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Serious question

V8 Beast

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I personally have no issues/fears of driving, but my girlfriend has such anxiety when she's not behind the wheel that in heavy traffic she actually has to turn her eyes away from the road. We were driving through Chicago and she had to lay her seat back so as to not see all the traffic ahead. She gets so worked up over the sight of brake lights that I honestly think it's turning into a serious issue. There could be 30 car lengths between myself and the car ahead of us and if it happens to tap it's brakes for whatever reason, "Tim...brake lights...TIM"


It mainly stems from her having been in a few accidents where other people were driving, but those were years ago and she still has this fear. I've been in one very minor accident where I was hit in the side at 5mph so I guess I don't fully understand her anxiety, but I'm trying to relate to her situation when she's not in control. Just gets tired hearing "Tim...brakes" nearly every time we're in the car.




Just hit her... Chicks dig that.

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I have a friend that was hit head on by a drunk driver 7 years ago while she was trying to make a left on a 3 lane street. The passenger in the truck was ejected and died. To this day she says she has trouble evey now and then fully commiting to that middle lane when making a left.
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I have a friend who has EXTREME anxiety about driving. Never been in a serious wreck, always grew up in Delaware so he never had to drive far for anything. I met him and our other friend at polaris hooters, and our other friend had to drive his car for him. Its just the way it is for him. He cant even drive on the highway.. AT ALL. I dont understand it but I dont really presss the issue. If he doesnt want to drive then thats his choice.


I was T-boned by a 16 year old kid in his dads silverado 2500 in high school. I was driving my step-dads lincoln Mark 8 when he hit me in the drivers side. I was in the right lane and a minivan blocked my line of sight to the left side of the intersection. Light turns green, i pulled out and BAM, wow that hurt. While I wouldnt call it anxiety, Im still fairly cautious about being the first car into an intersection after the light turns. But if you think of all the possabilities (drunk driver, cop with his lights on, distracted soccer mom trying to make the green, etc...) its understandable.

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I'm afraid of next winter. Lost traction on the freeway and my side of the car (Driver) ripped one of the signs that has the food, gas station, and hotel things on it. I was in b/w both of the poles holding it up when I hit it. The sign fell on my car and all. I'm just waiting for winter time.
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Man up mother bitch. It takes one good crash, to make all the close calls seem funny. I rolled a car once... after that, everytime ive ever had a close call, i laugh it off and tell myself how badass i am. And when i crashed the last couple times (not with other cars... never been in an accident with another car) i actully thought it was fun and funny... because i knew i did like 5,000 or 6,000 dollars worth of damage, but i had an extra $500 burning a hole in my pocket :lol:
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After my whole situation that happened after the rx7 dyno day for the first 4 weeks after it i was literally scared to see a police car. Everytime i saw one i would freak out and i wasnt even driving, i thought for someone reason they would stop us and everything would happen again.


When we picked my car up from impound it as even harder because of the blood on the windshield and trying to get the car back to the house was probably the hardest 20 minutes of driving i have evr encountered.


So i feel you when you say you have anxiety. I still have trouble passing 315 and 270

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When I was 16, I hit a utility pole going about 45 mph on the passenger side. Ended up braking my hip and couldn't put weight on it for 2 months, so I couldn't walk. People kept asking me, are you afraid to drive now? I would tell them nope. About a month after I could walk again, my parents started letting me drive again and haven't looked back.


I remember just a few weeks back after that bridge collapsed that they were interviewing people from other cities about how paranoid they were that the bridge would collapse while they were crossing it. One of the bridges had a service that would drive people to the other side so they didn't have to drive.


I agree with the others, check out Mid-Ohio for there driving classes. I am sure it will help you build the confidence that you need again.

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After my whole situation that happened after the rx7 dyno day for the first 4 weeks after it i was literally scared to see a police car. Everytime i saw one i would freak out and i wasnt even driving, i thought for someone reason they would stop us and everything would happen again.


When we picked my car up from impound it as even harder because of the blood on the windshield and trying to get the car back to the house was probably the hardest 20 minutes of driving i have evr encountered.


So i feel you when you say you have anxiety. I still have trouble passing 315 and 270


I'm not familiar with this story... Care to give a little more detail? If not I understand.

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I've noticed that a lot of people I've talked to from New York City (I have family out there) are scared of driving. When I ask them why they enjoy living there, one of the first answers is usually "public transit, I don't have to drive ANYWHERE!!" The guy my sister just married is 30 and hasn't had a license in years.


I'm willing to bet that NEARLY everyone on here has been involved in some sort of wreck. I was when I was 18 or 19, and I can honestly say that it changed the way I drive. I decided right then that I needed to pay more attention to what I was doing, and give more distance between myself and the car in front of me.


The only thing that scares me on the road is the unpredictable aspects. I've become pretty good and guessing the intentions of other drivers by their actions, so if I think someone wants to merge in front of me, I'll give them the room before they even have their signal on. I also know to back off when someone is being an idiot. Driving this way has kept me safe for almost 6 years, no tickets and no accidents.

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I know what you mean. When I drive I am always looking at other drivers and studying the road around me. When I get on a freeway I look back about half a mile to see what I'm working with, then I look ahead and plan my route. I will never change lanes unless I have 2 lanes free in the direction I want to go. I have seen so many near accidents caused by 2 cars trying to merge into the middle lane at the same time. And when it is snowing I dont want to have a car anywhere near me. Basically because I dont want someone to take me out when they lose control of their car.
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Oh how I don't miss 315/270/23. In Columbus, I wouldn't leave depending on the time of day due to traffic. I can't deal with it. People are just flat out rude.


Your kidding me right? I live in that area and drive that route everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. It's not THAT bad.

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