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Short term jobs question.


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I agree with you to a point. All companies will look out for their bottom dollar and their profit margin over everything else, no matter what. Though it's nothing personal, you just have to understand that going into it. So why is it so wrong that employee's do the same for themselves?


No, not all of us do. Im very passionate at my job and will fight nail and tooth for the people that work for me. I would stand infront of any of them and throw my job on the table for them in a heartbeat.


Secondly, because youve waisted our time and our money. We've given you the opertunity to make money, and we even pay you, and theres no worse way to show us your gratatude and thanks than quiting like a litte bitch. I NEVER give people a second shot. If you walk out on me, you never come back... ever. And when i find out where youre working next, i make sure that i conviently stop in and act surprised to see you there... and tell your bosses to watch out, because youll do to him, what you did to me. once a fuckin quiter, always a fuckin quiter. And if people would stop bitching out, we would have more money to spend on labor and be able to hire more people over the fiscal year, rather than spend those labor dollars training new people constantly. People with this attitude are the fucking scum of the earth and DESERVE to live in poverty and suffer.


Yea and we all don't have mommy and daddy's money to play with, so eat a dick. Come back and let me know how you feel after you give 5 years of your life to a company, and you get shit on.


Did you ever stop to think about why it is you got shit on after 5 years? Ill answer it for you... you were an EXPENDABLE asset. You failed to prove your value and were sitting on the list of people the company could ultimatly do without if necessary. Everyone in business is replacable... im replacable myself, but in no world will i EVER be expendable. I had to work hard and turn quite a few heads before i reahed that point. But now, if jobs came donw to it, my boss would give hers up to save mine... THAT in itself is how you keep a job... prove that YOU are the reason those abouve you are successful. In return, you will be fought for by those who can. Thats probably not what you wanted to hear, but at the end of the day, THAT is how business works. The bottom line is controlable, having incredible talent working for you isnt something ANY business owner is willing to give up.


Best post.... you win.


It cost thousands of dollars to train someone for most jobs. I have had people do that to me and I hate it. Nothing make my BP go up more than that. I think if you take a job you need to be serious, and commit to it. If you need money and want a short term job go to Manpower. Otherwise leave the jobs for those who are in for the long haul.


Exactly. It costs me almost $2000 in time and resources to train a bottome level production crew member or driver. It costs me a $13,076 to train a shift manger, $21,240 to train a SAM (salary assistant manager), and after all said and done, it costs more than $43,000 to train an RGM... and this is for a LOW volume Delco (< $18,000 WPRA ~ $936,000/yr). For a store like mine, that does more than $1.2M/yr, my training is somewhere in the $60k range. You bet your ass the powers that be are looking for passion, commitment, ability, and adaptability. Dont be pissed if you arent cut out for it... not many people are. Could you carry around a briefcase with over a million bucks in it and protect it with your life? Because thats pretty much what we do ;)

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Blow me I'm sorry that I've got bills I'm paying off with my primary income. No matter what having more funds quicker makes any project go faster since It would be stupid to put a turbo install and shit on my CC.


. Since I am waiting right now It's BS that you would even say some shit like that. Maybe once you mod your car a little past a chip you will understand the money it takes to make a car fast.


... Yes your post did piss me off. Specially when I think about the fact my wifes car is faster then yours (MyoldCar)



ROFL. You asked a question on a forum and I gave you my opinion. If you didnt want it ask the question including "Dont tell me not to do it."


My car is built as a daily driver. GTI 25k, Turboback 1100, chip 600, coilover 1200, rear sway 200, dv 250, cai 200. I'd say its a decent setup for what I want.


Smart people, key word smart spend money when they have it. If you are thinking about modding your rex to be fast is a priority with paying off bills good luck ever upgrading your car or getting out of the apartment you're in.


You need to chill out, I dont care if you're rex or you're wifes car is faster. With your my car's faster than yours so you must not know what your talking about bs of an excuse is erroneous.


I dont think Jamie got where he did buy working at Mickie D's for 4 weeks to get where he is at. Take a lesson from him. Be smart, wait till you have the money. If you dont like it, I really dont care.


No I wont blow you, thats not very straight.


You'll be chasing money you're whole life, you might need to learn how to give a good blowjob with your spending habits chasing money self.

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No, not all of us do. Im very passionate at my job and will fight nail and tooth for the people that work for me. I would stand infront of any of them and throw my job on the table for them in a heartbeat.


