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Who's heard of the scheme..."TEAM"???


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I have a friend who does this and I want to punch him the in face every time he brings it up. He has made NO money unless he invests money to quote "grow his business". Sure, maybe it works for some...but to see a college student get sucked into this bullshit instead of having a regular FT job is ridiculous.


Another thing is he will not tell me what the damn business is no matter what. As a friend I am just asking (smells like a scheme to me..no thank you..i wont be doing it) and he tells me to come to the damn meetings.


I ask him how much he has made for all this time he puts into it (conferences, weekly meetings, BS) and he has nothing to say about that either.


So I would take smokin5s' advice on this one.

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Another thing, they bullshit the hell out of you. Even as a friend he bullshits me telling me his brother is making 8-9k a month with his fiance ....then I was with him and his dad and his dad is talking about how he had to help him cover the bills this month. It is all :bs:
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exactly true....but hey, if the shoe fits and someone else doesn't like what I have to say, then all I have to say is welcome to America where we are all entitled to our opinion :rolleyes:


Considering Tim QUOTED SOMEONE ELSE I'm fairly certain he wasn't talking about you and his comment wasn't directed at you in anyway. Why go off the deep and and crucify him over a simple comment?


IMO, if one wants to get involved in a business like this, they are much better off being an independent manufacturer rep where there is much less risk, and much more opportunity for success.


We hire independents all the time and most of the ones who make it through their first year pull down over $100k. Sure some only make $50-$75k or so, but they usually don't hang around long and are likely selling a product to a market they know little about and have no contacts in. They eventually move to a manufacturer or a product line of goods they know and have a community network of people in.


I have a buddy in the Wash. DC market I brought on selling just two products of ours and he grossed over $10k last month....now he's been in the industry for 8 years, but still, working for us for only 3 months and doing that.....it's much easier than a pyramid idea. We just talked today and he's tearing it up again this month.

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LOL! Wow, I didn't realize a number of people on here tried this. It was called Quixtar when I started, but apparantly they didn't like the "t".


I tried it. The good thing about it - it actually does work. The bad thing about it - it's INCREDIBLY difficult to get people to believe you, due to the fact that it is in fact a pyramid scheme.


ATTENTION!!! If you don't give two flying shits how this works, don't read the insanely long post. If you're interested or even the least bit curious, read on.


The idea behind getting started is to convert your monthly spenditures (groceries, clothes, car parts, etc.) from the stores and outlets to this online website. Then, you get your family and friends to do the same thing and BAM - mucho dinero.


This is a relatively in-depth breakdown of how it works.


For every $2.50 you spend on this website, you receive 1 point. Your target is to get 100 points per month (or spend $250 a month) to reach your initial bonus level of 3%. While $250 sounds like a lot to some, especially me being 18 (at the time) and not spending that kind of money per month on "stuff", your average household spends well over $500 per month on "stuff", though they tell you something like $770.


So you start buying all your stuff online, or at least $250 worth and you'll reach the 3% return bracket, which means they cut you a check for $7.50 a month. I can vouch for that, as I had received a few of those, but that's a ripoff to spend $250 to only get $7.50. This is where getting other people underneath you comes into play.


You're goal, per the basic outline, is to get 6 friends/relatives/strangers underneath you to do the same thing - convert their monthly spenditure from stores to the internet. If you succeed and they're all spending $250 per month and earning their 100 points, your total business volume between you and your 6 "associates" is now $1750. This will put you in the 9% bracket, meaning you're getting a 9% return on your total business volume ($1750). So they would be cutting you a check for $157.50, but out of that check they would take out the earnings of the 6 people you got involved.


6 x $7.50 = $45

$157.50 - $45 = $112.50 per month you receive.


So now your goal is to "mentor" the 6 people you got involved into getting people beneath them to increase their income (which also increases yours). The plan they outline involves you getting 6, those 6 each getting 4, and those 4 each getting 2.


You = 1


123456 = 6 people


444444 = 24 people


888888 = 48 people


1 + 6 + 24 + 48 = 79 total people


So, with a total group of 79 people (sounds like a lot, but in theory it shouldn't be) all doing their $250 and therefore 100 points per month, the total business volume for YOUR business is generating $19,750. 7500 points puts you in the highest return bracket of 25% (you're generating 7900), which would equal $4937.50. After the 78 "associates" are paid their cut, you're looking somewhere between $2500 and $3000 per month (I forgot the exact number). $30k a year now for doing absolutely nothing, and it'll just continue to grow from then on out. So now all those things you're spending money on are technically free AND you're making an additonal $2000 per month. There are supposedly guys making six figures every month, but of course I've never seen a paystub.


I tried to get some friends involved, got a few to come to the meetings, but nothing really came from it since all the bad rap these schemes get. I personally believe it would work like a charm, but it's a pain in the ass to get others to believe the same, so I left it alone.


