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anyone work at a bike shop(classic,etc)?


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my idiot brother totaled our 4 wheeler a few days ago and i need a estimate on repair or replacement(i dont want it fixed).


he hit a tree just a little left of center about 30mph.

not a damn scratch on his dumbass.

the 05 kw 700 4wd,well, not so lucky. bent frame, broke every damn piece of plastic,wont turn left,etc. fucked up.


any recommendations?





and hinds sucks, anyone but them.

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Classic? Haha...I wish.


Seeing as you're in Westerville, I'd probably just take it to Motorsports and tell them that you want to just pay to have an estimate done. It'll probably be an hour labor. They normally subtract that back off the bill if you have the work done there (which you indicated you're not, but you might be able to work that out with your insurance company).


Glad to hear your brother is OK

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