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MR2 Tear down and WTF!!


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So we tore the MR2 down and ran in to quite a bit of problems.


1. New engine need old engines head



2. Old engine had BBQ sauce for oil. (not really it just looked like it)WTF!!!



3. Old engine had a thrust washer inside that looked like this.



4. Clutch and Flywheel are good :) only 1800mi...



5. This is why the head needs rebuilt



This is the block waaa hoo its most likely fucked up too.



Here is everything all spread the hell out



So yeah it needs alot of work but hopefully is will be done before I go to school in August...

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I dont know how many people know about the story of the fucked up MR2 deal gone bad so im gonna fill the ones that dont in. Pretty much janszen bought a gen2 3sge to swap in his car because the original blown motor (3sge gen3) had the thrust washer in the crankshaft area/the block. after taking the engine out we soon realized that we should of waited till we found a gen3. the exhaust manifold wont match up unless we swap the heads from the gen3 to the gen2. also if we tried to just make a custom exhaust manifold then that means we would have to try to find brackets or make brackets so we could mount all the acessories. i have some more pics from the teardown.



more pics of the head that we need to hopefully get bored and some oversized cams so we can make this thing work



crankshaft is no good. its cut up and the bearings were fucked


where the bearings rest, the metal is shaved and screwed unless machined.

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i cringe looking at those pictures. I have spent too much time doing a head swap on a 3sgte. If you are putting a newer head on an older block, the distributor and the timing belt tensioner are different bewteen the two. Of course, he was putting a newer mr2 head onto an older all-trac block
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I never saw the thrust washer,interesting... thats probably the rod bearing root problem. It makes you me wonder if how bad this motor looked before it was put in. I find it hard to believe that that could happen in 1500 miles.
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yea i kinda agree with u, but since the guy didnt drive the car that much for 6 months. maybe he didnt even change the oil for 6 months. it makes me want to break apart an engine b4 i buy i used car.
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So I just found a replacement Gen3 3SGE a exact replacement, I am going to order this as soon as he responds back to me with the picture of the dip stick, dave at north end wretch showed me the difference between a car that was fucked up in side and not fucked up just by looking at the dip stick. He said on a messed up engine the dip stick had a lot of the yellowish burnt oil on it. So check dip sticks b4 you buy used engines!!!!!!!!!!!!! or else you get BBQ sause
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  Janszen said:
So I just found a replacement Gen3 3SGE a exact replacement, I am going to order this as soon as he responds back to me with the picture of the dip stick, dave at north end wretch showed me the difference between a car that was fucked up in side and not fucked up just by looking at the dip stick. He said on a messed up engine the dip stick had a lot of the yellowish burnt oil on it. So check dip sticks b4 you buy used engines!!!!!!!!!!!!! or else you get BBQ sause


unless your buying an engine from a private seller, the oil is normally drained from the engine before you pick it up.

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