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world military spending (pic)


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I am not surprised by that graph. What would be interesting to know is how much of that money goes for funding soldiers and bases in other countries. I am quite sure that is where most of our money goes and very little of everyone elses moneys goes.
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Guest Scooter
Germany has free health care, too. But their taxes are at 19%. Canada is something like that. Sure, everyone has "free" healthcare, but that cost is made up in taxes you pay.
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lots of taxes.....and today pricing on various consumer goods isn't very good. for example, a friend of mine came down to stay with me and bought a new Digital SLR for about a $1,500 savings and can then just carry it back to his home. Way different from when I was in Toronto back in the early 1999-2001 time frame.


If momma say they aint no free lunches...how is there free healthcare? :)
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I consider it bad accounting.



In all honesty you really don't know shit about our MIlitary spending. All DoD appropriations are counted in U.S. Military spending. If you want, you can challenge my accounting skills and knowledge of U.S. Military spending, and I guarantee you will lose

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Germany has free health care, too. But their taxes are at 19%. Canada is something like that. Sure, everyone has "free" healthcare, but that cost is made up in taxes you pay.



19%??? Sign me up!

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In all honesty you really don't know shit about our MIlitary spending. All DoD appropriations are counted in U.S. Military spending. If you want, you can challenge my accounting skills and knowledge of U.S. Military spending, and I guarantee you will lose


Do you act like a prick when you aren't behind a keyboard?

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My older brother is going to Iraq in November for 15 months. If that graph needs to grow another threefold in order to bring him home safely (and everyone else over there) I wouldn't mind.


That doesn't include war spending, that is just the regular appropriations per year for the DoD, Iraq is a separate budget.


Milpers accounts for $110 billion

O&M is like $150 billion

So just paying the soldiers (over 1.4 million active) and keeping EVERYTHING running costs $250 billion dollars a year...


Now RDT&E, which would go towards keeping your brother safe is about $70 Billion,


So technology, paying the soldiers, and keeping everything in operating order (and feeding the soldiers!) is about 65-70% of DoD spending


The budget does not even include revolving funds and reimbursables

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I worked in Sweden a few years back, they have socialized education (if you join the military) and socialized medicine (no cosmetic procedures like teeth or lasik). Their tax rate is a full 50% straight off of the top before you contribute to retirement. If you get a second job, there is no break on that income same deal full 50%. How do you want it, "free" or paid for?
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In all honesty you really don't know shit about our MIlitary spending. All DoD appropriations are counted in U.S. Military spending. If you want, you can challenge my accounting skills and knowledge of U.S. Military spending, and I guarantee you will lose


an accounting and military spending challenge?! sign me up!

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if only that much money and effort was spent on helping improve shit right here in our own country, like our schools, health care, manufacturing, immigration reform, retirement protection/SS, etc.....the things that affect those of us here keeping the country going, we might actually become the nation we once were.....oh and stop buying shit from China and outsourcing everything. I hate the fact that we are so damn Dependant on everyone else that we have to spend so much on trying to protect what we really shouldn't need oil and overseas labor, etc....




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I think that chart is at least a little bit off since the Chinese undervalue their currency so much compared to the dollar. There's no way in hell the Russians could spend the same amount, or nearly the same amount, as the Chinese do on defense even if they wanted to.
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