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All in favor of making Mexico the 51st state.....


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How about you idiots stop bitching and whining about spanish, accept the fact that there is absolutely no feasible way to remove all the "illegal immigrants", learnt o speak spanish, and profit by being more useful and desireable to employers.








God damn, some of you people are retarded.

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If I was paied atleast $35K a year, free ammo, beer, and food, I would be more than willing to sit on the Mexican boarder and shoot all tresspassers.



Why would you shoot them? Because theyre doing the exact same thing that your ancestors did when they came to america?



You'd think that, since you faught in the army to protect people, you'd actually enjoy the fact that you're helping more people/offering more people safety and shelter by not "shooting" all of "dem illegals."

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Why would you shoot them? Because theyre doing the exact same thing that your ancestors did when they came to america?



You'd think that, since you faught in the army to protect people, you'd actually enjoy the fact that you're helping more people/offering more people safety and shelter by not "shooting" all of "dem illegals."

Let's just open the borders and let them all in. Wouldn't that be awesome? Let's just send big ships to 3rd world countries too so all of those people can come here too. That would be grand.


Guess what, this isn't 1700's. The world is a MUCH different place.

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i have been to mexico....wasnt fun. I got sick, as did 2 other people i was with and we stayed at a resort in cabo san lucas. we never ventured out and drank bottled water.


My thoughts on this? Ship them all back build the wall, place mine feilds on mexicos side.

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Bush and the neocons want open borders. Ever heard of the Amero? Ever heard of the North American Union? Ever heard of a ten lane highway already under construction from mexico into Canada?


We have lost our constitution and we are losing our country!











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