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I need a notary for tomorrow 8/26/07


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I know there are many places that charge $35. I don't know for sure what the limits are. But, If I needed something notarized on a weekend and found someone to do it, I would be sure to make it worth their while. I should hear something soon. She getting out of her pole dancing class soon. hehe
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(R.C. 147.13)


A notary public who charges or receives for a notarial act or service a fee greater than the amount prescribed by law, or who dishonestly or unfaithfully discharges any official duties as notary public, shall be removed from office by the court of common pleas of the county in which the notary public resides, upon complaint filed and substantiated, and the court shall certify the removal to the secretary of state. The person so removed shall be ineligible for reappointment to the office of notary public.


A notary public is entitled to the following fees:

For taking and certifying acknowledgments of deeds, mortgages, liens, powers of attorney, and other instruments of

writing, and for taking and certifying depositions, administering oaths, and other official services, the same fees as are

allowed by law to clerk of county courts for like services.

Ohio Revised Code, Sec. 147.08

Under present law, the “fees allowed by law to clerk of county courts for like services” amount to $1.50 for taking and

certifying one signature on an affidavit and $2.00 for acknowledging all instruments in writing. THE MAXIMUM FEE



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Thanks guys but I said fuck it. I know a guy who can notarize without the other guy being there and so can he so, I will just trade tomorrow and we'll get it done seperately.

my guy is that way too.but then he does it for free! and is around on weekends. he does it too bring extra business into his hardware store!

hes done tons of titles for me, and does all the other stuff my attorny doesnt!

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Good. Kris (work Kris) said he can build that bike for me pretty cheap...engine and all. I just need to take him in the pictures so he can see what all is there.


Bobby told me he knows how to fix bikes. I know hes worked on at least 1 guys who is no longer there, and I think he did something to jimmys as well. Tell him to stop by my house at some point and look at everything. I have a guy on another forum that has the missing parts. I am buying a windscreen off him this week and I know he has a ton of shit for sale. Plus stuff is going for decent prices on ebay right now. When I was building mine I couldnt find anything. Now guys are parting out what seems like entire bikes.

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OK Ill tell him. I guess he worked for a lot of years at a bike shop, I think it was Yamaha but not positive. I know he said he could build the whole engine for 200. Also, I got ahold of that guy in Plain city and he said he could build the hole thing for 800. Kris said he would be cheaper and since I know him, I will probably go with him.
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Its surprising, I asked hime when I first got the bike and took in the crank and pistons and he acted as though he didnt want to touch it. Maybe he needs the money. Well I know he needs the money. But be careful and stay on top of him if he does do any work for you. If you want see if he wants to come over tomorrow, I should be home all day.
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Sometimes he does nice work. They only issue I have had with him is his lack of upper body strength. We have had several discussions with bobby and tom regarding his inability to tighten stuff up. It was almost costly to myself on a few occasions. Last I heard he was ordered to get torque specifications on everything and make sure its done right.
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