Sorry for the long post. I'm sure I pretty much wasted my time typing all that out, but oh well. :)



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My good friend is a part of TEAM and I have been to a few meetings with him. It is hard to describe without drawing it out on paper. Basically someone recruits you and you are somewhere down on their "tree".


2 things after this... either you buy goods off the catalog they give you (and you get a fixed percentage back. plus people that recruit you get a percentage) or you try to get your friends, neighbors, strangers to buy this off you. Whatever you buy you get X % back and so does everyone above you. If you get a lot of people under you (10 - 20 or more) and they actually buy/sell shit then you get money for doing nothing.


Also they have those meetings you were invited to. If the people above you on the tree invited you then then get a small cut of that. Also there are books and/or audio cds that you can buy to listen to. Again person above you gets a cut. Likewise if you can get (swindle) people that you recruited to buy the books,cds, go to meetings, you get a cut.


You are only going to make money if you go out and get a large amount of people under you to buy products, and get them to get in more people. Take it however you want to but I don't feel it is a pyramid scheme.


If you cant buy/sell the products or get your "business partners" to get the training then you won't make money. If you can do this then your profit will start small and then within a year or longer it will gradually go up. If you have enough people under you then you will in theory get enough money to live off of and not do shit for it.


In my experience selling drugs is easier, but what do I know ?


You just explained how AMWAY works(ed). Call it whatever you want, it is a Pyramid.


I was once asked to participate. It sounded like a joke from the get go. If you can make it work, good for you. But, don't say it is not what it is...



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You just explained how AMWAY works(ed). Call it whatever you want, it is a Pyramid.


I was once asked to participate. It sounded like a joke from the get go. If you can make it work, good for you. But, don't say it is not what it is...




As cobrakevin explained you buy stuff that you normally by on a monthly basis. With exception of food most things you buy at kroger, giant eagle, target, walmart you can get from TEAM.


I thought a Pyramid scheme by definition is an exchange of money without receiving a product or service? Is that incorrect?

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I thought a Pyramid scheme by definition is an exchange of money without receiving a product or service? Is that incorrect?


You are only going to make money if you go out and get a large amount of people under you to buy products, and get them to get in more people.


The more folks below you, the more you make = pyramid.



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Thanks for the explanation Kevin.


I still think it would be hard to convince people to buy everyday items from the internet when I can just go to the store to get it.


Not even that, but many of the items that they carry are subpar compared to similar products.


But yes, Kevin hit it on the nail above. Like I said, I used to do this for a few months. It is almost cult like. Those with weak minds/wills will easily fall for their tactics in an effort to be "free."

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Maybe so but it sounds like a franchise to me. Royalty fees for signing up. Then the more people under you doing the same thing you do = $$$

No, you pay to become part of a franchise and you sell goods and services to customers. In this thing you're not selling anything, you're not providing a service, you're just trying to recruit people with the promise of never working a day in their life so you can make money off them.


I've had a couple friends in it. They talk big around you about how much money they make, how they're going to retire soon, etc. But in reality they're still living at their parents house, driving a Tercel, and losing every friend they ever had becase "the Team" is all they ever talk to you about.


I don't know about you, but I will make my money legitimately without losing all my friends in the process.


You can traw it any way you want;













It's still a pyramid.

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Exactly. I was drinkin' with my buddy last night and he was tellin me he was going to retire hopefully at age 22 from his 'business' and I almost spat my delicious Bud Light on everyone.


No, you pay to become part of a franchise and you sell goods and services to customers. In this thing you're not selling anything, you're not providing a service, you're just trying to recruit people with the promise of never working a day in their life so you can make money off them.


I've had a couple friends in it. They talk big around you about how much money they make, how they're going to retire soon, etc. But in reality they're still living at their parents house, driving a Tercel, and losing every friend they ever had becase "the Team" is all they ever talk to you about.


I don't know about you, but I will make my money legitimately without losing all my friends in the process.


You can traw it any way you want;













It's still a pyramid.

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I went to one of the meetings before. When it was question time I asked the guy how long he had been doing this and what he was making. The answer was 5 years and under $500 a month. That was about the time I laughed and said no thanks. But one of my friends went ahead and joined the team. We didn't see him for over a year since we didn't join with him. So +1 on it being cult like.
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I don't know about you, but I will make my money legitimately without losing all my friends in the process.





I had a friend try to get me in on this. I knew from about 2 minutes into the pitch, when they were still describing all the awesome things you can spend your riches on and dodging the question of where the money actually came from, that it was a bad idea.


If you can make this work for you then great, and if you are the type of person who makes new friends easily it can be a lucrative line of work. For someone who has a small number of close friends that they don't want to chase away with this stuff, don't bother!

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