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The LINE... has been crossed.


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Today, i saw somthing that I NEVER thought i'd see... ever. One of the "Army of One" bumper decals... in spanish. "Yo Soy El Army" it said. I never thought in my life id ever see a representation of the United States military, in another language.



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Today, i saw somthing that I NEVER thought i'd see... ever. One of the "Army of One" bumper decals... in spanish. "Yo Soy El Army" it said. I never thought in my life id ever see a representation of the United States military, in another language.




So, let me get this straight. You're bitching that others have pride in our country? That someone from another country or someone who's simply proud of their heritage/language that they would support our troops and die for this country? Half those born here wouldn't do that. You seem to forget our country was built with a mulitude of cultures. Not just white Europeans.


You people are intolerant, whiny bitches. And Dover, wtf?! Because you can't speak English you don't qualify as a soldier? You're quality is considered subpar? It's not the guy's fault he can't speak English yet. Why don't you try thinking of it this way:


1. Apparently the guy went through whatever hoops that was required to become legal.

2. He came from another country to support and fight for ours.

3. The United States of America hired him as is.

4. How courageous was it for him to come to this country and join an armed force to possibly die for without knowing the language. Have you ever been somewhere is that kind of situation without knowing the language?


I'll tell you what's crossed the line. The intolerance of some of the people on this board. Grow up and expand your mind.

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So, let me get this straight. You're bitching that others have pride in our country? That someone from another country or someone who's simply proud of their heritage/language that they would support our troops and die for this country? Half those born here wouldn't do that. You seem to forget our country was built with a mulitude of cultures. Not just white Europeans.


You people are intolerant, whiny bitches. And Dover, wtf?! Because you can't speak English you don't qualify as a soldier? You're quality is considered subpar? It's not the guy's fault he can't speak English yet. Why don't you try thinking of it this way:


1. Apparently the guy went through whatever hoops that was required to become legal.

2. He came from another country to support and fight for ours.

3. The United States of America hired him as is.

4. How courageous was it for him to come to this country and join an armed force to possibly die for without knowing the language. Have you ever been somewhere is that kind of situation without knowing the language?


I'll tell you what's crossed the line. The intolerance of some of the people on this board. Grow up and expand your mind.


pretty much sums it up.

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Guest hotrodmama024
So, let me get this straight. You're bitching that others have pride in our country? That someone from another country or someone who's simply proud of their heritage/language that they would support our troops and die for this country? Half those born here wouldn't do that. You seem to forget our country was built with a mulitude of cultures. Not just white Europeans.


You people are intolerant, whiny bitches. And Dover, wtf?! Because you can't speak English you don't qualify as a soldier? You're quality is considered subpar? It's not the guy's fault he can't speak English yet. Why don't you try thinking of it this way:


1. Apparently the guy went through whatever hoops that was required to become legal.

2. He came from another country to support and fight for ours.

3. The United States of America hired him as is.

4. How courageous was it for him to come to this country and join an armed force to possibly die for without knowing the language. Have you ever been somewhere is that kind of situation without knowing the language?


I'll tell you what's crossed the line. The intolerance of some of the people on this board. Grow up and expand your mind.


Beautifully said Christian!! +1

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So, let me get this straight. You're bitching that others have pride in our country? That someone from another country or someone who's simply proud of their heritage/language that they would support our troops and die for this country? Half those born here wouldn't do that. You seem to forget our country was built with a mulitude of cultures. Not just white Europeans.


You people are intolerant, whiny bitches. And Dover, wtf?! Because you can't speak English you don't qualify as a soldier? You're quality is considered subpar? It's not the guy's fault he can't speak English yet. Why don't you try thinking of it this way:


1. Apparently the guy went through whatever hoops that was required to become legal.

2. He came from another country to support and fight for ours.

3. The United States of America hired him as is.

4. How courageous was it for him to come to this country and join an armed force to possibly die for without knowing the language. Have you ever been somewhere is that kind of situation without knowing the language?


I'll tell you what's crossed the line. The intolerance of some of the people on this board. Grow up and expand your mind.


+500, This man obivously likes our country why else risk his life. I give that guy more respect then joe blow who does it cuz he's got a baby on the way. It's these types of racism that keep america still racist. Don't even try and say america as a whole is not racist because we are.

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I don't care what your heritage is if you want to fight for this country. More power to anyone who wants to be in our Army. I do feel a requirement for this is that you have to speak some kind of English. For safety sake at least you should be able to communicate and take orders from anyone of your co-workers.
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I would think that not knowing the language that you orders are coming in would make for a dangerous situation when things are on the line. I wouldn't be able to trust a soldier to have my back if I wasn't sure he knew what he was suppose to be doing.



are you in the army???

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I would think that not knowing the language that you orders are coming in would make for a dangerous situation when things are on the line. I wouldn't be able to trust a soldier to have my back if I wasn't sure he knew what he was suppose to be doing.


are you in the army???


He may not be, however I am. I had a soldier that had problems with the english language, and it makes an already fucked situation alot harder to unfuck when you can't comunicate.

If the bumper sticer is in spanish, I guess I can tolerate it, but most certinaly will not be happy about it. Come under me in the chain of command, you had damn well better be speaking english so you can fully appreciate the ass chewing you are reciving.

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I have to agree about speaking english being a requirement Christian. For the safety of all associated with the troop. There are so many different scenarios that can be thrown out that could put people in bad situations. However if the government accepts someone that cannot speak english into the armed forces more power to them.
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So, let me get this straight. You're bitching that others have pride in our country? That someone from another country or someone who's simply proud of their heritage/language that they would support our troops and die for this country? Half those born here wouldn't do that. You seem to forget our country was built with a mulitude of cultures. Not just white Europeans.


You people are intolerant, whiny bitches. And Dover, wtf?! Because you can't speak English you don't qualify as a soldier? You're quality is considered subpar? It's not the guy's fault he can't speak English yet. Why don't you try thinking of it this way:


1. Apparently the guy went through whatever hoops that was required to become legal.

2. He came from another country to support and fight for ours.

3. The United States of America hired him as is.

4. How courageous was it for him to come to this country and join an armed force to possibly die for without knowing the language. Have you ever been somewhere is that kind of situation without knowing the language?


I'll tell you what's crossed the line. The intolerance of some of the people on this board. Grow up and expand your mind.


its nice you show the guy so much respect, you think that he could do the same by learning the language of the country that he moved to to better himself. And if you are so proud of your latin heritage then why leave such a good place in the first place

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