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Guest 99BlackPonyGT

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Guest 99BlackPonyGT
ok well im sure most people know this already... but i figured for those who dont heres a heads up...i dont have pics but ill try to find some....there are big huge white lines on the shoulder of some highways... they are like 3 times as thick as most lines...if you cross one and are speeding SLOW DOWN ... they are used because a helicopter flys above and records your time from one line to another and then uses your time to see how fast you are going...chopper radios ahead and has you pulled over.... cops dont have to legally show or even use a radar to pull you over...they are trained to guess your speed within 2mph ... they cant even get a radar till they pass the test of just looking at a speeding car... and sorry if this is the wrong section to post this... this is my first post on the forums aside from the classroom
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Guest 99BlackPonyGT
i just learned about it from taking a court ordered driving class last week...figured if i had been driving for a yr and never knew about it, maybe there was someone else who didnt know about it either
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There is camera radar in Cleveland in places. The speeding VIOLATION is a city ordinance, so it does not carry points and it does not go on your driving record. If you don't pay the $95 it goes to collections and shows on your credit report. All this is stated on the citation. My sister in-law got one in the mail this week. She was in Cleveland a few weeks ago. the picture is clear except they block out who is driving for some reason but the close up of the plate is very clear.
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Guest 99BlackPonyGT
i was in driver class with a girl who got nailed by a chopper on 33... got points and all *i know its diff than the camera like you're talkin about* ... and my dad got nailed by one too.. a cop flagged him down and he kept going... there was a cruiser waiting on the next ramp...the thing with cameras is the owner of the car gets the ticket no matter who is driving it... my friends dad got a ticket in the mail from a red light cam..it had a pic of his plates on it...he mailed them a picture of the check he wrote to pay the fine lol.... he got a pic of handcuffs back in the mail so he decided to send the real check
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he mailed them a picture of the check he wrote to pay the fine lol.... he got a pic of handcuffs back in the mail so he decided to send the real check


That was an e-mail that went around not your friends dad, if your "friend" told you this, I have some great land in Florida to sell ya.

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Guest 99BlackPonyGT
hmm wow guess im gullible... i dont use email except to register at stuff so i never saw it...he just said it happened to his dad... and i think it sucks that they use stuff thats in the air to catch people down on the ground :( the days of scopin out that center median are over!
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It's an excellent artical. Ohio is blessed with more planes and cbus more choppers than most every other city I can think of....


Car and Driver did an article on the Ohio Highway Patrol's use of airplanes to catch speeders. It was published in the April 2007 edition.


Kind of an interesting read if you have the time.

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Guest 99BlackPonyGT
was new news to me...figured i would share incase anyone else didnt know...guess ill just keep quiet next time then since im the only one in the world who didnt know this already
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Choppers dont run speed enforcement around here, just planes

qft. Also I am 99% sure a cop can't just guesse your speed they require proof. I will call and ask that unless dragknee or one of our other offices could chime in.

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Guest 99BlackPonyGT
qft. Also I am 99% sure a cop can't just guesse your speed they require proof. I will call and ask that unless dragknee or one of our other offices could chime in.


our school resource officer told us that he is not required to show his radar to any car he pulls over...im also a member on mustangforums.com and theres a thread about asking cops questions and getting answers ..in alabama and nj (which is where the cops are at in the 2 quotes im going to post) they are trained to catch you by eye...



ORIGINAL: rmtaylor78




How are they supposed to know that you're speeding. If they don't have it on radar I'm 99% sure that they can't get you. Hell, you can even request to see their radar detector.


you can get busted for speeding without radar. i mentioned this before. we are trained to visually estimate speed. no kidding, there was a class in the academy for it.


pg 13


ORIGINAL: 04mineralgreyGT




How are they supposed to know that you're speeding. If they don't have it on radar I'm 99% sure that they can't get you. Hell, you can even request to see their radar detector.


Another police officer chiming in. We are trained in radar certification course to estimate a vehicles speed by eye within 2 mph. If we don't estimate right we don't get certified on radar (in Alabama anyway). And the supreme court has ruled that we don't have to show people our radars after we clock and stop them.


idk if its the same in ohio...but since a westerville cop told me that he doesnt have to show his radar, im assuming its pretty close to the same...idk though


heres the whole thread if you get bored its a fun read


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they dont have to show you radar. besides it doesnt matter... they can make it say anything they want it to.


id assume they could pull you over for visually estimating your speed... they can pull you over for whatever they feel like...


but i dont think there is any way in hell that it would hold up in court. they need some kind of certified measure of speed. radar, cert. speedo, vascar whatever, to prove that you were going above the limit.

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