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Hiroshima - 08-06-1945


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you know, if you look at it historically, the U.S. was definitely going to win the war in the Pacific; we had devoted more than half our Navy and almost all the USMC to the Pacific theater, but despite that if it hadn't been for Truman's INCREDIBLY brave decision to drop the bomb there would have been millions more casualties, both military and civilian.


People often forget about the Second Sino-Japanese war because it was so far from the U.S. and because the only struggle we were concerned with in China was supporting Chiang Kai-shek in his attempts to defeat Mao. But what if we hadn't dropped the bomb and the Sino Japanese war had carried on with the same ferocity of the Rape of Nanking? What if we had to invade mainland Japan where, according to their beliefs, nearly every citizen would have been obligated to take up arms against us to defend the Emperor. The idea of a diefied emperor seems so far back in history for us, but for Japan WWII is where it ended BECAUSE we dropped the bomb instead of attacking them head on.


Just a bit o slightly biased history for you fellaz.

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Now Japan loves us for the most part. Cool beans

You're kidding, right?

They love doing buisness with us, and certain trendy bits of our culture. But they've never fogotted the quarter million civilians that we bathed in the light of a thousand suns. You'll find the older ones still carry a bitter resentment, and many youths carry it on.

Hell, watch the "Ghost in the Shell" series, see how we're portrayed.

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You're kidding, right?

They love doing buisness with us, and certain trendy bits of our culture. But they've never fogotted the quarter million civilians that we bathed in the light of a thousand suns. You'll find the older ones still carry a bitter resentment, and many youths carry it on.

Hell, watch the "Ghost in the Shell" series, see how we're portrayed.


yeah remember those nice older japs the ones who cut off heads of everyone and raped everything, i am not sure if they should be taken seriously, and an anime series is not credible


dropping the bomb is definitely a gray debate, only because they would have not been able to sustain a war for very long, i think steel is right, we only wanted to show the ruskies

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You're kidding, right?

They love doing buisness with us, and certain trendy bits of our culture. But they've never fogotted the quarter million civilians that we bathed in the light of a thousand suns. You'll find the older ones still carry a bitter resentment, and many youths carry it on.

Hell, watch the "Ghost in the Shell" series, see how we're portrayed.



A cartoon is not a good argument. Plus last time I checked we were allies.

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you know, if you look at it historically, the U.S. was definitely going to win the war in the Pacific; we had devoted more than half our Navy and almost all the USMC to the Pacific theater, but despite that if it hadn't been for Truman's INCREDIBLY brave decision to drop the bomb there would have been millions more casualties, both military and civilian.

Unfortunately, decisions about war are not made in a historical perspective. At the time, we did not know we were going to win the war. We had beat the Japs back to Japan, but we had a long road ahead with out Little Boy and Fat Man.

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A cartoon is not a good argument. Plus last time I checked we were allies.

So were these three:



As far back as 1954 "Mans medaling with radiation" created giant city stomping monsters. Last I checked, Japan wasn't playing with radiation in the pacific.


I'm not saying they're going to attack us, I'm just saying that they don't all love us.

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Eric wasn't saying that Ghost in the shell is a reason that we shouldnt have dropped the bomb you dolts, but it shows hows some people in Japan view the way that the united states handles foreign policy/war.



PS: One of two anime shows that I can force myself to watch... and I actually really like it, it's very intelligent.

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So were these three:



As far back as 1954 "Mans medaling with radiation" created giant city stomping monsters. Last I checked, Japan wasn't playing with radiation in the pacific.


I'm not saying they're going to attack us, I'm just saying that they don't all love us.

Japan was working on "the bomb" so was Germany. Our planes destroyed Japans development centers in '45. We happened to beat the Japs and the Germans to it. On top of that, Japan did not have the ability to deliver a blow to the mainland US.


Stalin was only an alli of convenience, nothing more. Stalin murdered more than Hitler ever did, but Hitler gets the worst "wrap" for it. IMHO the only difference between the two guys was Hitler killed people by religious category (for the most part). Stalin killed for political reasons (for the most part).


Another reason that I feel we dropped Little boy and fat man was to keep the Soviets in place post war. We could have had a problem (more so than what we did) with the soviets, fighting us for land after the fall of the Axis.

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^^^Not only would we have had a problem fighting for land, but if we had ignored the potential military power of the atomic bomb, the Soviets would have been the first to get it. We snatched up all the German scientists we could after the war to delay the Soviet nuclear program, and even still they managed to get it done years before we predicted they would. Then they beat us to the ICBM/Space program benchmark.


Its a damn good thing we were the first to come up with the a-bomb.

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Don't forget we were only helping Britain against Germany. Then the Japanese attacked & killed thousands @ Pearl Harbor, while our ships were at anchor & our military was sleeping! It certainly gave our politicians the reason to enter the war, which is what they wanted anyway. I agree with earlier comments, dropping the bomb saved thousands of american lives & shortened the war & yep it gave Russia cause to back off & look at us as a serious military might they decided NOT to mess with, ergo the freedom we continue to enjoy today. I have no remorse regarding the bombing -
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Japan did not have the ability to deliver a blow to the mainland US.

Yes they did, and they succeded. It wasn't accurate, and we eventually bombed it, but they did get ordinance over here (soon after they discovered the jet stream). Also, nuclear weapons would have been the means to get stuff over here. One suicide bomber per battle group, they could get their carriers over here.

Also remember, they did successfully take and hold american soil... cold soil, for a short time.


Then Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Union....


^^^^ best Charlatan of the 20th century!

He bankrupted us, too. Wiat untill you retire, all that money came from somewhere.

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Yes they did, and they succeded. It wasn't accurate, and we eventually bombed it, but they did get ordinance over here (soon after they discovered the jet stream). Also, nuclear weapons would have been the means to get stuff over here. One suicide bomber per battle group, they could get their carriers over here.

Also remember, they did successfully take and hold american soil... cold soil, for a short time..


I was waiting for someone to mention it. While Balloon bombs were hardly effective at attacking our infrastructure their main idea behind the plan was to put fear in the head's of american's that a mainland attack was possible. The other plan behind it was to (hopefully) cause some sort of wildfire with the ordanance loaded on the balloon. I think the balloon bombs caused like 3 death's in a few years, and they were hikers... I think. At that the government's official assesment of the death's wasn't even related to the balloon's themselves but some sort of "accident" (ie, coverup).

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