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Don't go to Fitzgerald's on Bethel Rd


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True story, in any other business it might not be excuseable, but maybe understandable. With bars, the mark up on a bottle of beer, and 3oz shot, is rediculous especially if you consider the cost of raw materials and overhead. Then again you dont neccessarily go to a bar to get drunk, you go to a bar to be in a setting/have an atmosphere. If you really wanted to get drunk and that was your only goal buy a handle of well vodka and sit in your living room, garantee it will be cheaper.




For sheezy.




Also, never pay more than a dollar for a fountain soda. Each soda literally costs the establishment three cents.

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yeah...first time i really went out to a bar to drink last year or so, i was out with a group of friends, drinks werent crazy expensive (like 5.50 for a long island...fair in my opinion)...so i bit later, i decide to buy shots for me, my g/f, and 2 friends of mine from HS...24$ for 4 fucking shots. i can buy i litre bottle for less than that, and get 25 shots from it.


so i can get a long island with like 6 shots for 5.50, or 1 shot for 6$.


i was pissed

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Yeah thats why I drink grey goose at my house or at a friend's house. If I am out I may drink a beer or two but thats it. Cost too much.


Thats what me and my brother do. We always go to spoonz pub off sawmill, but everytime we end up there it seems like we always hang out with the same people. so... we would meet up at my brothers place, buy a "cannon" bottle of goose or 3olives cherry, a case of beer and get shit faced. Even with chipping for pizza or whatever we want to eat you still only spend like 30$ for the whole night, whereas if i wouldve drank that much at a regular bar my tab would have easily been $80+.


Evan what kind of shots did you order that cost you 6$ each? I can understand a bomb of some sort, b/c the red bull is so damn expensive, but usually if you stay with straight liquer shots they dont get too crazy. A good way to keep your tab down is to pay for each individual drink and not carry a tab. Personally I think its a pain in the ass but if you've got cash and you only tip 1$ per beer, in the end you spend less.. but maybe thats just me b/c i tend to over-tip.

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I didn'tsay "cocst of fees", I said cost of proccessing. There is not only the fee fromt he provider, but the costs associated with getting the cards data. This requires a computer/scanner and access to a network of some kind. Ask anyone who's ever run a buisness, everything always costs more then what you're charged.

I don't know the guy, he could be a shady dickhead. All i can say is that you damn well better beleive that If I was running the shit, there would be a minimum charge of some amount. Seriously, how hard is it to carry cash?



You wouldn't have a credit card contract with any company if consumer's would know their rights

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The bar emailed me back, asking details about the situation. I emailed back that I had not contacted the credit card company yet and that I had faith in the establishment to make things right. Then told them the details they wanted. So we will see what happens.
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