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Bicycle Rider Killed This Morning


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I've been watching the news as the rider killed got hit right at the end of my street off Snouffer!! :eek:


The suspect they followed was traced by his radiator fluid....took off and drove home. :mad::mad:


My wife followed the fluid down our street too. I saw the cops covering our area hard early at 5am as I was up. Got a little worried when I saw the choppers thinking someone was fleeing on foot.


Shit pisses me off so much, and is especially interesting since the trail is right down my street and winds around our area.


I'll scope it out myself when I take the kids to school in a few....

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The news lady on the scene said, "They're not sure if was due to drinking or speed." lol I'm assuming she meant speeding over the limit not 'speed' as in drugs.


I've seen 3 people get hit on bikes (all 3 in Calif). One was an old mexican man who fell off the median in front of the car in front of me (bike's fault).


One was crossing a busy intersection (by walking his bike) at the appropriate time when a public bus was coming. I could tell the bus would'nt stop in time and it didn't. Smacked the guy, bent his bike and tires all up and the dude got up from the street, picked his bike up, and continued on across the crosswalk like nothing happened. His fuckin wheels wouldn't even turn. He was obviously in shock. (bus driver's fault)


The last one my buddy and I were out int he parking lot after playing a league game of ice hockey of this ice rink in near our house. The security guard who worked there was speeding down the street almost doubling the speed limit when he hit this guy on his bike literally knocking him from his shoes and killing him. This is the kicker- The guy stood with the cops a little later and could be heard joking afuckin 'round and laughing. I made a bit of a LOUD comment on it which led to me meeting the parents of the bike guy who were standing right next to me listening to this prick not give two shits about what just happened.


Anyway. I guess the moral of the story is always wear a helmet. :D

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I'm not sure of all the details. The road just opened up and the cops left. I would have photographed the scene closer to the incident if the timing were different.


Instead, I've taken some shots of the area and roadway as personally, as a bike rider, I really feel the city needs to improve more of the roadways and include a bike lane or sidewalk.


It's definitely a city of cbus thing as further down as you cross into Worthington, they at least have a bike path about 12' in from the road near the school.


My neighbor had 3 of his four girls struck by a vehicle badly about 3 years back in the exact same spot as this guy was killed. His girls were crossing the street and a car coming down from Smokey row hit them.


I'll be putting together a letter and then possibly a petition to get some type of roadway improvement in place.

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yep....I'm just trying to figure which one of my neighbors it is :confused:


From what I heard before I got to work is the followed the trail of the fluid and found the vehicle and they have a "person of interest"
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4am.......pretty darn early for sure. I don't know much about the victim other than the news is saying he was 20 years old. Personally, I wouldn't ride a bike on Snouffer at 10am let alone in the wee/dark hours of the morning.


what time did this happen?
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Not that I'm defending the driver at all, but at 4 am he probably didn't even see the biker.


Something that more people need to realize when on the road, is that the bigger vehicle is always right, and will always win. Whether you are on a bicycle, motorcycle, or metro, you must realize that you will lose if you hit a dumptruck, and therefore it's usually best to give them space, regardless of who legally has right of way.


It pisses me off that it's illegal to ride on sidewalks, seeing how that's the safest place to ride. When I was a kid, I ALWAYS rode on the sidewalk, seeing how I'm not going to get hit there. Now a cop will give you a ticket for riding on the sidewalk, which is shitty.

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never knew it was illegal. I always ride my mountain bike on sidewalks when available. Even in the areas around here in the NW Burbs, I do. I've never had any issues.


I do it to set an example for my son who understands that the street is completely off limit for him, but also for my own safety. I'd rather hit an uneven sidewalk bump that the bumper of a car.


If a cop ever tries to ticket me, I'll laugh until I puke.


It pisses me off that it's illegal to ride on sidewalks, seeing how that's the safest place to ride. When I was a kid, I ALWAYS rode on the sidewalk, seeing how I'm not going to get hit there. Now a cop will give you a ticket for riding on the sidewalk, which is shitty.

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Guest GMoney
I had a cop (westerville) stop me while rideing bike on the sidewalk. It was right in front of my house. My Dad came out and chewed his ass for a good minute.
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Thats because a lot of the burb cops seemingly have nothing better to do then hassle people for the smallest things. Please understand I'm not trying to dog on cops, I have nothing but respect for them, but if your going to yell at a kid for riding their bike on the sidewalk you need to reconsider your judgements.
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Hit and run, there's no excuse. But those fuckin Tour De France style ass clowns need to find new places to ride. Get the fuck off the road. If you want on the road, have license plates and pay taxes on that mode of transportation like automobile/motorcycle owners do. Werd.



NO People need to share the fucking road. I don't care what you are riding on that has 2 wheels, bicycle or motorcycle it doesn't matter. All people driving on the road need to be more aware of what is around them. Especially at night time. Bikes are allowed on the road and not allowed on the sidewalk.

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