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Who rolls fenders in Columbus?!!?


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wow, these pictures were harder to take than I thought. I apologize that I didn't have time to take off the wheel or anything to get pictures from the backside. If you want, we can meet up sometime and It'll give you a better idea.


Please, no comments about how dirty my car/wheels are. I've been busy lately and the car has been through the rain, and there's construction all around my condo...hence the brown crap on my fenders.


We'll start with this picture looking at the front of the car. You can see where the fender starts to turn upward on the inside. Originally this was about 3/4 of an inch higher up the fender and I was able to roll that down a bit. It also gives you an idea of how thick the fender was originally (a little bigger than the size of the "not folded" portion near the bottom)



Here are a couple pictures looking up at the top of the fender





close up of the top of the fender



picture with my fat finger in there as reference since when I put the wheels on, I couldn't drive the car at all without rubbing



here's where the rear of the fender meets the bumper. You can see where I tucked the very back of the fender down a bit more because this was a rub point.



Luckily I didn't have to go all the way flat with the fender lip so mine was what I would consider a mild roll. If you have to go all the way, you're likely going to crack the paint as it's just a bit far to go. I was still able to make a pretty noticeable increase in size though.

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yeah, a minor roll wont suffice,.... infact a pull should be needed... but i will remedy that with more neg. camber. alot more.





Smokey, yes





i just need the fenders rolled for suspension travel... i dont need a pull to cover the mex-effect... like i said, i will use camber


my roll and pull is way more aggressive then that, thats cake not to break paint for just a minor roll.


yeah, we did this to my old college roomates car. (10 min bat/hack job.... oh well... cleared the wheels) only cracked the paint in 1 area.... i still dont want to do it myself






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yeah, you weren't kidding about a simple roll working. The tool can do what you need done, and do it as smoothly as possible, but I HIGHLY doubt that any shop is going to make any sort of claims as to not breaking the paint on something as extreme as that.

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