Secondly, because youve waisted our time and our money. We've given you the opertunity to make money, and we even pay you, and theres no worse way to show us your gratatude and thanks than quiting like a litte bitch. I NEVER give people a second shot. If you walk out on me, you never come back... ever. And when i find out where youre working next, i make sure that i conviently stop in and act surprised to see you there... and tell your bosses to watch out, because youll do to him, what you did to me. once a fuckin quiter, always a fuckin quiter. And if people would stop bitching out, we would have more money to spend on labor and be able to hire more people over the fiscal year, rather than spend those labor dollars training new people constantly. People with this attitude are the fucking scum of the earth


Thats great that you actually like your job, hell maybe your one of the few that works for a company that values their employee's but thats wasn't what was suggested in the original post, and even worse its simply not the status quo. He's not looking to find a "good job", he mentioned slinging burgers at a fast food joint, and I think we can all agree probably isnt the best working condition's and I highly doubt a huge corporation like McDonald's is gonna seak vigilante justice over one employee who decided he didnt want to work there anymore. I should point out that what you suggested, going to your former employee's work and telling them what a bad person he/she was, is illegal and could be construed as slander.


But I do agree with you, i think people who seek/find jobs just to simply leave them after a short period are undependable and shouldn't have employment anyway. Its these types of people who wonder why they always end up on the unemployment line. But this particular case in point is different.

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No it's not because i was expendable, it's because i had an issue with a crybaby bitch who pulled the race/harassment card. I was let go because the company didn't have enough backbone to fight the lawsuit that surely would have occurred had they stood behind me and to stand up to this douche and tell him he was full of shit.


Here's the short version. Guy comes in with 38 years in transportation, yet has been fired from 6 different jobs due to his lack of understanding of his duties, and his issues with coworkers and subordinates. he thinks he's god's gift to dispatchers, and hates the fact he has to work under a 26 year old with 5 years in the biz. I run the show, i led the company through a strike that is still on going, and before that had made the terminal the 2nd most profitable operation out of 21, grossing over 780k a week. Trust me i know my shit. So here comes this guy, and i find out from driver that he is undermining everything i have set up, talking shit about me and other admin figures, and saying how he is going to have my job.


One day he decides to tell me what he is and isnt going to do, how he is running the operation now and blah blah blah. So i put him in his place, and i made damn sure he knew right were he stood with me. There was abslutly nothing racial about anything i said, but i was very to the point, maybe even harsh. i got corperate involved and he was spoken to by them as well. Well he pulls the same shit again a week later, so i let him know that he wasnt going to fit in with the way we work and sent him on his way. He hired a lawyer and they reinstated his ass. He got an attitude again, said he would do what he wanted, be came agressive and we had words. he called the vp, or his lawyer did, not sure, but they came back to me and said we have to let you go, we cant risk a lawsuit. exact fucking words. on my employee record it says i resigned, when i went to the workers comp hearing they said i just quit showing up. yea i didnt miss a single fucking day in 5 years and i just quit showing up.


And the last job i lost was due to this law they just passed on the skill game shit. say what ya want, but 40k a year and a company car was a nice lil job. hell i only worked 3-4 days a week doing accounting for stores all over the state.


I just thought i'd make it clear where i'm coming from. sorry for the novel.

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Didn't read any of this thread, with the exception of the first post. Bill, Panera at maxtown road is hiring around 8/hr. I never cared when I lost new people, they usually sucked anyway.
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Thats great that you actually like your job, hell maybe your one of the few that works for a company that values their employee's but thats wasn't what was suggested in the original post, and even worse its simply not the status quo. He's not looking to find a "good job", he mentioned slinging burgers at a fast food joint, and I think we can all agree probably isnt the best working condition's and I highly doubt a huge corporation like McDonald's is gonna seak vigilante justice over one employee who decided he didnt want to work there anymore. I should point out that what you suggested, going to your former employee's work and telling them what a bad person he/she was, is illegal and could be construed as slander.


But I do agree with you, i think people who seek/find jobs just to simply leave them after a short period are undependable and shouldn't have employment anyway. Its these types of people who wonder why they always end up on the unemployment line. But this particular case in point is different.


McDonalds is the largest fast food chain in the world. Im sure that they have GMs that would do the same as I would at Pizza Hut, the largest restaurant chain in the world.


And no, going and seeing a former employee and making a comment is not illegal unless its before the employee actully gets the job, and at that point its called Defimation of Character, and only when the emplyoee DOESNT get the job because of what you siad. Thats why many companies have rules about calling previous employers... the only things that can be said are if the employee was employed, the duration of employment, job description and rough description of duties, and if the employee left volentaraly, and even that is a retorical answer. No specifics are allowed to be shared between businesses, we all know that.


