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Hey! You're On Fire!

Science Abuse

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I know that 9 times out of 10, things shouted between cars are less than productive.

But every once in a while, some one may have something important to say. For instance, if one notices that your trailer is spewing out black smoke that we other drivers can smell a mile back. Some one may motion you to roll down your window and inform you that YOU'RE ON FIRE!

If you'd have rolled down and listened, rather than laughing and waving, you may have saved something.

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I usually make of point of trying to alert people to wobbly tires/ low tires/ ect.

It amazes me how people can drive around on a tire with 10lbs on it and not;


1. notice

2. take any action


Today on the way to work, there was a ford exploder that was more unstable than usual. With every aggressive lane change it appeared the rear end was sliding all over the place.


As I got closer, the rear left tire was about flat, to the point where the truck was obviously uneven. Every time the woman changed lanes it looked like a sports maneuver, with sever swaying side to side. Get beside her and see numerous children in the car, cruising @ 75-80. After 20 honks and pointing I got her attention and she make her way for the breakdown lane




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I saw shit like that today some black older accord or civic was up in flames and about to blow i pointed at it while mowing the lawn if that wasnt obviuos enought the huge clouds of smoke and traffic no where to be seen 25ft of this guy was...right on 161 outside my house in worthington haha
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Best thing I saw in a while, although it blocked traffic on 270 for about half an hour: A guy's work van went up in flames, by the time I drove past FD was already there trying to put it out. The driver? Standing no more than 10' away from the flaming wreckage, smoking a cigarette. If I only had a camera...
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