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Freaked out almost died of a heart attack last night!!


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Fuck, last night was about as close to a heart attack that I've come....and about as close to changing my life as I've gotten without actually being in a situation that would pose such an action. Here's the story....


My wife and I were both tired early and headed to bed at an unusual 9:30pm timeframe. The kids were out like light already and both dogs in our room snoring away within minutes.


Clock strikes 2:28am and I Jump, butt naked out of bed to the sound of a very loud/deep thud immediately followed by smashing glass. The kind that instantly put every hair on my dogs and my own ass up on end. Our home alarm system is 10x louder than I remember when it goes off in the dead of night like that. :eek:


3 seconds later, I have my PJ shorts back on, the kids are now wailing at the top of their lungs, my 4yr old son is in the process of flopping out of bed in a panic and my wife is in a shocked like panic trying to make sense of what we just heard.


I instantly grabbed the 12 gauge from my Clothing Armour and jumped out to the catwalk/stairway as I know that sound is not good. :mad: I rounded up the kids with my wife yelling in the background....we still don't know what's going on, but I can hear small pieces of glass falling still.....sounds like on a hard surface.....the kitchen....comes to mind.


I scramble my 4yr old and my 18month old into the arms of my wife and tell her to call the cops. (cell and land line in bedroom :thumbup: ) She rushes the dogs down stairs with their trained commands (both are trained to search and protect as well) .......they both scramble, but are obviously confused and put-off by the alarm. I press the panic button from the panel in our room, which sends an instant signal (redundant as was my comment to call the cops but I'm half asleep/freaked) I then kill the sirens manually knowing the cops are in route from the alarm.


Suddenly we hear a loud dog yelp, as if he were in pain :eek: Even though we're freaked, we're coming to our senses a bit.....she puts the kids in the master bath, gets herself and gun ready from the closet per our plan for such a situation, but is pleading with me not to go downstairs.


I couldn't help it......as I made the decision I'm going and started my way down the stairs, I pumped the first round into the chamber and it is also 10x louder than I remember ever hearing. At this point, my heart is exploding out of my chest with each rapid fire beat.


One dog is at the bottom of the stairs growling and barking low, the other is no where to be seen....I send dog 1 into the kitchen and I remember very clearly thinking I'm about to change my life forever with the pulling of the trigger....and I'm surprised I didn't do so from all the adrenaline flowing at that point.


The dining room, family room are clear and there's no sign of any broken windows, so I make my way into the kitchen where we have 8 Windows and a door but there's no sound of outside air or what not. Next I begin to wonder if it's the Minivan out in the driveway that got hit / broken into?


Nothing more is happening....but I see dog #2 limping and whining and sniffing around the kitchen floor. I flip on the lights to the entire kitchen quickly not knowing what to expect. :confused:


Then I see a zap or flash in the light fixture in the ceiling by our appliances, away from the table area.....and I just about wet myself at that point. It was like slow motion that I looked down to see the glass surround from the light fixture in the ceiling smashed to the ground and on the island and two of the three light bulbs dangling from the ceiling, one broken...which is the one that shorted as I turned it on.


The glass cover weighed about 4-6 lbs and was pretty thick. Glass was everywhere and me without shoes...which is why the dog yelped....he stepped in their too.


To end is now as not to bore everyone to death, all is okay. The fixture has a threaded decorative bolt that held on the glass and while it's been in place for months since our last light bulb change, it was last night when it decided it wasn't fastened properly or what not. Thankfully no one was under it, really.


The cops came, Two cars out front, no lights on but immediately pounding on the door out front and I know at least 1 officer out in the back yard as I could see his flashlight. They searched inside and outside upstairs and downstairs (which I didn't even think about :eek: ) regardless as if it was protocol and ran a check on my firearms, yadda, yadda, etc...but commented that it was thankfully just a light.


I didn't sleep well at all the rest of the night. Thankfully my son hardly remembers anything. He was out in our bed by the time the cops showed up....and the dog...he's fine now.....but neither one came back upstairs the entire night. They both slept below, one in the family room, the other in the dining room.


Thumbs up on the glass break detectors in on the alarm and for the quick response of the police in the area. Wife and I are going to recap our game plan on that shit tonight over a bottle of wine if I have my say about it!


I don't regret going downstairs like I did, but I am heading the warning of the police that not only was it potentially dangerous for me should have I encountered anyone, but for them too. Especially since they did arrive pretty quickly and my toting around a gun wasn't going to go over well with them not knowing if I was the owner or the bad guys.


I'm sure others have their stories of this type of stuff too...share at will....I could use a laugh right now.....

