just over a year).Me and my oldest boy got too play with him for about a hour at the park. which was just great.


Now on too the oldest boy drama of the week. Monday evening, my wife picks him up from Nana's house and on the way down he's telling her how mommy burnt him on purpose with a candle. :eek: Well we finally got thru too someone at childerns services in delaware, they bring him in for questioning. Well to make the long story short, they have granted me temp custody. And we have court monday too decide if he is too go back too mommys or not. They have done the walk thru of the homes and questioned everyone. But my son is dead set on not wanting too go back too mommys.


any one else here ever dealt with anything like this? And this is all in delaware county.

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WFT!!! Why would she burn him? Is she unstable? Has she ever done anything like that before? What did she have to say for herself? Hurting a child is the most horrible thing that can ever be done.


As far as the younger boy, If it is shared parenting then you work out and arrangement and that's that 6 months mommy/6 months daddy. If she is moving out of state and she has custody then there is nothing you can do. Unless you fight her for custody.


How old are the boys?

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that sucks, how many kids do you have? I've got one and luckily me and the mother still get along/talk etc. We disagree on certain things about her, but nothing major, but yeah, that must be hard. I have my daughter 4-5days a week, I couldn't imagine not seeing her for a year. crazy
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Kyle can choose to live with you when he turns 8. I would get him away from her asap!!! Things like that are just the begining of worse things to come. How does you wife feel about your son? Would she have major issues with him living with you?


Personally I would choke a bitch. If someone ever intentionally hurt my son, no one would ever find their body. True story.


It sucks for the kids when the parents are not together anymore but you have to try to make the best of a bad situation. I know for a fact that if Dave and I ever split that it would be a hella custody battle. Neither one of us would give him up, not even for weekends.


Good luck Rob

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that sucks, how many kids do you have? I've got one and luckily me and the mother still get along/talk etc. We disagree on certain things about her, but nothing major, but yeah, that must be hard. I have my daughter 4-5days a week, I couldn't imagine not seeing her for a year. crazy


I didn't know you and Michelle split. It was Michelle right??? I didn't really like her so I always make myself scarse when she was around.

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the worst part is, he been telling me all kinds of shit that his stepdad has been doing too him.. once i heard he held him up against the wall and choked him till he fell asleep...Im going too Kill him.


If you haven't already atleast confronted him, you have more self control than me.

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Guest Removed
If you haven't already atleast confronted him, you have more self control than me.








heres a pic from the park tuesday.kyle is the one on my back.

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Guest Removed
Kyle can choose to live with you when he turns 8. I would get him away from her asap!!! Things like that are just the begining of worse things to come. How does you wife feel about your son? Would she have major issues with him living with you?


Personally I would choke a bitch. If someone ever intentionally hurt my son, no one would ever find their body. True story.


It sucks for the kids when the parents are not together anymore but you have to try to make the best of a bad situation. I know for a fact that if Dave and I ever split that it would be a hella custody battle. Neither one of us would give him up, not even for weekends.


Good luck Rob

I think the law in ohio states 12 years of age. i know in NC its 6.

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Guest Removed
as much as i would love to kick you in the nuts right now, robb, i cant make fun of your concern for your children. good luck.



Go for it. after this week, im still waiting for them too drop back down from all the others fucking dumb bitchs kicking me in the nuts.

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I found this:


Q.: How does a court decide whether to order shared parenting or order one parent to have custody of the children when a marriage ends?

A.: To determine whether shared parenting is in the best interest of the children, the court considers many factors, including:

* the parents’ ability to cooperate and make joint parenting decisions;

* each parent’s ability to encourage contact and the sharing of love with the other parent;

* any history of, or potential for, child or spousal abuse or other domestic violence, or parental kidnapping by either parent;

* where the parents live in proximity to each other (for practical shared parenting reasons); and

* the recommendation of the child’s guardian ad litem, if applicable.



For cases in which shared parenting is not in the best interests of the children, the court will select a parent (the “residential parent”) to have custody of the children. The court will grant parenting time rights to the other parent.


Q.: I am going through a divorce. At what age can my seven-year-old son choose whether he wants to live with me or with his mother?

A.: Ohio law does not specify an age at which a child may choose his or her own living arrangements. Rather, the court looks at the custody issue on a case-by-case basis, and custody determination is based on a number of factors, including:

* the wishes of the child’s parents;

* the wishes of the child;

* the child’s relationship with parents, siblings, and any other person who may significantly affect the child’s best interest;

* the child’s adjustment to home, school and community;

* the mental and physical health of all those involved;

* the parents’ likelihood of honoring and facilitating court-approved parenting time rights or visitation and companionship rights;

* failure of either parent to make any past child support payments;

* either parent’s previous conviction or guilty plea for a criminal offense involving an abused or neglected child or domestic violence, or evidence that either parent has acted in a way that resulted in a child’s abuse or neglect;

* denial by either parent of the other parent’s right to parenting time;

* either parent’s establishment of a residence, or a plan to move, outside the state.