Bottom line is, its a waste of MY PERSONAL VALUBLE TIME TO TRAIN YOU FOR 2 WEEKS IF YOURE NOT GOING TO STICK WITH ME FOR AT LEAST A YEAR. Not only have you wasted my time and pissed me off, but youve also kept others from having my time to further train them into management. So in reality the only person that didnt lose anyhting is the rookie... and i dont care who you are, that makes you a piece of shit.


No it's not because i was expendable, it's because i had an issue with a crybaby bitch who pulled the race/harassment card. I was let go because the company didn't have enough backbone to fight the lawsuit that surely would have occurred had they stood behind me and to stand up to this douche and tell him he was full of shit.


Here's the short version. Guy comes in with 38 years in transportation, yet has been fired from 6 different jobs due to his lack of understanding of his duties, and his issues with coworkers and subordinates. he thinks he's god's gift to dispatchers, and hates the fact he has to work under a 26 year old with 5 years in the biz. I run the show, i led the company through a strike that is still on going, and before that had made the terminal the 2nd most profitable operation out of 21, grossing over 780k a week. Trust me i know my shit. So here comes this guy, and i find out from driver that he is undermining everything i have set up, talking shit about me and other admin figures, and saying how he is going to have my job.


One day he decides to tell me what he is and isnt going to do, how he is running the operation now and blah blah blah. So i put him in his place, and i made damn sure he knew right were he stood with me. There was abslutly nothing racial about anything i said, but i was very to the point, maybe even harsh. i got corperate involved and he was spoken to by them as well. Well he pulls the same shit again a week later, so i let him know that he wasnt going to fit in with the way we work and sent him on his way. He hired a lawyer and they reinstated his ass. He got an attitude again, said he would do what he wanted, be came agressive and we had words. he called the vp, or his lawyer did, not sure, but they came back to me and said we have to let you go, we cant risk a lawsuit. exact fucking words. on my employee record it says i resigned, when i went to the workers comp hearing they said i just quit showing up. yea i didnt miss a single fucking day in 5 years and i just quit showing up.


And the last job i lost was due to this law they just passed on the skill game shit. say what ya want, but 40k a year and a company car was a nice lil job. hell i only worked 3-4 days a week doing accounting for stores all over the state.


I just thought i'd make it clear where i'm coming from. sorry for the novel.


Two things...


1. Perhaps you did prove your value, but those abouve you didnt value you anyway. And thats just being working under the wrong people.


2. I have to ask... during the first and second occurances of this guy being a douchbag, was there any kind of documentation to show the issue exsisted? If there wasnt new documentation each and every time, then I have to say it, SHAME ON YOU! Documentation is an incredible tool in the court of law. I always document everything... anything crazy, boom, documented. I always have a management witness, as well as a copy faxed to my boss in her office. So reguardless of whats happening, i have several paper trails of anyhting wrong that happens, so that no one can pull a fast one on me and try to lawyer up.

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ROFL. You asked a question on a forum and I gave you my opinion. If you didnt want it ask the question including "Dont tell me not to do it."


My car is built as a daily driver. GTI 25k, Turboback 1100, chip 600, coilover 1200, rear sway 200, dv 250, cai 200. I'd say its a decent setup for what I want.


Smart people, key word smart spend money when they have it. If you are thinking about modding your rex to be fast is a priority with paying off bills good luck ever upgrading your car or getting out of the apartment you're in.


You need to chill out, I dont care if you're rex or you're wifes car is faster. With your my car's faster than yours so you must not know what your talking about bs of an excuse is erroneous.


I dont think Jamie got where he did buy working at Mickie D's for 4 weeks to get where he is at. Take a lesson from him. Be smart, wait till you have the money. If you dont like it, I really dont care.


No I wont blow you, thats not very straight.


You'll be chasing money you're whole life, you might need to learn how to give a good blowjob with your spending habits chasing money self.



Really my apartment. Well I live over in fucking Worthington in a house which I am leasing atm. Also wanting to speed up the process in which i get to put on my exhaust I think is not a bad thing. I've been recovering from a nasty divorce and ya know what people have fucking projects. Lets put how much I've got in my car. Not jack for the most part. You've got more in your turbo back then I have in my entire set of mods not counting labor.


I'm a fucking engineer who makes well above the norm, Also spending money I have vs making a choice to get more money as to not put any type of dent in what money I have. I would think was a smart choice.


I'm sorry your not to the point in your life when you can piss away some extra cash on toys.



So lets see. I want to put a toy on my car that is part of a hobby to me. I use extra money to fund this hobby as all my paychecks and real money go to paying off some debts I have. It just so happens I wanted to speed up the process by working some extra on the side shit to get my toys faster.


