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need wireless internet help


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so for the longest time, i havent worried about the wireless internet on my g/fs laptop. well, its getting to the point where im sick of sitting in the seperate room on my PC and would like to use her laptop. lately, our wireless router hasnt been working. if i hook it up, and run a cable to my PC, it doesnt work. if i pull it out and run right from the modem to the PC, everything is fine


now this router worked fine a few months ago, and i believe its fairly new. her dad gave it to us, doesnt look old at all


so i decided to pop in the CD to make sure im doing everything right, i get to the point where i have the router hooked up to the modem and the cable from the router to the laptop, but it wont connect and i get a message like this




ive tried resetting the router by holding the reset button, ive pulled the power from it for a few minutes, and ive tried starting from the beginning a couple times, and still cant get past this


can anyone help me (without getting too technical so ill understand)? the router says "linksys wireless-b 2.4ghz 802.11b broadband router"


post here or ill be on AIM in a couple minutes s/n evan938



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yeah, i did.


i tried the reset button again, still gave the same message. i said fuck it, pulled the cable from the laptop, and it said i had an excellent signal to "linksys", which i know is mine caus the neighbors have theirs labeled different. i dont know wtf is up with it. working now...we'll see what happens tomorrow

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I suggest you go find up to date drivers for the wired and wireless card. Try google if you need help. After that right click on my computer and click manage. Click "device manager" under the System Tools drop down. Click Network adapters. Right click each device and click uninstall. Then reboot machine. When it comes back up it should prompt to install the hardware. Once you can get to the page that you select the driver click the have disk button. Find the drivers you downloaded from before the reboot and click them. After this is done reboot then try to connect to the router wired and wireless.
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start-run-cmd <enter>


Plug into the router with a cable (not on the uplink port). Let it sit for a little while, at the cmd prompt type ipconfig


you should see your lan card got an IP address something like with a netmask like and a default gateway <-- put the default gateway address into a web browser and setup the router from there.

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