The court is not allowed to give a parent preference because of that parent’s financial status.


Q.: How and under what circumstances may a child choose which parent will have custody?

A.: As always with regard to children, the court must determine what is in the child’s best interest. The child’s living arrangement preference is only one of many factors that may be considered by the court in determining what is in the child’s best interest. A parent may ask the court to interview the child to find out the child’s preference, and the court may decide to permit such an interview. The interview is not done in open court, but rather, in the judge’s or magistrate’s chambers. The child meets with the judge or magistrate and other court personnel as appropriate, but the child’s parents are not present at the meeting.


Q.: What, if any, guidelines are followed during an interview with a child “in chambers”?

A.: The court (judge or magistrate) will first determine the reasoning ability of the child. If the court determines the child does not have sufficient reasoning ability, then the child will not be asked his or her wishes with regard to custody. If the court decides the child does have sufficient reasoning ability, the court must then decide if there are any special circumstances that would suggest the child’s wishes should not be considered. Assuming the child has sufficient reasoning ability and there are no special circumstances, the court will then ask the child about his or her own wishes regarding custody.


Q.: Does the court always follow the child’s wishes?

A.: Not necessarily. The court still must determine whether it is in that child’s best interest for custody to be granted to the parent chosen. The court also must consider many other factors to determine what is in the child’s best interest. The wishes of an older, more mature child are often weighed very heavily unless there is a negative reason why the child prefers one parent over the other (e.g., lax rules or supervision, substance abuse issues, etc.).



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To, Too, and Two. Learn them. Use them. Love them.




That out of the way, my brain aneurysm subsides and I can wish you the best of luck in dealing with dirty fucking whores that thrive off the inequities in the child services/divorce custody system. Hopefully they'll get what they have coming.

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you dont even know the half of it.....trust me.


the worst part is, he been telling me all kinds of shit that his stepdad has been doing too him.. once i heard he held him up against the wall and choked him till he fell asleep...Im going too Kill him.and no i wont toush a female. but i have a freind that is ready too go kick her ass for me. but i have too wait for court too see what the hell is going on. and of course CS wont tell me everything that kyle has told them. i gues im better off, cause it most likely will push me off the deepend, and i would be hunting for a gilbert Cueva or whatever his fucking name is. they live in the polaris area and drives a white Hummer with big chrome wheels with spinners and a Big B in the center of them.


I understand your anger, hell i think everyone here does too. But if you choose to go that route than your doing WAY more harm than good. If both parents are proven to be unstable then their gonna put your boys in foster care, at least temporarily. You dont want that. Even after the court proceeding's, if you go after him or there's ANY PROOF what so ever that you had intention to do so (read: this thread) and the detective decides to pursue the case, your fucked. Do yourself a big favor and stay away from the guy. You get custody = you win.

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Guest Removed
I understand your anger, hell i think everyone here does too. But if you choose to go that route than your doing WAY more harm than good. If both parents are proven to be unstable then their gonna put your boys in foster care, at least temporarily. You dont want that. Even after the court proceeding's, if you go after him or there's ANY PROOF what so ever that you had intention to do so (read: this thread) and the detective decides to pursue the case, your fucked. Do yourself a big favor and stay away from the guy. You get custody = you win.


I mean i have never seen him so dead set against going back too mommys in my life. Hell he told me yesterday that he wants mommy and gil to go too jail, and that he wants too telll the judge he doesnt want too ever see mommy again.


and fuck my none use of proper grammer.you are getting my fucking point. get over it.

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Guest Removed
Rob; Stop posting things. You're working on full custody, shuddup and watch yo mouf.

i know i know....i just needed too vent some.. I'll ask a mod later to delete this if they would. girlygirl posted some of the info i was looking for.


thanks. :)

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
I have no self control when it comes too my kids. It is taking everything i have not too kill him , peice of shit. I just keep thinking , it not worth losing kyle over. but after court, will be a different story. I have a many peoeple standing in line more then willing too put this tool in the hospital. ;)







heres a pic from the park tuesday.kyle is the one on my back.



Oh shit no mullet...... good pic rob the kids must take after their mothers lol..... j/k bro



I kno you deserve the kids man I kno you take care of them great..... I have been there......


Im glad to hear you have atleast temp custody man congrats keep me updated :woowoo:

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