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good storytelling too, i was on the edge of my seat waiting until the conclusion. I'm glad to hear everything is alright, hopefully your dog is all better now. I can't even imagine the fear that would shoot through my body if something like that would ever happen to me. congrats on keeping your head straight!
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I had the same thing happen at my dads house, when it was just me and him living there at that point. he was in bed, i was still up, heard glass crash, grabbed my 12 guage, went looking, i see his 325lb ass walking around in his underwear, i check the whole house and find out it was just the light cover in the laundry room, right next to my bedroom
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Wow crazy night. I understand what it feels like to hear a loud noise at home. Last year a very large tree branch landed on my roof at 2am. It made me feel the same way.


Fucking trees and me outside at 2am with a chainsaw just so I could get out of my front door =(

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Me and my girl were sleeping the other night after a 4 hr sex session. At about 4 am she got up to get a glass of water. I was dead asleep and got woken up by the cabinet being closed. I didnt know where the sound came from so I grabbed my 12 guage shotty and went on a man hunt, not thinking to look to see where she was. Get to the kitchen and I see a figure in the dark so I unloaded on him. Turned out it was my girlfriend. :o Shot her in the arm from about 10 ft away. I apologized to her and went back to sleep. :)
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Glad everything is ok. You told it well. I too might have gone down stairs. Which makes me think, If I get taken out, what does the wife have to protect her and the kids with? Also, if you do not have a surefire flash light, I highly recommend looking into getting a couple. They are small and brighter than high beams on your car. Most shot guns have mounts you can buy for them too. I like that you have a plan too. Trouble maker and I were just talking about this last night. So much thought can go into it. Just remember close quarter situations, eyes, muzzle, target. That gun needs to be pointed where you are looking at all times.


Good job and have fun tonight.

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Wow, good story and good thinking. I know I would be down those stairs as well. Basically the same thing has happened to me a few times through out my life. I think it was shortly after the last time it happened that my wife asked me to buy her a gun as well. Now I know I will have some cover going down those stairs. That is until the baby comes, then she is right there protecting the most important thing.
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It definetely sounds like you reacted well, it can be very hard to think straight once the adrenaline gets going. I can relate to some extent, I used to live up on campus and for whatever reason I never locked my door. One night I was sitting at my computer, it was around 3 in the morning, when I hear someone at my door. The next thing I know I hear the knob turning so I jump up and scramble for the door like a mad man. I see the door start to open, at this point I really wasn't sure what to expect, but it was all happening real fast.


I hit the door at full speed and it slammed shut almost instantly, I locked it as quickly as possible. I'm still not sure what the person was after, it could have been just some drunk bum for all I know. At the time however I was freaked the fuck out, needless to say I lock my doors now.


I'm glad to hear everyone is alright, and it sounds like you will be ready in the event that anything ever really does happen.

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That is great that you and your wife have a plan. I'm sure most people don't even think about stuff like that so good job on that plan. Another thing you can do is occasionally practice your plan with your wife so it becomes second nature (You should do this with fire plans too).


Me and my girl were sleeping the other night after a 4 hr sex session. At about 4 am she got up to get a glass of water. I was dead asleep and got woken up by the cabinet being closed. I didnt know where the sound came from so I grabbed my 12 guage shotty and went on a man hunt, not thinking to look to see where she was. Get to the kitchen and I see a figure in the dark so I unloaded on him. Turned out it was my girlfriend. :o Shot her in the arm from about 10 ft away. I apologized to her and went back to sleep. :)


This was absolutely awesome.

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Good read, I actually felt like I was there with you. Glad to hear everything is ok!


Yeah, this was quite a story... on the edge of my seat!!!


Glad everyone was okay though. Makes me want to figure out my plan of attack for something like that..... living alone sucks... :(

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Me and my girl were sleeping the other night after a 4 hr sex session. At about 4 am she got up to get a glass of water. I was dead asleep and got woken up by the cabinet being closed. I didnt know where the sound came from so I grabbed my 12 guage shotty and went on a man hunt, not thinking to look to see where she was. Get to the kitchen and I see a figure in the dark so I unloaded on him. Turned out it was my girlfriend. :o Shot her in the arm from about 10 ft away. I apologized to her and went back to sleep. :)



you are no man.......


because a real man NEVER apologizes.

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Wow, great story telling. That was VERY intense lol, had the hair on the back of my neck standing up. I'm glad to hear everything is ok. I think I would have done the exact same thing in your situation, and gone downstairs to confront whatever it could have been. Although I don't have a gun...


One time when I was young, like in 4th grade, my buddy was staying at my house one night and we were up really late playing video games. We could hear my mom snoring in her room, and my dad lives in Cleveland, so thats everyone in the house accounted for. All of a sudden my buddy and I heard something outside my bedroom door, and then we both watched as the door knob turned and the door opened a few inches. After that we just sat there for a few seconds really freaked out. So i grabbed my swiss army knife and went out into the living room. The windows were closed and locked, the front door was closed and locked, there was no one anywhere. To this day I have no idea what happened, but I know for a fact that when I get my own place I am for sure investing in a firearm.

