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"Wunna" dig race is a bitch..

h22 yo

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you PM me the place and time Vtec99 ill show......


and copperhead anthony said it was supposed to be a 1 day ban so i dont think you lifted early and the threat was made because of comments about my deceased father anyone will get pissed about that.........


Name one person that wouldnt be ready to kill something or someone thats making comments about a deceased member of there family


I could give two shits why you made the threats, doesn't change the fact that you broke a rule.

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Guest Removed
I recall in one of those threads someone mentioning how that other girl showed up at your work.

No, she went too tasha's work, too tell her what she had heard. :rolleyes:


gets the facts straight.


If she would have showed up at hotrods work, then there would have been a fight....



and yes hotrod , you did make a threat. and so did sassy(more of one then you did). you see who's still here.

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
Uh, I never said shit about your dad, dude.... so uh... What?



Oh, and dnttakethingsrslyontehinternets so muchthx.



your full of shit dude...... I could care less I really could. :asshole:

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
And thats what we are trying to avoid here.


This is america your gonna get fighting and so forth especially when people talk shit and start shit

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
Most people have managed to evolve past that stage. The ones that haven't don't belong here.


U start shit about people too...... You just dont get banned because you a mod.......

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
I say ban him again.


I say you need to OWN up and get OWNED :asshole: you never pm me a time or place yet why not you scared of a lil 4cyl eclipse auto fwd? :eek:


hit me up you have my info

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Most people have managed to evolve past that stage. The ones that haven't don't belong here.



.... totally disagree.


some people in this world jsut dont know when to stop... so as a MAN i feel its my job to show them jsut exactly when theyve taken things to far... hence why guys get pissed...


if we have "evolved" passed fighting no one in this world would be able to get mad in any way shape or form.


i dont get why people think a fight is such a bad thing... two guys... one on one.... nothing happens in fights like that. its the psyco people who follow people to the ground and jsut work people that cause damage IE, broken cheek bones,jaws eye sockets..etc..


EDIT**** Just stating my opinion dont trip.... myb its because how i grew up.. idk..

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U start shit about people too...... You just dont get banned because you a mod.......


Yes I do. The Kitchen is the correct place to let go and vent your frustrations with the world, but in a controlled way. If I were to break the rules, I would expect to no longer be a mod. I don't threaten people, and I don't make racist comments. Hell, I personally WROTE the rules for the for sale sections. I come in here to get a laugh on the rare occasion that someone is actually able to come up with entertaining and witty comments, and I do tend to egg those people on. Then there are people like you, that need everything explained to them to realize that this isn't here to get people all worked up. It's the fucking internet, you can't take anything serious here, when you do, thats when there are problems.


I really don't feel like explaining this yet again, so don't expect any more out of me on this topic, I don't think I can come up with any more ways to word it so that you can understand.

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Guest Removed
And thats what we are trying to avoid here.

then why is this the only message broad where people can run there mouth?


its not allowed on any other's that im on????


and yes, i'll say now, not meeting some. there are a few people here id like too punch in the face if and when i do meet them.



was you at the meet where everyone was clowning my car that I dont have, but no one wanted too race it or the slower monte we brought?

after wasting 10.50 a gallon gas driving clear across town, plus bottle fills and what not. but thats all water under the brigde.

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.... totally disagree.


some people in this world jsut dont know when to stop... so as a MAN i feel its my job to show them jsut exactly when theyve taken things to far... hence why guys get pissed...


if we have "evolved" passed fighting no one in this world would be able to get mad in any way shape or form.


i dont get why people think a fight is such a bad thing... two guys... one on one.... nothing happens in fights like that. its the psyco people who follow people to the ground and jsut work people that cause damage IE, broken cheek bones,jaws eye sockets..etc..


EDIT**** Just stating my opinion dont trip.... myb its because how i grew up.. idk..


