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who paints houses?


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i need to figure out how much paint im gonna need to do some area in my apartment.


ive got 8 foot ceilings, the room is about 17'x14', but one of the corners/counters is not there, and theres a few doors that will save some space...


few pics of the area







the other thing i think i may have a problem with is that the walls have a very cheap paint on them now (landlord white), and i know that crappy paint will suck up a lot of the new paint i will be putting on.


any ideas how much paint im gonna need?



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I wouldn't bother painting an apt wall a different color because you'll just have to paint it back to "landlord white" once you move out and if you go for a darker color that will SUCK to cover.


I would. You would'nt believe what a coat of paint will do to an apartment. My brother painted his whole apartment, and it looks great. Ive been in units that are exactly like it but his seem's more comfortable and liveable. He plans on being there 2-3 years so it was worth it for him. Just remember when you move out, how easy will it be to paint it back to white when everything is out of the place.


Oh, and I would say 1 gallon, maybe 2 just in case. If you have any question measure the walls and go to lowes/home depot/shermain williams and ask them. I just got a gallon for my room at home, Lowe's was really helpful choosing the color too. What do you have in mind?

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Two gallons should do it...I painted several walls in my apt with 2gs. Also, typically the color on the walls when you move in are "bone white" from glidden. Just had to paint them all back.
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im just painting them white, so when i move, i dont have to do it again. theres just a lot of crap on the walls i want to cover up...holes, patch marks from holes that have been covered, and a bunch of other things i dont even know what theyre from. i just want it to have a clean look by the time i get my new furniture in
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White is not the color on most...My old place I had red walls and shit....I painted white when I let and they charged me cause it was not "bone white". I might as well left the sobs RED. Hell with Ardent prop.!!
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