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Remembering 911

Guest Wunna Dig Race

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
Six years. Hard to believe. It's probably the only day I remember every hour of.



I do too It changed my life forever. I had family that was in the trade center. But they are ok Thank the lord

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I remember where I was, in 7th grade english class. Teacher was taken out of the room by the principal, and came back and told us to go back to homeroom...I do remember the grim/stupid comment I made asking "Is it nuculur wahr?" and she looked damn stern at me and I immediately shut up. Then I found out.


Thanks, everyone who has ever served our country.

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Six Years and it seems like yesterday. I was way closer than I wanted to be that day and after I finally made it back I hugged my wife and family for a good several hours.


I'm headed to NJ for business again and was supposed to leave tomorrow....but of course I'm driving and I'm not leaving until Wednesday. There's a big group of us going down to pay tribute have some drinks and take some photos. I'll post some pics when I get back.


Here are some to remember those that gave their lives that day and those fighting for us since.


Fall 1999



Fall 2004


Fall 2006


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I was sitting in spanish 3rd period freshman year. We heard it over the loud speaker. I looked at my friend and he said "Wow, that's got to be planned. There's no way two planes could do that accidentally." It was later that class that we found out the details.
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I had just gotten back a few months earlier from the Navy and started my first day on the job as a delivery driver for the parts department at Metro Chevy (now Germain Chevy) and heard this on the radio. Howard Stern was describing it on the air, and I thought this was a sick joke, even for him. Then my dad called me and told me to go find a TV, and it happened I was doing a delivery near my apartment, so I went home and the ex was watching it. That's when I saw the second plane hit.


It was the weirdest fucking thing seeing no air traffic, especially living near the flight path of Port Columbus.

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I was driving home from work and heard it on the Howard Stern show. I got home in time to see the 2nd plane hit live on TV. Was a long day and a busy night at work that night.


We went to Philly & NYC over New Year's last year, and I took a couple of night shots of Ground Zero on Dec 30th.





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I had just started working at Verizon Wireless and logged in to take calls at 9:00am. At first I thought it was a joke, but then our call volume went from 50 calls waiting to zero in about 20 seconds. My wife freaked out because her dad was on a flight in the area and didnt know if one of them was his plane. I ran home until they found him then went back to work. For the rest of the day I sat in available and only took one call. We only took about 50 calls as a call center after 10am and most of them were asking about the verizon wireless building that could be seen on all of the new channels by the towers.
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Guest Wunna Dig Race

I was in shop class and my teachers wife was on vacation in NY and he lost it. My uncle and a couple of our family friends was there and I didnt know what to do. Again I salute every man and woman that has faught for this great county. Your all in my prayers......


May all of the lost soldiers rest in peace.... And may God be with all the soldiers and there familys and make them come home safe



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I was in gym class, 8th grade. We were walking outside to run around the track or something, when someone came outside and told us. I didnt believe it at first, then we got back inside and saw it on tv. Everyone went crazy, nearly half the students got taken out of school by their parents that day. There were mass readings over the loud speaker reading off students names to come down to the office so their parents could take them home. I also would like to thank every person in the armed forces, and every firefighter, and police officer in NYC.
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I was on way to work at A&F in New Albany listening to Stern and thought it was a sick joke too, until I got to the office ran downstairs to the gym and watched the second plane hit. Driving home and hour later was weird no air traffic and I lived in the flight path near CMH and no Auto traffic.
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I was just sitting down for one of my accounting classes while in College and our professor came in and told us a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center. He was always joking with us and staying strange things so we all thought it was just a joke. He got a very serious look on his face and said, no it really happened. Shortly afterwards they started setting up TV's in classrooms and we started watching it. After the first building fell, I ran out to call my parents and my girlfriend. While outside I heard over the radio that the 2nd building fell and I headed home. Screw classes. I was heading down Broad Street away from Columbus toward Newark. Shortly after I got on the road I heard that they closed all the government offices. I could see this sea of cars coming up from be hind me trying to get out of the city. Everytime a plane would fly over the road, the people in front of me were slamming on there brakes. It was crazy day. One I hope we won't live through again.


My thoughts go out to all the people and families effected by that day and especially to all our armed forces, bravely doing there duty for our country.

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