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People who frequent QSL meets

Rally Pat

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wasnt everyone asked not to do this kind of stuff at the meets ???


and lots of people brig there kids to meet brian and ant are some of them now they arnt babies that i know of but if they are asleep they would prolly do the same thing

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It does seem odd that anyone would expect to be able to put a kid to sleep at a car event.


I guess, if nothing else, it's a non-confrontational way to tell people not to do squirelly shit.


"Hey man, my kids sleeping, can you quit that" sounds better than "Hey D-bag, stop being a squirell"

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I'm not a loud person, but if someone came up to me and said "keep it down" (in public) "my kid is sleeping in the car"). I would say "good night". "It's time for you to go home". You being out late with your kid is not my fault. Get a sitter, or stay home.


I see no reason for reving or loud music either. I can see having a kid out that is NOT an infant and hanging with dad and the car guys. But, car seat, and asleep, I think I'm shaking my head at you.

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I'm not a loud person, but if someone came up to me and said "keep it down" (in public) "my kid is sleeping in the car"). I would say "good night". "It's time for you to go home". You being out late with your kid is not my fault. Get a sitter, or stay home.


I see no reason for reving or loud music either. I can see having a kid out that is NOT an infant and hanging with dad and the car guys. But, car seat, and asleep, I think I'm shaking my head at you.

QFT. Someone having a kid is their problem, NOT mine.

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I 110% agree with Joe. I have plenty of friends that bring their kids to these outtings and more power to them, but i'm not bringing mine to a scene that I consider very unsafe. Cars are constantly coming in and out of the parking lot and there are so many d-bag 16 yr olds in uber fast civics rev'ing their engines (red s2000 kid omg go kill yourself please) and shit. Its not a safe place for kids, period.
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d-bag 16 yr olds in uber fast civics rev'ing their engines (red s2000 kid omg go kill yourself please) and shit. Its not a safe place for kids, period.


/\Agreed. Mr. Mojo, you hit the nail on the head. Are we starting to enforce the sticker/voucher rule tonight?

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Where I stand is safe for kids because the people around me value their life.

And other than 2 cars (that will not be there for much longer) the area is safe. People do their "diplays of horse power" on the street not in the parking lot. And we are working on stopping that too. We know exactly what areas are unsafe. If the entire thing was unsafe I wouldnt be standing there, let alone my children. You guys worry about having a good time, and let the rest of us (in charge of the cruise ins) take care of the ricers.

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Yes the retard in the s2000 about got his ass beat last week. The boy needs a swift lesson in life that his car is slow and he is even more slow in the brain section... I don't have a issue with people who want to bring there kids out that are old enough to walk around and have a good time with mom and dad.. but I personally would leave my children at home. Now infants.. yeah they do not need to be in that situation. It's grown up time, just my $.02cents
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Also QS&L was set up with a fun time for "family and friends". The exact conversation with the GM was about making an environment that is family friendly. Its main purpose is to give us an area to meet. If you want to set up races more power to you, but thats not the (main) purpose. We just needed a place to eat, stand around, talk, and not get kicked out. Races are secondary.
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I will back Brian on that. When we were setting up the cruise in.. the GM was very firm, on everything being "family oriented", I think the main issues with that following the CR intent is, most people in the car scene are still stuck on the environment that is just racing and thats it. Now, with having this location, were trying to feed a more "family friendly environment" to out local car scene, and it is going to take a little bit for the thought process to change with a lot of car owners.


Edit: But as far as the times that we are out there, is what I think the main focus is. This is still a car scene, with hours that fall far beyond children's bedtimes. Young young kids, don't need to be out that late.. Im not a parent but I would think tweleve or 1a is too late for kids.


But who knows.

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I heart Amy soooooooooo much!


Dont get me wrong... if you call me out the wife and kids stay at home. Then the ass kicking will soon follow. I've been bringing my kids to show the GM that we are a more mature crowd. Now that my car works you wont see them as much.



Its the summer, kids dont have bedtimes in the summer :D

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I dont have kids, but if i did i wouldnt bring them along if they were real young. now, once they got older i most likely would on occasion but my dad didnt start taking me to stuff like that until i was about 15. Even tho i was already really into cars by then.
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Where I stand is safe for kids because the people around me value their life.

And other than 2 cars (that will not be there for much longer) the area is safe. People do their "diplays of horse power" on the street not in the parking lot. And we are working on stopping that too. We know exactly what areas are unsafe. If the entire thing was unsafe I wouldnt be standing there, let alone my children. You guys worry about having a good time, and let the rest of us (in charge of the cruise ins) take care of the ricers.



Dude, your kids are friggin awesome! Oh and lets not forget that your daughter knows more about cars than probably half the people there!

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Dude, your kids are friggin awesome! Oh and lets not forget that your daughter knows more about cars than probably half the people there!


True story.


What kind of car is that?

Lexi - Its a camaro

How do you know that?

Lexi - The head lights duh!! = classic


BTW when to s2000 guy revved his engine she said "I hate imports".

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