just stole your car, set fire to your couch, humped your girlfriend, ate your last piece of pizza, drank your last beer, shit on your coat, called your father a dingle berry, smeared KY jelly all over your toilet seat, called the police and told them you were mean to me, broke your calculator, made a flip book out of your post-it notes, wrote obscene messages on your driveway in sidewalk chalk, mixed up all your dress socks so you have one navy blue and one black one, left your refrigerator door open, left your freezer door open, left your front door open, asked your priest to excommunicate you, rifled through your mail but didn't find anything interesting so I put it back, switched your calender with a 1996 one, changed your screen saver to the windows logo, switched all your clocks back 1 hour, licked all your stamps and put them on the ceiling of your stolen car, made a random post trying to make you cry, invited twelve stray cats into your place and watching the sit on the burning couch, run up your long distance bill asking china if they really loved white rice, played darts with your neighbor, the dart board was the side of your house, I won, vacuumed your carpet then dumped the bag on your bed, set your bed on fire to watch the dust burn, it wasn't that interesting so I took a fire extinguisher and put it out, watched the couch burn some more cats, invited a stray dog over to chase the burning cats, got hungry again after eating your last piece of pizza so I ordered another one, its in your refrigerator but the doors still open, called your work and told them you died in a horrible gay experiment, told the same thing to your dad.

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then why is this the only message broad where people can run there mouth?


its not allowed on any other's that im on????


and yes, i'll say now, not meeting some. there are a few people here id like too punch in the face if and when i do meet them.



was you at the meet where everyone was clowning my car that I dont have, but no one wanted too race it or the slower monte we brought?

after wasting 10.50 a gallon gas driving clear across town, plus bottle fills and what not. but thats all water under the brigde.


Probably not me, I've been to one meet in the past year, and to my knowledge I have never met you.

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Guest Removed
I come in here to get a laugh on the rare occasion that someone is actually able to come up with entertaining and witty comments, and I do tend to egg those people on. Then there are people like you, that need everything explained to them to realize that this isn't here to get people all worked up. It's the fucking internet, you can't take anything serious here, when you do, thats when there are problems.


I really don't feel like explaining this yet again, so don't expect any more out of me on this topic, I don't think I can come up with any more ways to word it so that you can understand.



what your not understanding is, when you let people run there mouth, is when someone else is going too get pissed. period.


and some poeple on here push others way too far.

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just stole your car, set fire to your couch, humped your girlfriend, ate your last piece of pizza, drank your last beer, shit on your coat, called your father a dingle berry, smeared KY jelly all over your toilet seat, called the police and told them you were mean to me, broke your calculator, made a flip book out of your post-it notes, wrote obscene messages on your driveway in sidewalk chalk, mixed up all your dress socks so you have one navy blue and one black one, left your refrigerator door open, left your freezer door open, left your front door open, asked your priest to excommunicate you, rifled through your mail but didn't find anything interesting so I put it back, switched your calender with a 1996 one, changed your screen saver to the windows logo, switched all your clocks back 1 hour, licked all your stamps and put them on the ceiling of your stolen car, made a random post trying to make you cry, invited twelve stray cats into your place and watching the sit on the burning couch, run up your long distance bill asking china if they really loved white rice, played darts with your neighbor, the dart board was the side of your house, I won, vacuumed your carpet then dumped the bag on your bed, set your bed on fire to watch the dust burn, it wasn't that interesting so I took a fire extinguisher and put it out, watched the couch burn some more cats, invited a stray dog over to chase the burning cats, got hungry again after eating your last piece of pizza so I ordered another one, its in your refrigerator but the doors still open, called your work and told them you died in a horrible gay experiment, told the same thing to your dad.





you sir... are an asshat... but that def had me laughing for a few.

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Guest Removed
Probably not me, I've been to one meet in the past year, and to my knowledge I have never met you.




and as most of the rest of the people here. but then they still want too run there mouths about shit they have no idea. looked what happened in WV at that school. prime example right there. now only change the school shit too internet shit. thats what we have here most times. someone running there mouth about shit that could push someone else over the edge.






you sir... are an asshat... but that def had me laughing for a few.



plus 1 on that. that you could tell was a joke, which is rather hard too tell on the internet, now isnt it?

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and as most of the rest of the people here. but then they still want too run there mouths about shit they have no idea. looked what happened in WV at that school. prime example right there. now only change the school shit too internet shit. thats what we have here most times. someone running there mouth about shit that could push someone else over the edge.







plus 1 on that. that you could tell was a joke, which is rather hard too tell on the internet, now isnt it?



you mean virginia tech?

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http://www.v6performance.net/forums/images/smilies/coffee.gif com'on kids, it's time to catch the school bus, you're gonna be late.....just race from a dig for $50 and spend the winnings on a beer already.....
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plus 1 on that. that you could tell was a joke, which is rather hard too tell on the internet, now isnt it?


That's the fucking truth. We need to use more happy smilies :):p;) :burn: :cool::lol: :nod: Then maybe people wouldn't take shit so seriously

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