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Me and my girl were sleeping the other night after a 4 hr sex session. At about 4 am she got up to get a glass of water. I was dead asleep and got woken up by the cabinet being closed. I didnt know where the sound came from so I grabbed my 12 guage shotty and went on a man hunt, not thinking to look to see where she was. Get to the kitchen and I see a figure in the dark so I unloaded on him. Turned out it was my girlfriend. :o Shot her in the arm from about 10 ft away. I apologized to her and went back to sleep. :)

This could've only been manlier if you didn't apologize and instead made her give you a blowjob for waking you up.

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Also for the sake of your kids, stay calm and don't whip out the firearms until they are in the closet/batheroom/panic room, etc. No little kid needs to see daddy set to go to war just before he gets locked in a small room. Imagine what goes through their heads, getting shoacked out of sleep and rounded up is bad enough.

As for the pump action, you should find way to make that louder. You want everyone in the house to know that first round in is the chamber, and that they should stay the fuck away from you. ;) Yelling out that you're nuts and have a shotty would help, also. :D

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I owe you $5 for the burst of laughter that just filled my office and made my dog jump again :D:D I won't quote which part made me laugh ;)


Me and my girl were sleeping the other night after a 4 hr sex session. At about 4 am she got up to get a glass of water. I was dead asleep and got woken up by the cabinet being closed. I didnt know where the sound came from so I grabbed my 12 guage shotty and went on a man hunt, not thinking to look to see where she was. Get to the kitchen and I see a figure in the dark so I unloaded on him. Turned out it was my girlfriend. :o Shot her in the arm from about 10 ft away. I apologized to her and went back to sleep. :)
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I hear you on several points. Funny thing is my son hasn't said a word about daddy with his gun. I think he was just so dang freaked from the alarm. Still not sure if the siren crap is a good thing have so loud. :confused:


Also for the sake of your kids, stay calm and don't whip out the firearms until they are in the closet/batheroom/panic room, etc. No little kid needs to see daddy set to go to war just before he gets locked in a small room. Imagine what goes through their heads, getting shoacked out of sleep and rounded up is bad enough.

As for the pump action, you should find way to make that louder. You want everyone in the house to know that first round in is the chamber, and that they should stay the fuck away from you. ;) Yelling out that you're nuts and have a shotty would help, also. :D

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I hear you on several points. Funny thing is my son hasn't said a word about daddy with his gun. I think he was just so dang freaked from the alarm. Still not sure if the siren crap is a good thing have so loud. :confused:


I would think so. It would do the same thing to an intruder as it did to you. Its meant to startle and call attention. I think it did that.

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Also, if you do not have a surefire flash light, I highly recommend looking into getting a couple. They are small and brighter than high beams on your car. Most shot guns have mounts you can buy for them too. I like that you have a plan too. Trouble maker and I were just talking about this last night. So much thought can go into it. Just remember close quarter situations, eyes, muzzle, target. That gun needs to be pointed where you are looking at all times.


http://www.downrangetactical.com/ProductImages/surefire/Shotgun.jpg I bought one to throw onto my Mossberg 500. Had enough lessons from Iraq, Surefires usually stop someone dead in their tracks. Not to mention the overwhelming amount of light, upwards of 60 lumens on a normal G2 style light. I changed over to the 120 bulb, and it's like looking into the sun.

I reccomend stopping by Vance's and atleast picking up a G2, and get a $10 screw on mount. http://www.gandrtactical.com/images/archive/SF/SF%20G2%20Z32%20and%20DD%20mount.jpg

Glad nobdy was lurking around the house hold. Putting holes in people make a lasting impression on the mind.

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Like a lot of replies, I had a similar thing happen. My wife had one of those shower things that is held onto the wall with 3 suction cups. It was full of all her shower-related shit. It fell at 4am, taking out all the bottles of shampoo, all of it hitting the floor and glass door.


Took me 30 minutes to find the cause of the noise. That was back when all I had was a maglite and a bat. Not sure if I would pull the gun out or not. Hope I never find out.


Good story.

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I had my house alarm go off at 3:30AM a few years back. Scared the crap out of the wife and me. I got dressed in about .6 seconds and headed towards the stairs. When I got there, I found the front door WIDE open and the cats all crouched down on their haunches looking into the foyer with their hair all up.


They were very spooked from the alarm going off.


I closed and locked the door and then checked the entire house 3 times. I think, to this day, that the door wasn't fully closed and the deadbolt hadn't engaged the slot in the frame. It was a windy night and the wind must have blown the door open.


My wife and I never did go back to sleep that night.

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