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How being an "Ex-Street Racer" Saved My Ass...

Guest TurboSlave

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I may be an asshole, but I am an asshole that can read. You fucked up, you felt stupid about it, just admit it, and say I will never do that again.


I didnt feel stupid because I simply did not see the post. However you are an asshole because you purposely ran your mouth for no apparant reason. And how did you become a mod again?

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Well it sounds to me like if Anthony and others did all those things to help her out that they are indeed way cool and the kind of friends that deserve to get paid back regardless of what has transpired since.


I was raised to live by morals that include that even if it was even years ago that someone helped me out like that, I'd pay them back ASAP and thank them for just being there when I needed them.


There's absolutely no excuse for not paying a friend back. Shit, I even paid my own parents back for $2,500 they lent to me back in 1994 when I was just out of college and down and out for a bit. Timing was different being family and all, but when I finally hit the job market big time and got paid some serious cash (about 1 year later) it was sure nice going to my dad and saying thanks and staying true to my morals.




Wow. You gys are a bunch of fucking assholes! I don't know what the fuck she was thinking when she said you guys are cool.

Fuck you, and don't talk shit about my wife!

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To Brandi Gebler-Griffin,


I'm sorry that you cannot run from your whoreish past with the 50+ CR members still actively on this site. If you are so happily married than why would you come back here giving your husband the ability to find out what he married?


I have no respect? You must be joking. You're an honest to jebus whore. You have been since the day I met you. You use people and take them for what they are worth and then move on...this is commonly known as being parasitic (you are a parasite on the world...deal with it).


I have not owned the Malibu for some time now. I have moved on (and up) under my own doing - again something you only hope to one day accomplish (probably by saving all of your hard earned welfare checks). It was never totaled or impounded but hey, thanks for playing.


I can call you a whore because I know most of the members here that you have fucked personally...not to mention you admitted to the act. Tommy named you the first time he met you and God loves him more for it. :)


As for my brother, well let’s humor you for a moment and say that I am in fact half the man he is...that would still make me a better person than you and I can live happily knowing that.


How is that life long goal of becoming a firefighter working out? Or was it an EMT? Or hair dresser? Fuck, I can’t remember what you wanted to do other than ride cock so let me take a stab and say that you have not done any of it….well any of it other than ride cock. Instead, you got knocked up being a whore (surprise!) and are now sitting at home living off of Kyle’s income. Close?


Summary: Brandi is a whore. A whore that owes Anthony money. End.Of.Story.




*for the record, I have always been cool with Kyle. I apologize for any grammatical errors and will blame them on lack of sleep. Lack of sleep and Miller for being a fucking n00b ;)



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I think you're holding back how you really feel. :D




Could this thread get more interesting?


To Brandi Gebler-Griffin,


I'm sorry that you cannot run from your whoreish past with the 50+ CR members still actively on this site. If you are so happily married than why would you come back here giving your husband the ability to find out what he married?


I have no respect? You must be joking. You're an honest to jebus whore. You have been since the day I met you. You use people and take them for what they are worth and then move on...this is commonly known as being parasitic (you are a parasite on the world...deal with it).


I have not owned the Malibu for some time now. I have moved on (and up) under my own doing - again something you only hope to one day accomplish (probably by saving all of your hard earned welfare checks). It was never totaled or impounded but hey, thanks for playing.


I can call you a whore because I know most of the members here that you have fucked personally...not to mention you admitted to the act. Tommy named you the first time he met you and God loves him more for it. :)


As for my brother, well let’s humor you for a moment and say that I am in fact half the man he is...that would still make me a better person than you and I can live happily knowing that.


How is that life long goal of becoming a firefighter working out? Or was it an EMT? Or hair dresser? Fuck, I can’t remember what you wanted to do other than ride cock so let me take a stab and say that you have not done any of it….well any of it other than ride cock. Instead, you got knocked up being a whore (surprise!) and are now sitting at home living off of Kyle’s income. Close?


Summary: Brandi is a whore. A whore that owes Anthony money. End.Of.Story.




*for the record, I have always been cool with Kyle. I apologize for any grammatical errors and will blame them on lack of sleep. Lack of sleep and Miller for being a fucking n00b ;)



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I think you're holding back how you really feel. :D




Could this thread get more interesting?


Eh, I really could have kept going but was overwhelmed by sleep.


Little Jew can add to it (his hatred is almost as much as mine) and so can the 100 original CR members. Seriously, that bitch has been AROUND.


Street cred points to the man who remembers "ZR-Brandi Shocks". :D


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