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WOW DVR Volume goes up and down ?


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Just got hooked up on WOW Digital Cable with their DVR system. So far all is good, but my wife and I notice a few wierd things with the volume controls.


I have a nice Onkyo set up and nothing is different than with our old set up from Time Warner.


Channel 4 (NBC) is extremely low compared to the other stations. I have to turn the volume on my reciever up a lot when watching NBC.


Also, several channels have an annoying tendancy to go up and down in volume. Enough so that it's too loud at times and too low a moment later. WTF?


Makes no difference where the volume on the DVR Box itself is set. It doesn't seem to affect anything.


I've gone into the settings menu and weather volume says variable or fixed.....no difference. Not sure if that setting does anything...doesn't seem to.


Can anyone here help?

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i get it too...never happened w/ TW at my dads place with the same TV. i still hate WOW

Look, you drive the welfare car. Your opinion doesn't count. If that's all you can afford, I'm sure you are watching TV on a 20" TV made in 1987 with 1 blown speaker (pre-stereo TV). You tried blaming WOW for internet issues because your PC is fucked up...be quiet, you don't count. I'm sure one day when minimum wage goes up more, you'll get that 25" set you have on lay away, and eventually afford the down payment on that dream car Accord you have had your eye on.


I have a nice Harmon Kardon receivor, and I don't notice any volume changes at all. Hit settings twice on the remote, and make sure audio is set to narrow and fixed.

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Look, you drive the welfare car. Your opinion doesn't count. If that's all you can afford, I'm sure you are watching TV on a 20" TV made in 1987 with 1 blown speaker (pre-stereo TV). You tried blaming WOW for internet issues because your PC is fucked up...be quiet, you don't count. I'm sure one day when minimum wage goes up more, you'll get that 25" set you have on lay away, and eventually afford the down payment on that dream car Accord you have had your eye on.


I have a nice Harmon Kardon receivor, and I don't notice any volume changes at all. Hit settings twice on the remote, and make sure audio is set to narrow and fixed.


you're gonna insult me because of the car i drive because i dont worship the company you work for? give me a fucking break. you're almost 30, work as a cable installer (good choice of career there), and drive a 13 year old car that most kids get in high school. i have a nice 52" TV that belongs to ME. IF i was able to get anything besides WOW in the area i live in, i would. there is nothing wrong with my PC to blame your companies products on. i still have to call in twice a week, due to the internet being down, and every time they tell me "we can set up an apointment to have someone come out and take a look", and always, within the next few hours, the modem starts working again. how can their modem be my PCs problem? my PC has nothing to do with the data and pc lights flashing on the modem


your "expertise" still did nothing to help the OP but to hint at telling him to go spend more money on a different receiver.


face it, even though you work for WOW, they do still blow compared to TW.

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you're gonna insult me because of the car i drive because i dont worship the company you work for? give me a fucking break. you're almost 30, work as a cable installer (good choice of career there), and drive a 13 year old car that most kids get in high school. i have a nice 52" TV that belongs to ME. IF i was able to get anything besides WOW in the area i live in, i would. there is nothing wrong with my PC to blame your companies products on. i still have to call in twice a week, due to the internet being down, and every time they tell me "we can set up an apointment to have someone come out and take a look", and always, within the next few hours, the modem starts working again. how can their modem be my PCs problem? my PC has nothing to do with the data and pc lights flashing on the modem


your "expertise" still did nothing to help the OP but to hint at telling him to go spend more money on a different receiver.


face it, even though you work for WOW, they do still blow compared to TW.

- I don't work as a cable installer.

- I have a 50 and a 57" that belongs to me, thanks for playing

- Uhh, retard, the data and PC lights are SUPPOSED to flash on the modem. And if the PC light ISN'T flashing on the modem, it is most likely YOUR ethernet card.

- There is no known volume issues with the DVR. Time Warner uses IDENTICAL DVR's (Scientific Atlanta 8300 series now, and has plenty of 8000 series out there as well, just like we do). So pleae explain how TW's are better?

- My 13 year old car (which I've owned for 8 years) is a modded garage queen toy; not a daily driver. And I don't believe in buying new cars; I let someone else eat the depreciation.

