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Looking for a job for the wife


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I'm looking for a part-time or full-time job for my wife. She has very little experience with anything other than with animals. I'd like to have her find a job as a vet tech or something, but she makes the excuse of her having a lip ring as a reason to not look. So I'm going to look for her. That's the only real thing holding her back from being hired at places. She has a vertical labret lip piercing, which these days shouldn't make a difference, it's not like we live in the 1940's anymore.



So to sum it up, looking for a job that allows very few tasteful facial piercings and may or may not have to do with animals. She was in 4H for many years and owns/cares for her own horse. She has done a few internships with various horse farms around town while in high school, so she is good with horses as well.

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Tell her to take the fucking thing out. That's not that difficult.


Also tell her it's a good damned thing she's not married to me, else she'd be out on her ass.




That took me 30 seconds to find. There's a start for you and her.

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I have to tell people at least 3 times a week to take that shit out. Not to mention the retards who think they can wear it in uniform on a drill weekend. If you want to wear it, do it at home or in the club. If you are getting paid, or on the clock, take it out. And DO NOT interview with it. Unless you are a stripper, looking to work at the Lyons Den, or maybe a working in a bar. My .02
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i have my nose pierced and i'm o l d according to some. i might take it out if i ever get over myself, but i don't see that happening. i don't think she needs to grow up. i'm sure she'll be able to find a job some where. piercings can be very meaningful and important to the identity of the wearer... maybe she should try sending a resume first, impress them on paper then get in front of the interviewer and she'll be able to sell herself on her skills and abilities rather than on her appearance.
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i might take it out if i ever get over myself, but i don't see that happening. QUOTE]




So your saying you're so conceited you'll never change? Im confused.


I agree with Joe, unless it's acceptable in your line of work or almost expected (tatoo shops, bars, clubs etc...) then just assume it's not acceptable. I work in a bank which is notorious for being very conservative, of course I wouldn't just show up with piercing in my lip. Use common sense. Verse, if it means that much to her tell her you'll pay for a new one when she no longer need's that particular job anymore, in the meantime tell her to put the need's of the family over her own.

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I don't even think Wal Mart will hire you if you won't take it out.


Those things are disgusting, anyway. Nothing screams unprofessionalism than a hunk of metal through your lip. :barf:

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i might take it out if i ever get over myself, but i don't see that happening. QUOTE]




So your saying you're so conceited you'll never change? Im confused.


I agree with Joe, unless it's acceptable in your line of work or almost expected (tatoo shops, bars, clubs etc...) then just assume it's not acceptable. I work in a bank which is notorious for being very conservative, of course I wouldn't just show up with piercing in my lip. Use common sense. Verse, if it means that much to her tell her you'll pay for a new one when she no longer need's that particular job anymore, in the meantime tell her to put the need's of the family over her own.




no i'm not conceited lets just say " i'm aware of my sexy little self". :) and there is a difference.

i worked as an assistant branch manager in mortgage lending... obviously there are places where facial piercings aren't "appropriate". However, in todays society they are becoming more common place whether they are liked or not. For instance it is becoming more acceptable for teachers to have brow and/or nose piercings. i'm sure no one would really put their piercing before the needs of their family.

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For someone 21 years old and starting the first leg of work experience, yes, there's a time and place for showing it off. This isn't it. You've seen my tattoos, Amy. I'm where I'm at now by not flaunting them off, and people like you and I have earned the priviledge (to an extent).


But to the guy in here looking for a CIO or CFO job paying $150k/yr after 13 years in the business, I'm sure he won't get another position with a hunk of metal through his lip or a stain of black on his arm.

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Image IMO is something that can gain a lot of "attention" in the interview. If per say a potential employee, goes to said interview, has the most outstanding resume with the appropriate job skills and funtions, but shows up with a bar shoved through there lip.. it not only shows that this person has no care about what they look like in a professional situation, but didn't take time to maybe research the companies dress code (or in more layman terms COMMON SENSE on how you appear in a job interview. I would not hire someone who has metal shoved in the lips and face or whatever for my company, to represent me...and its nothing personal.. it's representing the company in a whole of who they are associated with.
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For someone 21 years old and starting the first leg of work experience, yes, there's a time and place for showing it off. This isn't it. You've seen my tattoos, Amy. I'm where I'm at now by not flaunting them off, and people like you and I have earned the priviledge (to an extent).


But to the guy in here looking for a CIO or CFO job paying $150k/yr after 13 years in the business, I'm sure he won't get another position with a hunk of metal through his lip or a stain of black on his arm.



That is a position i agree with, and very true in corporate America.

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I worked with a guy who lost a $150k + yr job after getting a tat on his neck. Privately held company and they can pretty much do what they want. He was pissed, and I kinda felt bad, but then it was pretty out of place in our line of work. Facial hair is border line some places too. Depends on the person and the style and fit.


But to the guy in here looking for a CIO or CFO job paying $150k/yr after 13 years in the business, I'm sure he won't get another position with a hunk of metal through his lip or a stain of black on his arm.

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i'm sure no one would really put their piercing before the needs of their family.


It's not so much "the NEEDS of someone's family" more of what are you willing to sacrifice in order to do what needs to be done. I would say taking out a piercing is a very small price to pay in order to provide a slightly more secure environment for your family.


And my sister-in-law is an elementary teacher, it really varies on what district your in and how much of a hippie your priciple is too. She's got a tat or Dancing Nancy (DMB)on her ankle that sometimes show but no one minds, yet.

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i had two eyebrow piercings when i was looking for a job... and most places told me that because i was so professional in my interviews, that it didnt matter.


if they are just looking at a picture, its definitely going to make it very hard to get hired. but, we arent in the 1940's as the OP said, more and more people are opting for piercings/tattoos. she will find the right place that will take the time to get to know her and see that there is more to her than a piece of metal in her face!

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