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So...is the cruise ever gonna happen?

Minty Fresh

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  Mojoe said:
Here's how it's going to happen. 3 or more cars that know each other say this is when we are going. Then open invite, and let people know. Things with continue to fall apart with too many opinions and schedules.


That's probably a good idea....and we should make the date far enough in advanced (like 2-3 weeks) so people can at least plan for it.


I'm down for pretty much any weekend after this one (Can't do the 2nd weekend of Sept though). It would be nice if the weather wasn't as hot though. LOL

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Guest hotrodmama024
Already tried it. No one paid attention or didnt want to attend. Maybe its just me? lol If someone else wants to get it put together I would be all for it. Just not going to keep trying if I dont get enough particapants.
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Just get 2 other solid people to go. If no one else shows, you guys still had fun. More is great, but I wouldn't wait on everyone. Too many missed opportunities.


I for one, would like to go. I know I'm way too busy this summer to commit to it. So if I know you are going on the 1st and that ends up being free for me, I'll just show up or let you know the day before.

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Depending on how my funds sit, I'm thinking Aug 19 (Sun) or Aug 25(Sat). That is when I will go. When I know for sure, I'll start an official thread letting everyone know whether they plan to attend or not. Once my plans are set, they are set in stone. So you can always count one car in. Me. :D
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  ImUrOBGYN said:
Depending on how my funds sit, I'm thinking Aug 19 (Sun) or Aug 25(Sat). That is when I will go. When I know for sure, I'll start an official thread letting everyone know whether they plan to attend or not. Once my plans are set, they are set in stone. So you can always count one car in. Me. :D



Oh wtf mate, Aug 25th you better be at my cruise in!! :-) We can plan a big cruise after the show (noon - 5p)

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Well I started another thread, maybe not so much what everyone was looking to do but be something, since nothing seems to be getting off the ground. If that doesnt work, lets do this coming sat to hoover dam sat 1p meet at Easton and cruise on and then over to Wuaker at night?
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  hotrodmama024 said:
So we should just have this cruise in early September then. I liked the 4th or 5th idea.


I agree....I think Labor Day weekend would be great. It will be cooler then too. It's a long weekend as well.


I can come to Amy's Cruise In....but I probably won't be able to do the "cruise" afterwards. :(

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