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Nitrous Turd Part 3


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Wow. I found a pic of Nitrousturd in drag. I worn you, this is not a good sight.





















































Sorry Joe, I was just feeling nostalgic and mods on here won't let old threads get dug up for some reason.

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bump.....wonder why fast his pussy will hurt and have another mod lock this one....

WTF?? I swear you must sniff shit under the sink before you post...you can't be THAT dumb.


BTW, I haven't locked ANY of these threads here or elsewhere, nor have I ever requested it.


And Ben, you gotta try harder than that.

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You can name me by name, Ben. It's cool. I guess I don't understand how you can't see my logic in locking a 3 year old thread. Nothing to do with Joe; I've never even met him. Like I said in the PM... start a new thread. Woopty. Yay.


And why all the INB4DALOCKYO's? This is the kitchen.

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You can name me by name, Ben. It's cool. I guess I don't understand how you can't see my logic in locking a 3 year old thread. Nothing to do with Joe; I've never even met him. Like I said in the PM... start a new thread. Woopty. Yay.
Eh?This is good quality humor. I didn't use your name, because I don't care. I wondered why you locked it. That's all. I PMed you, you said you locked it because it was an old thread brought up and to start a new one. So, I did.




Color me confused batman. Oh, and everyone knows my name is Ben. Its listed under "First Name".



And why all the INB4DALOCKYO's? This is the kitchen.
Uhm, because you locked the last one???????
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Are you drunk? You said, "mods on here won't let old threads get dug up for some reason." This was my only reference to using a name... to use mine.


So, WTF is this, "Oh, and everyone knows my name is Ben. Its listed under "First Name"."?


As for, "Uhm, because you locked the last one???????"... yep, I sure did. The same as we would lock any 3 year old thread that was dug back up.

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