- Most kids in HS get the POS you are driving


I have two 8300 HD DVR's at home. One direct to a TV, no volume issues. One to my Harmon Kardon, and used to be hooked up to a Sony receivor; never have had any volume issues. It's possible the box could be bad, but that's normally not the case in this situation. Hence why I said to make sure the box is set to "narrow" and "fixed" as that makes sure the volume level is consistant.


Don't believe me: I had a customer a couple days ago who had issues with the sound on his TV (went up and down randomly). He ended up returning it for a different TV, and the problem magically went away.


And Josh, yes I can be an a-hole when I post drunkenly on the internet. Vacation has started...off to Canada. :D

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Thanks man.....I did that but Fox still seems to go up and down noticably. Channel Four is pretty low too. I can live with the NBC thing and perhaps even Fox. I just hope it doesn't affect all the stations.


I'm going to hook the digital sound out to another Digital RCA in on my receiver to rule out that jack/port.


-make sure the box is set to "narrow" and "fixed" as that makes sure the volume level is consistant.
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Please provide me with proof on how WoW is "...light years ahead of TW..." and maybe I will switch. Proof as in a report on a 3rd party website, not "I work there so I know". Right now I have a choice of WoW and Insight. I have always had TW everywhere I have lived and their downlink has been wonderful. Uptime for the most part is very good around 95%.


If WoW can beat my deal with cable modem (600K down 60K up) / basic cable with dvr box and HD channels on demand and music choice channels for $80 a month then let me know.

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Please provide me with proof on how WoW is "...light years ahead of TW..." and maybe I will switch. Proof as in a report on a 3rd party website, not "I work there so I know". Right now I have a choice of WoW and Insight. I have always had TW everywhere I have lived and their downlink has been wonderful. Uptime for the most part is very good around 95%.


If WoW can beat my deal with cable modem (600K down 60K up) / basic cable with dvr box and HD channels on demand and music choice channels for $80 a month then let me know.

easy enough, I used to have Time Warner, it was down every other week, the pricing was outrageous (I think it was around 150 a month), and the channel line up just plain sucked...


when I switched to WOW, I now have 2 Digital cable boxes with 16 movie channels, 1 analog cable box with movie channels, 6 mbit cable, etc.... and I pay 74 dollars a month. I've never had my cable or internet EVER go down in 2 years and everytime I've even had a pricing question or comment, I've gotten a quick straight forward answer from Joe.


since I've gone to them, I've also gotten my parents to switch to WOW and they dropped almost 100 dollars a month by going to them, dropping their old phone company and getting everything all together.


as far as I'm concerned, if you don't like WoW, don't go to them... no skin off my back and you aren't clogging up my internet bandwidth.

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I'll chime in and say I switched primarily because Joe was able to get me more than what I had with TW for about $5 more per month. I know have a few more channels, Digital CAble, DVR, three TV's and while my internet is rated a little lower on speedtest.net. I see zero difference in downloads and I don't upload tons, but I'm actually getting 4.4Mbps down / 470k up package and it's been pretty much invisible to me.


Please provide me with proof on how WoW is "...light years ahead of TW..." and maybe I will switch. Proof as in a report on a 3rd party website, not "I work there so I know". Right now I have a choice of WoW and Insight. I have always had TW everywhere I have lived and their downlink has been wonderful. Uptime for the most part is very good around 95%.


If WoW can beat my deal with cable modem (600K down 60K up) / basic cable with dvr box and HD channels on demand and music choice channels for $80 a month then let me know.

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My main concern is the bandwidth on the internet. I only need one DVR box and don't need cable on my other TV I have. But it is included with the package I have right now with insight. I don't think I could handle a 45K upstream. 60K is too slow for my needs honestly.
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there are higher speed packages, check with Joe. I just went with this one because I trusted him based on our conversations that I wouldn't need to spend more and the difference wouldn't be noticable. He was right.


My main concern is the bandwidth on the internet. I only need one DVR box and don't need cable on my other TV I have. But it is included with the package I have right now with insight. I don't think I could handle a 45K upstream. 60K is too slow for my needs honestly.
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Please provide me with proof on how WoW is "...light years ahead of TW..." and maybe I will switch. Proof as in a report on a 3rd party website, not "I work there so I know". Right now I have a choice of WoW and Insight. I have always had TW everywhere I have lived and their downlink has been wonderful. Uptime for the most part is very good around 95%.


