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Hi from Baltimore!!!

2.oh so slow

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so i just wanted to introduce myself and admit that 1) i have no knowledge of cars, except for how to drive them, but i do like to drive fast. I frequently compete to beat 360iroc down a very dark and very untravelled part of palmer road but have yet to beat him.... so he refers to me as 2.slow. The worst part is he beats me in the truck, not the camaro.....

2) i am a girl so don't hold that against me...

3) i'm here to learn some things... which i'm sure you can teach me...

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Welcome aboard. Martin and Basciv are in charge of the newbs. PM them and they will show you the ropes..


















In be for the :leghump: 'ers

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i am about 2 miles from the flying J. @ 158 and 70. i'm sure most of you know where that is... technically i'm closer to kirkersville [and national trails] than i am to baltimore.


Hi and welcome ! Your car is faster then mine :p


it's so nice to know that there are other people willing to admit their car isn't fast... seems like most people talk about how fast their car is... although i might be willing to make some minor adjustments to the jet.... make it live up to its name a little.... any suggestions?

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i am about 2 miles from the flying J. @ 158 and 70. i'm sure most of you know where that is... technically i'm closer to kirkersville [and national trails] than i am to baltimore.




it's so nice to know that there are other people willing to admit their car isn't fast... seems like most people talk about how fast their car is... although i might be willing to make some minor adjustments to the jet.... make it live up to its name a little.... any suggestions?



What miller said, boost it. Though I would boost any car if I had the $$$ ;)

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