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Home Remedys (Headache)


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Ok, I've tried Tylnol / Aspirin . I've got this headache that makes me sick to my stomahce when its gets real bad. I sweat and just hurt so bad I wanna keep my eyes closed.


Anyone have any old family recieps the ear ache one worked great. I'm sick of my stomache doing summersalts

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Many headaches are due to a lack of potassium. Bananas are a good source.


Your headache sounds like a migraine though. You should get a prescription for them, they can be tough to get rid of. I have visual migraines so I can tell when they are coming. I used to get a prescription called Midrin and it ruled but they stopped making it. Basically you want something that will open the capillaries in your head to get more oxygen to your brain.

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Are you sure you aren't dehydrated? Dehydration is the main cause of a headache. Drink a lot of water.





Coffee, tea or mt. dew. The more caffeine the better it opens your constricted blood vessels and relieves the pain.



Those will dehydrate you, and cause more problems.

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Many headaches are due to a lack of potassium. Bananas are a good source.


Your headache sounds like a migraine though. You should get a prescription for them, they can be tough to get rid of. I have visual migraines so I can tell when they are coming. I used to get a prescription called Midrin and it ruled but they stopped making it. Basically you want something that will open the capillaries in your head to get more oxygen to your brain.


I was thinking this as I read his post. I am a migraine sufferer as well. Those are the only headaches I have ever had that make me sick to my stomach at times.


Thorne, Do you get funny vision leading up to these headaches? Most people call them "Auras". That would be another good indicator of migraine, but I don't think you necessarily get the vision part with every case.


When I start getting swirly vision, I pound some Imitrex or some combo of pain meds and hope it's not a really bad one coming.

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i only take imitrex when i've got a migraine so awful Excedrin won't help.


Yeah, I need to go back to the doctor, actually.


I'm pretty sure Imitrex isn't the answer for me either. I think it makes me feel more nauseated than usual and doesn't seem to do much better than Excedrin Migraine. That's odd because the Excedrin containes no Voodoo - just a mixture of Asprin, Acetamenophin and Caffeine, and costs about eleventy-billion times less.

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i only take imitrex when i've got a migraine so awful Excedrin won't help.

Ya I took it for one but it felt like EVERY vessel in my body contracted at once and I freeked out and called the doc and they said it was a side affect some people find and to take a nap. I did and I did not have a headache after wards buy not sure feeling like death is worth it

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Yeah my vision went like everything was to bright then i tried turning the lights off in the office. helped for a little bit then i could not look at my monitor. After that I started to pule. I ended up driving home in spurts (Drive 5 minutes pull over).


I've got to get me a PCP The one i had is in grovecity thas a helluva a drive when you don't feel good.

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Yeah my vision went like everything was to bright then i tried turning the lights off in the office. helped for a little bit then i could not look at my monitor. After that I started to pule. I ended up driving home in spurts (Drive 5 minutes pull over).


I've got to get me a PCP The one i had is in grovecity thas a helluva a drive when you don't feel good.


Yeah. I'd definitely look into getting checked out by a doc. I put it off way too long.


It had been over 12 years since my last visit to the doctor when I had a few bad migraines in a short period of time. I didn't realize what was happening to me and it scared the hell out of me, especially the vision part. I was half expecting some daytime drama shit like a brain tumor. I was actually surprised to hear he thought they were migraines, but since then I have learned alot of what my triggers seem to be and have alot fewer of them and can mostly control them.


Some days I have them at work and can actually stay and work, although I can't bear to look at my monitors much for a couple of hours.

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Yeah my vision went like everything was to bright then i tried turning the lights off in the office. helped for a little bit then i could not look at my monitor. After that I started to pule. I ended up driving home in spurts (Drive 5 minutes pull over).


I've got to get me a PCP The one i had is in grovecity thas a helluva a drive when you don't feel good.



You had a migraine. I get them and driving is almost impossible with one. You need Rx migraine pills. I don't have any more Midgrine anymore but it used to work well. If it gets even worse where you pretty much lock yourself into a closet because all light and sound hurts you then go to a doctor. You can get an IV drip to cure that. I did it before when I had a Migraine for 5 days straight. 5th day my mom took me to the ER and they stuck an IV in me and the pain was all gone in 30 minutes. I had restless leg syndrome for the rest of the day and night but at least I was able to get up and walk around.

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