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political joke of the day


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So one day while planning World War 3, George W. Bush had, had enough of the white house and decided to go grab a beer. He walks into a local bar just down the street and orders up a beer. A man at the far side of the bar asks the bartender," Hey is that who I think it is?" Bartender says," Yup that's President Bush alright." The man then walks up to President Bush, "Wow what an honor sir, I'm a huge supporter. But what are you doing here in a bar?" President Bush replies," I'm working on our plan for World War 3." Man then says," If you don't mind me asking, what's the plan sir?" President Bush answers,"Drop thousands of bombs, send millions of our troops to kill 140,000 of the Islamic faith and a blonde with huge tits!" Man questions," Why kill the blonde?" President Bush answers, "HA! I knew nobody would care about killing 140,000 Muslims!"
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