WTF is your problem. If you wanna talk shit like a little bitch I will show you how you 1g Catback and 600$ chip anit shit. So eather shut the fuck up or 40 roll for 20$.

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I have fucking money. If you like as Christian or cooperhead how I live. I do not live paycheck to paycheck. What I do is have a hobby. Also you obviously the idiot. You put a 250$ DV on car that don't need it. You got that little k03 sport spooling past 22PSI? I highly doubt it.
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LEts put money on the table then. I've got 65K in my retirement. I've got 5grande in reserve. I've got a paid off motorcycle a 30K car and a 15K car. Do you want to play pissing your 21. I bet I make double you. If we put my wifes income in there I'm sure I make over that. I'm sorry that you don't understand the concept of paying things off.


Since I just paid off to debts from my prior marriage just last week I think I'm doing a damn good job.


Yes you did get under my skin because I've worked my ass off my entire fucking life listening to dick sucks like you telling me I can't do something.



Talk shit about me again I will have a issue with you. Right now I'm not sure why you even started in on me.

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BTW ass face I also own my own company that netted 15K on the side last year. This is just my part time stuff. So shut your fucking mouth.



Yes you really pissed me off that fucking bad. I owned a house whe nyou still were in highs school. I drove sports cars when you had no clue what a car was.

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Guest mrhobbz


Wait till you can afford it or stop being poor.




Thorne has money, I can attest to that one. Maybe you should stop making assumptions that he is poor based on lord knows what. Yep, sounds like a 21 year old "built daily" GTI driver to me. TOOL.

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ROFL. You asked a question on a forum and I gave you my opinion. If you didnt want it ask the question including "Dont tell me not to do it."


My car is built as a daily driver. GTI 25k, Turboback 1100, chip 600, coilover 1200, rear sway 200, dv 250, cai 200. I'd say its a decent setup for what I want.


Smart people, key word smart spend money when they have it. If you are thinking about modding your rex to be fast is a priority with paying off bills good luck ever upgrading your car or getting out of the apartment you're in.


You need to chill out, I dont care if you're rex or you're wifes car is faster. With your my car's faster than yours so you must not know what your talking about bs of an excuse is erroneous.


I dont think Jamie got where he did buy working at Mickie D's for 4 weeks to get where he is at. Take a lesson from him. Be smart, wait till you have the money. If you dont like it, I really dont care.


No I wont blow you, thats not very straight.


You'll be chasing money you're whole life, you might need to learn how to give a good blowjob with your spending habits chasing money self.



Dude STFU. You do not know about thorne to be saying these kinds of things. From your post I suggest you never get a mortgage. Live with your parents until you can buy a house in cash.


You honestly don't understand life if you rag on someone that is getting a 2nd job. You do what you need to get your ends meet or you die trying. Please get a clue. Thanks for playing.

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Heres what i know about Thorne...


1. He sweats almost all the time... at least when ever ive seen him out and about.

2. He wants to fight... all the time.

3. He has sexual fantasies about Brian... and Hal gets jealous.

4. He wasnt to fight Hal, to win Brians heart once and for all.

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Heres what i know about Thorne...


1. He sweats almost all the time... at least when ever ive seen him out and about.

2. He wants to fight... all the time.

3. He has sexual fantasies about Brian... and Hal gets jealous.

4. He wasnt to fight Hal, to win Brians heart once and for all.



Don't get hal and brian fighting again. I had to sLOW DOWN last time. I do sweat alot. When my back hurts for some damn reason. not sure why.

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Two things...


1. Perhaps you did prove your value, but those abouve you didnt value you anyway. And thats just being working under the wrong people.


2. I have to ask... during the first and second occurances of this guy being a douchbag, was there any kind of documentation to show the issue exsisted? If there wasnt new documentation each and every time, then I have to say it, SHAME ON YOU! Documentation is an incredible tool in the court of law. I always document everything... anything crazy, boom, documented. I always have a management witness, as well as a copy faxed to my boss in her office. So reguardless of whats happening, i have several paper trails of anyhting wrong that happens, so that no one can pull a fast one on me and try to lawyer up.


1. you hit the nail one the head.


2. Always had documentation. And exactly as you said, i always had a witness. It still doesn;t matter, as it turned in to a he said / he said deal. this wasn't my first rodeo with something like this, in the transportation world you sometimes have to deal with the worst people possible. i always covered my ass. i just got royally screwed on this deal.

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I would do it just to hurry up getting the car done..

I got a few side things I might have enough money in the next 2 weeks. I got to get a IC is the key. If I put the turbo one with out the new IC I'm going to kick myself.

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