If WoW can beat my deal with cable modem (600K down 60K up) / basic cable with dvr box and HD channels on demand and music choice channels for $80 a month then let me know.

I can beat it....except we don't offer internet that slow (that's a REALLY crappy upload you have there).


WOW just earned another JD Power award for #1 phone provider (for customer satisifaction; that include pricing, service, everything). Though it will say for the North Central region, we had the highest overall score in the nation. Actually, WOW is the reason JD Power had to setup regions, because we were winning the awards against companies that didn't compete with us due to us not being in those regions (though our overall scores are still highest in the nations).


We've won the JD Power for best television provider a couple times as well.


I've had Insight in the past, and their service sucked on all levels. I can cut you a better deal with WOW, but I'm leaving in a few minutes and won't be back for over a week.


FYI: Our slowest internet speed package is 768k down/ 256k up. We have 5 residential packages, going up to 6Mbps down / 1Mbps up.

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there are higher speed packages, check with Joe. I just went with this one because I trusted him based on our conversations that I wouldn't need to spend more and the difference wouldn't be noticable. He was right.

You have the 4Mbps down / 512k up package. As you probably noticed, your upload is slightly faster, while your download is slightly slower. But as we spoke about, unless you are downloading a LOT from mulitple servers, 4Mbps is more than sufficient; the upload is where you are going to actually gain something.

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My main concern is the bandwidth on the internet. I only need one DVR box and don't need cable on my other TV I have. But it is included with the package I have right now with insight. I don't think I could handle a 45K upstream. 60K is too slow for my needs honestly.



Dude, I have WOW.


I have the 6mb down 1mb up package.


I am typically grabbing 850k-900k+ off of the newsgroups during the day and more overnight. Uploads from home are in the 125-130k range. Its simply fantastic.

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Dude, I have WOW.


I have the 6mb down 1mb up package.


I am typically grabbing 850k-900k+ off of the newsgroups during the day and more overnight. Uploads from home are in the 125-130k range. Its simply fantastic.


Me too, I have seen 1MB per sec downloads. :eek: And the 1mb upload is freakin sweet when I upload huge pics of my daughter to her website for family to view.


I have posted it before and I will post it again, Call Time warner with an issue at 2 am on a Saturday, see if you get help. I called WOW at 2 am with the only issue I have had. I got a real person on the line AT 2AM and the issue with my cable card was fixed. My internet went down for the first time a month ago because a utility pole went down near my house. Other than that I have never had an interruption in service.


3 years ago on Christmas day, my insight cable and internet went down. It was down all day and most of the next. My family that drove from far away was not pleased. I started researching other options then. Fuck Insuck. With the free movie channels you get with WOW it is a much better value. I have had TW, Insight, and WOW in the last 6 years, WOW wins hands down! Although if I don't start getting many many more HD channels soon I may get rid of their TV for DirectTV if they can deliver many HD channels. Also if I could get Fios from Verizon I may do that. We will see.

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Me too, I have seen 1MB per sec downloads. :eek: And the 1mb upload is freakin sweet when I upload huge pics of my daughter to her website for family to view.


I have posted it before and I will post it again, Call Time warner with an issue at 2 am on a Saturday, see if you get help. I called WOW at 2 am with the only issue I have had. I got a real person on the line AT 2AM and the issue with my cable card was fixed. My internet went down for the first time a month ago because a utility pole went down near my house. Other than that I have never had an interruption in service.


3 years ago on Christmas day, my insight cable and internet went down. It was down all day and most of the next. My family that drove from far away was not pleased. I started researching other options then. Fuck Insuck. With the free movie channels you get with WOW it is a much better value. I have had TW, Insight, and WOW in the last 6 years, WOW wins hands down! Although if I don't start getting many many more HD channels soon I may get rid of their TV for DirectTV if they can deliver many HD channels. Also if I could get Fios from Verizon I may do that. We will see.



Good luck with FIOS..



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Mother f'ing storms caused such insane delays at Newark, New York, Philly, etc. that my flight was so delayed (probably cancelled at this point), that I'm posting from my g/f's condo. :rolleyes:


I am betting on WOW offering more HD channels this year, but have zero info on it (they usually keep that stuff pretty secret).

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